mpaghq / capacitor-codepush

Capacitor plugin for CodePush
153 stars 64 forks source link

Announcing Apache Cordova Retirement #67

Open IllusionVK opened 3 years ago

IllusionVK commented 3 years ago

I'm wondering if this means that this plugin will now not work ?

I'm expecting the answer to to be yes based on what I have read... I have setup to help discuss the potential of working with a self hosted solution... All welcome to add issues to that repo to allow multiple people to comment and discuss!

o-alexandrov commented 3 years ago

Please take a look at the closed issues in this repo

CricketLaChica commented 2 years ago

@IllusionVK I want to make sure you saw the comment above, and wanted to point this comment specifically. I was able to still use this capacitor-codepush plugin for my Ionic+Capacitor iOS app to do code push updates simply by selecting React Native as the CodePush project type, even though it's not. You'd still be able to manually select the deploy directory anyway.

NgYueHong commented 2 years ago

@CricketLaChica I don't get it. Do you mean we can still continue to use the codepush on our ionic project just by create the codepush project to be react native?

CricketLaChica commented 2 years ago

@NgYueHong Yes! I am using Ionic+Capacitor. Give it a shot. 👍

bazuka5801 commented 2 years ago

@CricketLaChica Nice try, but look at these lines of code:

appcenter-cli will zip www to CodePush folder ignoring -c ios/app/app/public argument

I modified this cli (ignoring the lines above), you can install it with yarn global add @bazumax/appcenter-cli (after removing the original appcenter-cli)

NgYueHong commented 2 years ago

@CricketLaChica May I know how do you push the code to the server? I have tried and I get the error:

D:\wamp64\www\app-test-2022\ionic-starter-app>appcenter codepush release-react -a MyProject/test-ionic-starter-2022-android -d Staging
Error: The project in the CWD is not a React Native project.

D:\wamp64\www\app-test-2022\ionic-starter-app>appcenter codepush release-cordova -a MyProject/test-ionic-starter-2022-android -d Staging 
Error: Platform must be "Cordova".

Can you please show me how you do it? Thank you.