mozvat / WSPAPIPrototype

Web Services 2.0 prototype work.
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Hosted Checkout API.. #16

Open mozvat opened 11 years ago

mozvat commented 11 years ago

Comments via Dan Ourada

Why does hosted checkout need a different API? It should use the same API but allow a user to send a one time configuration setup POST. For example why does a developer need to send ReturnUrl, ProcessCompleteUrl, PageTimeoutDuration with every transaction? There should be either a simple configuration website for this or a specific API that allows the developer do the setup one time from the POS

dmurphy7299 commented 11 years ago

The idea was that they didn't have to login to a "portal" at mercury to preconfigure this stuff. Developers that integrate with Multiple processors don't want to have to go to multiple portals. Your idea of a web method to post common repetitive info makes sense. Whatever the case, it's a design change to the product, not just an api change.