mpeltonen / sbt-idea

A simple-build-tool (sbt) plugin/processor for creating IntelliJ IDEA project files
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android: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: #227

Open jimfulton opened 11 years ago

jimfulton commented 11 years ago

I'm playing with getting the android sbt plugin and idea working together.

(Today, I realized that there was a much newer version of sbt-idea than what I was playing with, which makes things work much better.)

Today I generated a new android project:

g8 jberkel/android-app

and for that project, generated idea configs:

gen-idea no-classifiers

Opened the result, created a run configuration for running the app in the emulator.

The app crashed with the error in the subject.

pfn commented 10 years ago

Should close this, since you probably didn't build with SBT, so no TypedResources