mp3splt / mp3splt

Provides frame-accurate splitting of mp3, ogg vorbis, FLAC and other audio formats without requiring decoding or re-encoding. This project was migrated from the original Sourceforge project on 2020-09-13.
53 stars 14 forks source link

Move the repo to github or bitbucket #122

Open mp3splt opened 3 years ago

mp3splt commented 3 years ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2020-09-13 14:52:38 Created by *anonymous on 2015-01-03 10:11:17 Original:

Move the repo to github or bitbucket. This could possibly increase the contributions by other developers.

mp3splt commented 3 years ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2020-09-13 14:52:40 Created by eharris on 2020-09-13 09:51:53 Original:
