mp3guy / Kintinuous

Real-time large scale dense visual SLAM system
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Undefined References to Boost/Thread and Boost/Date_Time #21

Open kennethnakasone opened 7 years ago

kennethnakasone commented 7 years ago

When building Kintinuous on a new installation of Ubuntu 14.04, I'm getting the error at the very end, when runs "make -j8".

I can't say I understand it at all, but I was under the impression that the issue was that during the creation of Deformation.cpp.o, TrackerInterface.cpp.o, MeshGenerator.cpp.o, and PlaceRecognition.cpp.o, CMake is unable to find "boost/thread" and "boost/date_time". Is that correct?

It seems to have no trouble in finding things like boost/algorithm/algorithm.hpp though.

Here's a screenshot. screenshot from 2017-01-14 01 23 29

I assume it's a problem with my installation of Boost, so this is a list of what I did: I downloaded boost_1_63_0.tar.bz2 off of Sourceforge, extracted it, and ran

sudo ./ --prefix=/usr/local
sudo ./b2 install
gedit ~/.profile

and added the line export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/include/:/usr/local/lib/ to the end of .profile, and saved it.

Any help in heading into the right direction would be greatly appreciated. For the time being, I'll just roll back my version of Kintinuous to 8 Sept 2016 when it was last working.

mp3guy commented 7 years ago

I really have no idea, sounds like you've screwed up your boost installation. I've only ever used the normal version available via apt.

voyage19941119 commented 7 years ago

I have met the same problem ,and I installed boost just the in way you did, have you solved it?please help

lanfeiying commented 4 years ago

Can you check your link.txt in CMakeFiles directories? Kintinous generate an incomplete link.txt file. If you don't find boost_date_time or boost_thread you may need to add them and run "make" command again.