mp31415 / DiskYT

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Doesn't work with WL #1

Open Fabian42 opened 6 years ago

Fabian42 commented 6 years ago

When dragging the "liked videos playlist" into "sync from YouTube", it works fine, so apparently private and special playlists work. But with it doesn't work. That's a bummer, because that's exactly what I wanted to do with it, because Youtube seems to completely give up at 5000 videos when trying to use "add all to". Luckily I've found a workaround.

mp31415 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for reporting this. I guess watch later list is somewhat special and does not play by the API rules. Not sure if we have any workaround for that.

Fabian42 commented 6 years ago

I'm surprised myself that I reported this (3 months ago), because usually I don't report bugs in programs that I consider broken beyond repair. First the good news: DiskYT is the best service to add all videos of a channel to a playlist. Now the bad news: It's only the best because it's the only one that at least somewhat works. Here are some excerpts of a rant about this website that I posted somewhere else:

"Well, for example the site reloads itself after a while, so it can at most add 700 videos to a playlist. Also I can't just paste the channel link (even though it recognises those links, but just to show an error message that it can't copy from channels). I can't enter/paste URLs, I have to drag them. The site saves absolutely nothing (should in theory work, but in practise it doesn't), so I have to re-drag everything on every try. In one network, the "authorise YouTube" button (that I have to press again on every computer) does absolutely nothing ("inspect" reveals that there isn't even any action bound to the button), in another network the page mostly doesn't work at all or the button to copy from playlists is suddenly gone or other weird stuff. Luckily I have the WiFi at home, there it works in theory. But just on my desktop PC, no other device, wow. I tried to run it on my new laptop, but it's so new that it still has the preinstalled OS and there I can't deactivate going to standby when closing the laptop, so while I expected it to add 5000 videos, it instead added 4 and went to standby. But doesn't matter, because it would have failed at about 700 anyway. Every time I try to use this website, I get new problems, but it seems to still be the best option, because everything else just doesn't do anything. This page at least got to 700 before. […] Did I mention yet that things like "switching copy from/to YouTube" or "save at least a bit so that the rest works" or "make a new list" randomly not just fail, but aren't even attempted when clicking the respective button? And that the UI is really confusing? […] requires some secret combination of toggling edit/play, reloading, deleting and starting new, naming or dragging stuff, saving and all the other actions[…]. I still haven't found out what exactly makes me finally able to use the site, it's always just luck."

So in general I would say: Forget about the watch later list completely, I don't even need it, instead please focus on the giant bugs and design issues. Then maybe this website could actually be great one day!