mp3guy / Kintinuous

Real-time large scale dense visual SLAM system
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are ICP methods the same in kinectFusion and ElasticFusion? #31

Open voyage19941119 opened 7 years ago

voyage19941119 commented 7 years ago

I have problems in reading codes in ICP parts ,I am a little bit confused about ICP part in Kintinuous ,ElasticFusion , are they same to ICP in kinetcFuison? solved by approximately linear method? Thanks for answer!

dcanelhas commented 7 years ago

They are all variants on ICP, but with different error terms. The solution generally relies on some form of Gauss-Newton method for least-squares fitting the current observations to a model. I find it easier to read the papers if you want the details, not the code. I'm unsure whether this counts as an actual issue with the software implementation