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Client-server syncing (à la Web after Tomorrow / Datsync) (WIP) #18

Open alexandergunnarson opened 7 years ago

alexandergunnarson commented 7 years ago

(@metasoarous and I just talked a little on gitter about this)

I'm planning on this PR essentially being Datsync in a nutshell, though it'll likely be missing some functionality (at least in the beginning). Normally I would PR this code to Datsync itself, but according to @metasoarous it's in flux right now. This code might in the future be extracted and placed in Datsync but for now it seems as good a place as any to put it here and let people experiment with it.

The first step is to make a little sync test between Datomic and Clojure DataScript (i.e. ignoring websocket transport for now, but focusing on sync itself) showing that the DataScript DB really only gets the subset of the Datomic DB that it needs, and at that, only the authorized portions of that subset.

willmruzek commented 7 years ago

Just wanted to say I'm very excited to see this PR. Can't wait until it's merged.