mpeltonen / sbt-idea

A simple-build-tool (sbt) plugin/processor for creating IntelliJ IDEA project files
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Web facet is not generated. #154

Open jehrhardt opened 12 years ago

jehrhardt commented 12 years ago

I have taken the scalatra sample and run sbt gen-idea (sbt version 0.11.3). The resulting project does not contain a web facet and an artifact, that can be deployed to a Tomcat or Jetty inside of IDEA Ultimate Edition, is also not created.

Btw, when a web facet would be generated, it would have a deploymentDescriptor configured. Since Servlet 3.0 a web.xml is not required anymore, thus the configuration should be optional.

mpeltonen commented 12 years ago

Yes, web facet support is not implemented yet (or re-implemented for the sbt 0.10+ version of the plugin. It was in 0.7 versions).

Pull requests are always welcomed :)