mpcabete / bombcrypto-bot

This is a python bot that automatically logs in, clicks the new button, and sends heroes to work in the bombcrypto game. It is fully open source and free.
819 stars 538 forks source link

[SOLUÇÃO] Alternativa do SimpleAudio para Windows #187

Closed enthusiast33 closed 2 years ago

enthusiast33 commented 2 years ago

Pessoal, com as informações que o @yassbeno e o @poloik007 colocaram no tópico #182 eu montei meu desta forma para funcionar no Windows com alerta e está funcionando perfeitamente:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-    
from cv2 import cv2
import winsound
#import simpleaudio

from os import listdir
from src.logger import logger, loggerMapClicked
from random import randint
from random import random

import numpy as np
import mss
import pyautogui
import time
import sys

import yaml

cat = """
                                                 )  _`-.
                                                .  : `. .
                                                : _   '  \\
                                                ; *` _.   `*-._
                                                `-.-'          `-.
                                                  ;       `       `.
                                                  :.       .        \\
                                                  . \  .   :   .-'   .
                                                  '  `+.;  ;  '      :
                                                  :  '  |    ;       ;-.
                                                  ; '   : :`-:     _.`* ;
                                               .*' /  .*' ; .*`- +'  `*'
                                               `*-*   `*-*  `*-*'
================ Please, consider buying me an coffe :) =================
============== 0xbd06182D8360FB7AC1B05e871e56c76372510dDf ===============
===== ======

>>---> Press ctrl + c to kill the bot.

>>---> Some configs can be fount in the config.yaml file."""


#bell_sound = simpleaudio.WaveObject.from_wave_file("bell.wav")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    stream = open("config.yaml", 'r')
    c = yaml.safe_load(stream)

ct = c['threshold']
ch = c['home']

if not ch['enable']:
    print('>>---> Home feature not enabled')

pyautogui.PAUSE = c['time_intervals']['interval_between_moviments']

pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False
hero_clicks = 0
login_attempts = 0
last_log_is_progress = False

def addRandomness(n, randomn_factor_size=None):
    if randomn_factor_size is None:
        randomness_percentage = 0.1
        randomn_factor_size = randomness_percentage * n

    random_factor = 2 * random() * randomn_factor_size
    if random_factor > 5:
        random_factor = 5
    without_average_random_factor = n - randomn_factor_size
    randomized_n = int(without_average_random_factor + random_factor)
    # logger('{} with randomness -> {}'.format(int(n), randomized_n))
    return int(randomized_n)

def moveToWithRandomness(x,y,t):

def remove_suffix(input_string, suffix):
    if suffix and input_string.endswith(suffix):
        return input_string[:-len(suffix)]
    return input_string

def load_images():
    file_names = listdir('./targets/')
    targets = {}
    for file in file_names:
        path = 'targets/' + file
        targets[remove_suffix(file, '.png')] = cv2.imread(path)

    return targets

images = load_images()

def loadHeroesToSendHome():
    file_names = listdir('./targets/heroes-to-send-home')
    heroes = []
    for file in file_names:
        path = './targets/heroes-to-send-home/' + file

    print('>>---> %d heroes that should be sent home loaded' % len(heroes))
    return heroes

if ch['enable']:
    home_heroes = loadHeroesToSendHome()

# go_work_img = cv2.imread('targets/go-work.png')
# commom_img = cv2.imread('targets/commom-text.png')
# arrow_img = cv2.imread('targets/go-back-arrow.png')
# hero_img = cv2.imread('targets/hero-icon.png')
# x_button_img = cv2.imread('targets/x.png')
# teasureHunt_icon_img = cv2.imread('targets/treasure-hunt-icon.png')
# ok_btn_img = cv2.imread('targets/ok.png')
# connect_wallet_btn_img = cv2.imread('targets/connect-wallet.png')
# select_wallet_hover_img = cv2.imread('targets/select-wallet-1-hover.png')
# select_metamask_no_hover_img = cv2.imread('targets/select-wallet-1-no-hover.png')
# sign_btn_img = cv2.imread('targets/select-wallet-2.png')
# new_map_btn_img = cv2.imread('targets/new-map.png')
# green_bar = cv2.imread('targets/green-bar.png')
full_stamina = cv2.imread('targets/full-stamina.png')
puzzle_img = cv2.imread('targets/puzzle.png')
piece = cv2.imread('targets/piece.png')
robot = cv2.imread('targets/robot.png')
slider = cv2.imread('targets/slider.png')

