mpclarkson / StravaSwift

A Swift wrapper for the Strava API v3
MIT License
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Gear ID Router is Int but requires String #23

Open KurtisPayne opened 4 years ago

KurtisPayne commented 4 years ago

When making a call to the Strava API via Alamofire, the Router parameter only accepts Int values for the However, the gear defined in the Strava API documentation is listed as a String.


FleetPhil commented 4 years ago

I'm hitting this problem as well.

In the Strava API there are 2 ways of getting gear: 1: Each 'detailed activity' contains a Gear object - this should work (although I've not tried it yet) 2: Router call athleteActivities returns an array of activities each containing a gear_id, which can then then be used in the Strava API (Router call gear) to get the Gear object.

Method 2 does not work in the library for 2 reasons: a) gear_id is not decoded onto the Activity class. This is a simple fix to add public let gearID: String? to the class, and gearID = json["gear_id"].string to the init b) As Kurtis pointed out, Router expects ID to be an Int, but gear_id is a String. As id is not used in any calculation but simply passed around I can't see why it can't be made into a String.

FleetPhil commented 4 years ago

In Router.swift I just changed public typealias Id = Int to public typealias Id = String and it works (at least for the calls in my program). I also added support for gear_id as in my previous reply. I'll package these into a pull request