mozvat / WSPAPIPrototype

Web Services 2.0 prototype work.
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Echo'ing Transaction information #14

Open mozvat opened 11 years ago

mozvat commented 11 years ago

Comments/opinions of Dan Ourada

I would not echo data back to the developer. If they sent it they already have it. If they need it again they can use the GET. I always thought the whole echo thing was a waste of space and time.

dmurphy7299 commented 11 years ago

my vote is not to echo. Seems inefficient and more to document on the response. But there might be a useful purpose that I'm not privy to.

esear commented 11 years ago

I realize I don't have much experience with how we've done things in the past, but I agree - it seems we shouldn't need to echo back the exact transaction details/object in the response. Just provide the transID and they can GET the details of that transaction if they want it.

sempf commented 11 years ago

That's become something of a standard, and I have no idea why. I vote to strike it too.