def findPuzzlePieces(result, piece_img, threshold=0.5):
    piece_w = piece_img.shape[1]
    piece_h = piece_img.shape[0]
    yloc, xloc = np.where(result >= threshold)

    r= []
    for (piece_x, piece_y) in zip(xloc, yloc):
        r.append([int(piece_x), int(piece_y), int(piece_w), int(piece_h)])
        r.append([int(piece_x), int(piece_y), int(piece_w), int(piece_h)])

    r, weights = cv2.groupRectangles(r, 1, 0.2)

    if len(r) < 2:
        return findPuzzlePieces(result, piece_img,threshold-0.01)

    if len(r) == 2:
        return r

    if len(r) > 2:
        logger('💀 Overshoot by %d' % len(r))

        return r

def getRightPiece(puzzle_pieces):
    xs = [row[0] for row in puzzle_pieces]
    index_of_right_rectangle = xs.index(max(xs))

    right_piece = puzzle_pieces[index_of_right_rectangle]
    return right_piece

def getLeftPiece(puzzle_pieces):
    xs = [row[0] for row in puzzle_pieces]
    index_of_left_rectangle = xs.index(min(xs))

    left_piece = puzzle_pieces[index_of_left_rectangle]
    return left_piece

def show(rectangles, img = None):

    if img is None:
        with mss.mss() as sct:
            monitor = sct.monitors[0]
            img = np.array(sct.grab(monitor))

    for (x, y, w, h) in rectangles:
        cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255,255,255,255), 2)

    # cv2.rectangle(img, (result[0], result[1]), (result[0] + result[2], result[1] + result[3]), (255,50,255), 2)

def getPiecesPosition(t = 150):
    popup_pos = positions(robot)
    if len(popup_pos) == 0:
        return None
    rx, ry, _, _ = popup_pos[0]

    w = 380
    h = 200
    x_offset = -40
    y_offset = 65

    y = ry + y_offset
    x = rx + x_offset

    img = printSreen()
    #TODO tirar um poco de cima

    cropped = img[ y : y + h , x: x + w]
    blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(cropped, (3, 3), 0)
    edges = cv2.Canny(blurred, threshold1=t/2, threshold2=t,L2gradient=True)
    # img = cv2.Laplacian(img,cv2.CV_64F)

    # gray_piece_img = cv2.cvtColor(piece, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    piece_img = cv2.cvtColor(piece, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # piece_img = cv2.Canny(gray_piece_img, threshold1=t/2, threshold2=t,L2gradient=True)
    # result = cv2.matchTemplate(edges,piece_img,cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
    result = cv2.matchTemplate(edges,piece_img,cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)

    puzzle_pieces = findPuzzlePieces(result, piece_img)

    if puzzle_pieces is None:
        return None

    # show(puzzle_pieces, edges)
    # exit()

    absolute_puzzle_pieces = []
    for i, puzzle_piece in enumerate(puzzle_pieces):
        px, py, pw, ph = puzzle_piece
        absolute_puzzle_pieces.append( [ x + px, y + py, pw, ph])

    absolute_puzzle_pieces = np.array(absolute_puzzle_pieces)
    # show(absolute_puzzle_pieces)
    return absolute_puzzle_pieces

def getSliderPosition():
    slider_pos = positions(slider)
    if len (slider_pos) == 0:
        return None
    x, y, w, h = slider_pos[0]
    position = [x+w/2,y+h/2]
    return position

def saveCaptchaSolution(img, pos):
    path = "./captchas-saved/{}.png".format(str(time.time()))
    rx, ry, _, _ = pos

    w = 580
    h = 400
    x_offset = -140
    y_offset = 65

    y = ry + y_offset
    x = rx + x_offset
    cropped = img[ y : y + h , x: x + w]

