I have edited my mp3 file to add lyric using Mp3nity and playback with Windows Media Player (lyric plugin MiniLyrics). The lyrics show and sync with player's progress correctly. But when using mp3agic to read the lyric in my Android app, the lyric timeline does not present in the result string
Lost in your mind
I wanna know
..... and more lines
The lyric should be:
[length: 02:43.32]
[00:04.62]Lost in your mind
[00:10.63]I wanna know
[00:13.87]Am I losing my mind?
[00:20.87]Never let me go
my Kotlin code:
val mp3File = Mp3File(mp3FilePath)
val lyrics = if (mp3File.hasId3v2Tag()) {
mp3File.id3v2Tag.lyrics ?: ""
else ""
How can I read the mp3's lyric and keep the timeline?
I have edited my mp3 file to add lyric using Mp3nity and playback with Windows Media Player (lyric plugin MiniLyrics). The lyrics show and sync with player's progress correctly. But when using mp3agic to read the lyric in my Android app, the lyric timeline does not present in the result string
The lyric should be:
my Kotlin code:
How can I read the mp3's lyric and keep the timeline?