Closed ribbles closed 6 years ago
You are trying to set maxMessages on the nameless logger. However, loggers do not support that option. Only the library itself has that option.
Instead of writing: JL().setOptions({ "maxMessages": 50 }); // Wrong, tries to set maxMessages on a logger
Write this (without the () after the JL): JL.setOptions({ "maxMessages": 50 }); // Corrrect, sets maxMessages on the library
jsnlog 2.26.1
JL().setOptions({ "maxMessages": 50 });
Gets a compile-time error:
ERROR in src/app/exception-handler.ts (4,19): Argument of type '{ "maxMessages": number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'JSNLogLoggerOptions'. Object literal may only specify known properties, and '"maxMessages"' does not exist in type 'JSNLogLoggerOptions'.