    # cv2.imshow('img',cropped)
    # cv2.waitKey(5000)
    # exit()

    cv2.imwrite(path, cropped)
    #TODO tirar um poco de cima

def alertCaptcha():
    current = printSreen()
    popup_pos = positions(robot,img=current)

    if len(popup_pos) == 0:
        return "not-found"

    winsound.PlaySound ('bell.wav', winsound .SND_ASYNC);

    while True:
        i = i + 1
        last = current
        last_popup_pos = popup_pos
        current = printSreen()
        popup_pos = positions(robot,img=current)

        if len(popup_pos) == 0:
            saveCaptchaSolution(last, last_popup_pos[0])

#    #TODO adicionar a funçao de checar se um botao esta visive
#    # pro bot passar um tempinho fazendo um polling dps q a funçao eh invocada.
#    logger('🧩 Checking for captcha')
#    pieces_start_pos = getPiecesPosition()
#    if pieces_start_pos is None :
#        return "not-found"
#    slider_start_pos = getSliderPosition()
#    if slider_start_pos is None:
#        logger('🧩 slider_start_pos')
#        return "fail"
#    x,y = slider_start_pos
#    pyautogui.moveTo(x,y,1)
#    pyautogui.mouseDown()
#    pyautogui.moveTo(x+300 ,y,0.5)
#    pieces_end_pos = getPiecesPosition()
#    if pieces_end_pos is None:
#        logger('🧩 pieces_end_pos')
#        return "fail"
#    piece_start, _, _, _ = getLeftPiece(pieces_start_pos)
#    piece_end, _, _, _ = getRightPiece(pieces_end_pos)
#    piece_middle, _, _, _  = getRightPiece(pieces_start_pos)
#    slider_start, _, = slider_start_pos
#    slider_end_pos = getSliderPosition()
#    if slider_end_pos is None:
#        logger('🧩 slider_end_pos')
#        return "fail"
#    slider_end, _ = slider_end_pos
#    piece_domain = piece_end - piece_start
#    middle_piece_in_percent = (piece_middle - piece_start)/piece_domain
#    slider_domain = slider_end - slider_start
#    slider_awnser = slider_start + (middle_piece_in_percent * slider_domain)
#    # arr = np.array([[int(piece_start),int(y-20),int(10),int(10)],[int(piece_middle),int(y-20),int(10),int(10)],[int(piece_end-20),int(y),int(10),int(10)],[int(slider_awnser),int(y),int(20),int(20)]])
#    pyautogui.moveTo(slider_awnser,y,0.5)
#    pyautogui.mouseUp()
#    return True
#    # show(arr)

def clickBtn(img,name=None, timeout=3, threshold = ct['default']):
    logger(None, progress_indicator=True)
    if not name is None:
        # print('waiting for "{}" button, timeout of {}s'.format(name, timeout))
    start = time.time()
    clicked = False
    while(not clicked):
        matches = positions(img, threshold=threshold)
            hast_timed_out = time.time()-start > timeout
                if not name is None:
                    # print('timed out')
                return False
            # print('button not found yet')

        x,y,w,h = matches[0]
        pos_click_x = x+w/2
        pos_click_y = y+h/2
        # mudar moveto pra w randomness
        return True

def printSreen():
    with mss.mss() as sct:
        monitor = sct.monitors[0]
        sct_img = np.array(sct.grab(monitor))
        # The screen part to capture
        # monitor = {"top": 160, "left": 160, "width": 1000, "height": 135}

