mpanighetti / install-or-defer

A framework for prompting users of Jamf Pro-managed Macs to install Apple software updates.
Apache License 2.0
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MDM API call for Software update installASAP on Apple Silicon #59

Open master-vodawagner opened 2 years ago

master-vodawagner commented 2 years ago

Any thoughts on possibly integrating the MDM API call for InstallASAP to trigger software Updates for Apple Silicon devices?

Granted it’ll require the user to manually add in an API account and password into the script or possibly the use of an authorisation token

mpanighetti commented 2 years ago

I like the idea for allowing enforcement on Apple Silicon, but thus far I've avoided Jamf Pro API integration as it requires storing API user credentials in plaintext (or in base64 encoding, but since the script would have to include the means to decode the string that still isn't necessarily secure). If you have an implementation of using Jamf Pro API in a secure manner, please pass it on and I can review it for possible development of this feature.