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Not able to generate the PDF from HTML #180

Closed Jaimin-Devhero closed 2 years ago

Jaimin-Devhero commented 2 years ago

PHP: 8.0.19

I am generating the PDF from the HTML, but it's not generating for some reason. and generating the blank page in response PDF.

Below is my code:

$html = '<table style="padding-right: 20px; padding-left: 20px; font-size:14px;font-family: helvetica"><tr><td style="height:560px; "><p>I hope you are getting well Reesha <3 You’ve been holding shit down since day1 gang I need you aliveeee buh hopefully you eating now too or imma be mad Luhhh youuuu. <<<3333 Adam Alexander Mlamali</p></td><tr></table>'; $mpdf->WriteFixedPosHTML($html, 105, 0, 104, 150, 'auto'); $mpdf->Output("", "I");

What I have figured out is that if I remove the "<<<" from the HTML its works fine. Can someone guide me whats the issue with <<< here and how I can generate the PDF without removing the "<<<"?

I have also tried to find the cause by enabling the debug for mPDf $mpdf1->debug = true; not found any issue exception in that also. (

Jaimin-Devhero commented 2 years ago

Hello @finwe

Why close this issue?

I am still facing this issue. can you guide me?

finwe commented 2 years ago

No. Read contributing guidelines you deleted when you created the issue.

Jaimin-Devhero commented 2 years ago

Hello @finwe

I have read the guideline and explained my problem properly with the code I am using.

So you can understand the bug properly.

finwe commented 2 years ago


You are in the wrong repository and issues are not meant for general troubleshooting. Use Stack overflow or Discussions in the main repo.