        # Grab the data
        return sct_img[:,:,:3]

def positions(target, threshold=ct['default'],img = None):
    if img is None:
        img = printSreen()
    result = cv2.matchTemplate(img,target,cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
    w = target.shape[1]
    h = target.shape[0]

    yloc, xloc = np.where(result >= threshold)

    rectangles = []
    for (x, y) in zip(xloc, yloc):
        rectangles.append([int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h)])
        rectangles.append([int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h)])

    rectangles, weights = cv2.groupRectangles(rectangles, 1, 0.2)
    return rectangles

def scroll():

    commoms = positions(images['commom-text'], threshold = ct['commom'])
    if (len(commoms) == 0):
    x,y,w,h = commoms[len(commoms)-1]

    if not c['use_click_and_drag_instead_of_scroll']:
        pyautogui.dragRel(0,-c['click_and_drag_amount'],duration=1, button='left')

def clickButtons():
    buttons = positions(images['go-work'], threshold=ct['go_to_work_btn'])
    # print('buttons: {}'.format(len(buttons)))
    for (x, y, w, h) in buttons:
        global hero_clicks
        hero_clicks = hero_clicks + 1
        #cv2.rectangle(sct_img, (x, y) , (x + w, y + h), (0,255,255),2)
        if hero_clicks > 20:
            logger('too many hero clicks, try to increase the go_to_work_btn threshold')
    return len(buttons)

def isHome(hero, buttons):
    y = hero[1]

    for (_,button_y,_,button_h) in buttons:
        isBelow = y < (button_y + button_h)
        isAbove = y > (button_y - button_h)
        if isBelow and isAbove:
            # if send-home button exists, the hero is not home
            return False
    return True

def isWorking(bar, buttons):
    y = bar[1]

    for (_,button_y,_,button_h) in buttons:
        isBelow = y < (button_y + button_h)
        isAbove = y > (button_y - button_h)
        if isBelow and isAbove:
            return False
    return True

def clickGreenBarButtons():
    # ele clicka nos q tao trabaiano mas axo q n importa
    offset = 130

    green_bars = positions(images['green-bar'], threshold=ct['green_bar'])
    logger('🟩 %d green bars detected' % len(green_bars))
    buttons = positions(images['go-work'], threshold=ct['go_to_work_btn'])
    logger('🆗 %d buttons detected' % len(buttons))

    not_working_green_bars = []
    for bar in green_bars:
        if not isWorking(bar, buttons):
    if len(not_working_green_bars) > 0:
        logger('🆗 %d buttons with green bar detected' % len(not_working_green_bars))
        logger('👆 Clicking in %d heroes' % len(not_working_green_bars))

    # se tiver botao com y maior que bar y-10 e menor que y+10
    for (x, y, w, h) in not_working_green_bars:
        # isWorking(y, buttons)
        global hero_clicks
        hero_clicks = hero_clicks + 1
        if hero_clicks > 20:
            logger('⚠️ Too many hero clicks, try to increase the go_to_work_btn threshold')
        #cv2.rectangle(sct_img, (x, y) , (x + w, y + h), (0,255,255),2)
    return len(not_working_green_bars)

def clickFullBarButtons():
    offset = 100
    full_bars = positions(images['full-stamina'], threshold=ct['default'])
    buttons = positions(images['go-work'], threshold=ct['go_to_work_btn'])

    not_working_full_bars = []
    for bar in full_bars:
        if not isWorking(bar, buttons):

    if len(not_working_full_bars) > 0:
        logger('👆 Clicking in %d heroes' % len(not_working_full_bars))

    for (x, y, w, h) in not_working_full_bars:
        global hero_clicks
        hero_clicks = hero_clicks + 1

    return len(not_working_full_bars)

def goToHeroes():
    if clickBtn(images['go-back-arrow']):
        global login_attempts
        login_attempts = 0

    #TODO tirar o sleep quando colocar o pulling

def goToGame():
    # in case of server overload popup
    # time.sleep(3)


def refreshHeroesPositions():

    logger('🔃 Refreshing Heroes Positions')

