mpanighetti / add-securetoken-to-logged-in-user

Adds SecureToken to currently logged-in user, allowing that user to use FileVault and disk encryption on APFS-formatted startup volumes.
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Possible to include SecureAdminPass as a parameter? #4

Closed Freda72 closed 4 years ago

Freda72 commented 4 years ago

Hi there.

What needs to be changed if a want admin password to be included as a parameter? I have tried to figure it out but soon realized that Iam no good at coding..

Regards Freda

mpanighetti commented 4 years ago

Here's the section of the script you'd want to modify for that:

Just comment out the while loop lines, then set secureTokenAdminPass to a new Jamf Pro parameter ($6 and later are not taken). A few things to note, however:

Hope that helps!

Freda72 commented 4 years ago

Hi. When I run the script from Jamf I get tis error Script result: ✅ Verified ***** has SecureToken. &&&&&&&& missing SecureToken, prompting for credentials... 35:43: execution error: An error of type -10810 has occurred. (-10810) ❌ ERROR: A password was not entered for &&&&&&&&, unable to proceed. Please rerun policy; if issue persists, a manual SecureToken add will be required to continue.

I dont get the option to enter a password. I have not yet inserted the validation string

But if I run it Terminal on a computer where I dont have a Secure Token it works perfecly with modification to Jamf Pro parameters but then I have admin password in clear text.

Du you have any idea what is going wrong?

mpanighetti commented 4 years ago

Can you share the changes you made to the script?

Freda72 commented 4 years ago

secureTokenAdmin="Admin" secureTokenAdminPass="AdminPassword" #added this at line 26

147 # Add SecureToken to $loggedInUser. 148 while [[ $(/usr/sbin/sysadminctl -secureTokenStatus "$loggedInUser" 2>&1) =~ "DISABLED" ]]; do 149 150 # Get $secureTokenAdmin password. 151 /bin/echo "$loggedInUser missing SecureToken, prompting for credentials..." 152 #while [[ $(/usr/bin/dscl "/Local/Default" authonly "$secureTokenAdmin" "$targetUserPass" > "/dev/null" 2>&1; /bin/echo $?) -ne 0 ]]; do 153 #local_account_password_prompt "$secureTokenAdmin" ". User's credentials are needed to grant a SecureToken to $loggedInUser." 154 #local_account_password_validation "$secureTokenAdmin" "$targetUserPass" 155 #done 156 #secureTokenAdminPass="$targetUserPass"

So the only change I have made is added line 26 and marked out 150-156 Since it works when Iam running it locally Iam thinking that it might be an issue when running a script from Jamf Pro, but that seems wierd..

mpanighetti commented 4 years ago

One possibility is that your SecureToken admin password contains special characters that are breaking out of the string when run via Jamf Pro. Try changing it to a simpler password and seeing if it successfully runs in the policy, that'd be a good test at least.