[ ] Each registered PyTrade user should have his/her own stock list. Stock data should be stored in our database. Also, users should be able to add/search/delete a stock.
Acceptance Scenarios
Given: A registered user on the stock list page
When: the delete button is clicked
Then: the stock list table should be updated
Given: A registered user on the stock list page
When: the user searches for a new stock
Then: a list of matching stocks should be displayed
Possible influenced functions
database user related functions
stock price display
Done Done Criteria
The feature should be integrated with current code without any error or new bug.
Story/Task Details
Acceptance Scenarios
Given: A registered user on the stock list page When: the delete button is clicked Then: the stock list table should be updated
Given: A registered user on the stock list page When: the user searches for a new stock Then: a list of matching stocks should be displayed
Possible influenced functions
Done Done Criteria
The feature should be integrated with current code without any error or new bug.