    # time.sleep(3)

def login():
    global login_attempts
    logger('😿 Checking if game has disconnected')

    if login_attempts > 3:
        logger('🔃 Too many login attempts, refreshing')
        login_attempts = 0

    if clickBtn(images['connect-wallet'], name='connectWalletBtn', timeout = 10):
        login_attempts = login_attempts + 1
        logger('🎉 Connect wallet button detected, logging in!')
        #TODO mto ele da erro e poco o botao n abre
        # time.sleep(10)

    if clickBtn(images['select-wallet-2'], name='sign button', timeout=8):
        # sometimes the sign popup appears imediately
        login_attempts = login_attempts + 1
        # print('sign button clicked')
        # print('{} login attempt'.format(login_attempts))
        if clickBtn(images['treasure-hunt-icon'], name='teasureHunt', timeout = 15):
            # print('sucessfully login, treasure hunt btn clicked')
            login_attempts = 0
        # click ok button

    if not clickBtn(images['select-wallet-1-no-hover'], name='selectMetamaskBtn'):
        if clickBtn(images['select-wallet-1-hover'], name='selectMetamaskHoverBtn', threshold  = ct['select_wallet_buttons'] ):
            # o ideal era que ele alternasse entre checar cada um dos 2 por um tempo 
            # print('sleep in case there is no metamask text removed')
            # time.sleep(20)
        # print('sleep in case there is no metamask text removed')
        # time.sleep(20)

    if clickBtn(images['select-wallet-2'], name='signBtn', timeout = 20):
        login_attempts = login_attempts + 1
        # print('sign button clicked')
        # print('{} login attempt'.format(login_attempts))
        # time.sleep(25)
        if clickBtn(images['treasure-hunt-icon'], name='teasureHunt', timeout=25):
            # print('sucessfully login, treasure hunt btn clicked')
            login_attempts = 0
        # time.sleep(15)

    if clickBtn(images['ok'], name='okBtn', timeout=5):
        # time.sleep(15)
        # print('ok button clicked')

def sendHeroesHome():
    if not ch['enable']:
    heroes_positions = []
    for hero in home_heroes:
        hero_positions = positions(hero, threshold=ch['hero_threshold'])
        if not len (hero_positions) == 0:
            #TODO maybe pick up match with most wheight instead of first
            hero_position = hero_positions[0]

    n = len(heroes_positions)
    if n == 0:
        print('No heroes that should be sent home found.')
    print(' %d heroes that should be sent home found' % n)
    # if send-home button exists, the hero is not home
    go_home_buttons = positions(images['send-home'], threshold=ch['home_button_threshold'])
    # TODO pass it as an argument for both this and the other function that uses it
    go_work_buttons = positions(images['go-work'], threshold=ct['go_to_work_btn'])

    for position in heroes_positions:
        if not isHome(position,go_home_buttons):
            print(isWorking(position, go_work_buttons))
            if(not isWorking(position, go_work_buttons)):
                print ('hero not working, sending him home')
                print ('hero working, not sending him home(no dark work button)')
            print('hero already home, or home full(no dark home button)')

def refreshHeroes():
    logger('🏢 Search for heroes to work')


    if c['select_heroes_mode'] == "full":
        logger('⚒️ Sending heroes with full stamina bar to work', 'green')
    elif c['select_heroes_mode'] == "green":
        logger('⚒️ Sending heroes with green stamina bar to work', 'green')
        logger('⚒️ Sending all heroes to work', 'green')

    buttonsClicked = 1
    empty_scrolls_attempts = c['scroll_attemps']

    while(empty_scrolls_attempts >0):
        if c['select_heroes_mode'] == 'full':
            buttonsClicked = clickFullBarButtons()
        elif c['select_heroes_mode'] == 'green':
            buttonsClicked = clickGreenBarButtons()
            buttonsClicked = clickButtons()


        if buttonsClicked == 0:
            empty_scrolls_attempts = empty_scrolls_attempts - 1
    logger('💪 {} heroes sent to work'.format(hero_clicks))

def main():
    t = c['time_intervals']

    last = {
    "login" : 0,
    "heroes" : 0,
    "new_map" : 0,
    "check_for_captcha" : 0,
    "refresh_heroes" : 0

    while True:
        now = time.time()

        if now - last["check_for_captcha"] > addRandomness(t['check_for_captcha'] * 60):
            last["check_for_captcha"] = now

        if now - last["heroes"] > addRandomness(t['send_heroes_for_work'] * 60):
            last["heroes"] = now

        if now - last["login"] > addRandomness(t['check_for_login'] * 60):
            last["login"] = now

        if now - last["new_map"] > t['check_for_new_map_button']:
            last["new_map"] = now

            if clickBtn(images['new-map']):

        if now - last["refresh_heroes"] > addRandomness( t['refresh_heroes_positions'] * 60):
            last["refresh_heroes"] = now

        logger(None, progress_indicator=True)


# sendHeroesHome()


# chacar se tem o sign antes de aperta o connect wallet ?
# arrumar aquela parte do codigo copiado onde tem q checar o sign 2 vezes ?
# colocar o botao em pt
# melhorar o log
# salvar timestamp dos clickes em newmap em um arquivo
# soh resetar posiçoes se n tiver clickado em newmap em x segundos

# pegar o offset dinamicamente
# clickar so no q nao tao trabalhando pra evitar um loop infinito no final do scroll se ainda tiver um verdinho
# pip uninstall opencv-python

# pip install --upgrade opencv-python==

Pra quem não manja de código e não confia, faz o seguinte:

Abre o "" com o bloco de notas, e logo no início do código, especificamente na linha 3, coloque um "#" na frente de "import simpleaudio"

Ao invés disso:

import simpleaudio

Queremos isso:

import simpleaudio

Agora abaixo, na linha 4, escreva:

import winsound

Agora vamos até a linha 51, para facilitar nossa vida, no bloco de notas, aperte CTRL + F para abrir o localizador, e cole o código abaixo:

bell_sound = simpleaudio.WaveObject.from_wave_file("bell.wav")

Ao achar a linha certa, substitua pelo código abaixo (ou coloque um # na frente né)

bell_sound = simpleaudio.WaveObject.from_wave_file("bell.wav")

Agora repita o processo com CTRL+F pois iremos para a linha 272:

Pesquise por isso:

E substitua por isso:

winsound.PlaySound ('bell.wav', winsound .SND_ASYNC);

Pronto, agora é só salvar (CTRL + S) e usar à vontade no Windows.

Pra quem roda na VPS e não consegue "ligar o áudio no Windows", basta instalar um driver virtual de áudio, eu recomendo esse:

lifarrx commented 2 years ago

só copiar esse código, apagar o antigo e colar esse no lugar ? depois faz o pip update e dale ?

mtmassa commented 2 years ago

só copiar esse código, apagar o antigo e colar esse no lugar ? depois faz o pip update e dale ?

O update e por causa do simple audio, como nao vai usar ele, nao precisa do update nesse caso.

mtmassa commented 2 years ago

Parabéns pela iniciativa @enthusiast33

Gaboo134 commented 2 years ago

obrigado pelo código rodou certinho aqui, uma duvida minha tem a possibilidade de receber esse sinal sonoro ou ata mesmo mensagem no celular quando aparecer o puzzle, exemplo de estar usando o app de remoto para o pc, nesse caso não estaria próximo do pc para ouvir o sonoro e sim abrir o app remote quando recebesse a msg ou aviso no celular.

jhonatangeison commented 2 years ago

Galera , para quem deseja receber alem do sinal de audio , uma mensagem SMS no celular, avisando sobre o CAPTCHA . O twilio oferece uma cota de 300 sms gratis para o cadastro trial. E so realizar o cadastro e pegar o ID?TOKEN da conta e colocar no fonte.


  pip install twilio>=6.0.0

  from import Client  

  def sendSmsTwilio():
      account_sid = 'ID_CONTA'
      auth_token = '[TOKEN]'
      client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
      message = client.messages.create( messaging_service_sid='BomberCrypto',
                                      body='Corpo da mensagem ',
                                      to='+5534XXXXXXXXXXX' )
      logger('🔃 Send Sms Celular' + message.body)
thiago-molive commented 2 years ago

Quero colocar o som pra ficar repetindo até que eu vá resolver o captcha (dormindo ou longe do pc, por exemplo). Como faço? Agradeço de antemão!

os seus vizinhos vão adorar kkk

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

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