mpeylo / cmpossl

An OpenSSL-based implementation of the Certificate Management Protocol (CMP), defined in IETF RFCs 4210, 4211, and 6712. It is being extended according to the emerging RFCs 'CMP Updates' (CMPv3), 'CMP Algorithms', and 'Lightweight CMP Profile'.
35 stars 13 forks source link

Option unknown option -user #147

Closed zentavr closed 6 years ago

zentavr commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to setup the CMP flow using EJBCA and cmpossl and cannot request the certificate from EJBCA.

The problem is the next:

2018-07-28 20:04:27 EEST $ ./openssl cmp -cmd ir \
>         -server \
>         -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/rpcmp \
>         -srvcert /Users/zentavr/ngCA/NgICA.pem \
>         -user user4711 \
>         -pass zxcvbn \
>         -certout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711.pem \
>         -cacertsout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711-CA.pem \
>         -newkey /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711-Key.pem \
>         -keyfmt PEM \
>         -certfmt PEM \
>         -subject "/CN=user4711/O=Test Organization/C=DE"
CMP INFO: using OpenSSL configuration file '/Users/zentavr/cmpossl/ssl/openssl.cnf'
CMP INFO: no [cmp] section found in config file '/Users/zentavr/cmpossl/ssl/openssl.cnf'; will thus use just [default] and unnamed section if present
cmp: Option unknown option -user
cmp: Use -help for summary.

As a manual I used these articles:

zentavr commented 6 years ago

I can guess that the options had been replaced with -ref and -secret, right?

zentavr commented 6 years ago

Specifying -secret and -ref options falls with the next error:

2018-07-28 20:12:49 EEST $ ./openssl cmp -cmd ir \
>         -server \
>         -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/riverpay \
>         -srvcert /Users/zentavr/ngCA/NgICA.pem \
>         -ref user4711 \
>         -secret pass:zxcvbn \
>         -certout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711.pem \
>         -cacertsout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711-CA.pem \
>         -newkey /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711-Key.pem \
>         -subject "/CN=user4711/O=Test Organization/C=DE"
CMP INFO: using OpenSSL configuration file '/Users/zentavr/cmpossl/ssl/openssl.cnf'
CMP INFO: no [cmp] section found in config file '/Users/zentavr/cmpossl/ssl/openssl.cnf'; will thus use just [default] and unnamed section if present
CMP INFO: sending ir
CMP INFO: got response
CMP ERROR: 360AA098:CMP routines:OSSL_CMP_MSG_check_received:missing protection:crypto/cmp/cmp_lib.c:1705:
DDvO commented 6 years ago

Hi, the -user option has been renamed to -ref. See also the -help output and the online doc of our project. Regards, David

This message was sent using my Vernee Apollo Lite with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

On July 28, 2018 7:10:37 PM GMT+02:00, Andrey Miroshnichenko wrote:

I'm trying to setup the CMP flow using EJBCA and cmpossl and cannot request the certificate from EJBCA.

The problem is the next:

2018-07-28 20:04:27 EEST $ ./openssl cmp -cmd ir \
>         -server \
>         -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/rpcmp \
>         -srvcert /Users/zentavr/ngCA/NgICA.pem \
>         -user user4711 \
>         -pass zxcvbn \
>         -certout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711.pem \
>         -cacertsout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711-CA.pem \
>         -newkey /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711-Key.pem \
>         -keyfmt PEM \
>         -certfmt PEM \
>         -subject "/CN=user4711/O=Test Organization/C=DE"
CMP INFO: using OpenSSL configuration file
CMP INFO: no [cmp] section found in config file
'/Users/zentavr/cmpossl/ssl/openssl.cnf'; will thus use just [default]
and unnamed section if present
cmp: Option unknown option -user
cmp: Use -help for summary.

As a manual I used these articles:

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zentavr commented 6 years ago

Hello @DDvO. I found the examples at cmp/doc/man1/cmp.pod.

I used

./openssl cmp -cmd ir \
>         -server \
>         -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/riverpay \
>         -ref user4711 \
>         -secret pass:zxcvbn \
>         -recipient "/CN=RP VPN Certificate Authority/O=RPay/C=US" \
>         -certout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711.pem \
>         -cacertsout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711-CA.pem \
>         -newkey /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4711-Key.pem \
>         -subject "/CN=user4711/O=Test Organization/C=DE"

throws me the error:

CMP INFO: using OpenSSL configuration file '/Users/zentavr/cmpossl/ssl/openssl.cnf'
CMP INFO: no [cmp] section found in config file '/Users/zentavr/cmpossl/ssl/openssl.cnf'; will thus use just [default] and unnamed section if present
CMP INFO: sending ir
CMP INFO: got response
CMP ERROR: 360AA098:CMP routines:OSSL_CMP_MSG_check_received:missing protection:crypto/cmp/cmp_lib.c:1705:

I wonder what is the missing protection problem it tells me?

zentavr commented 6 years ago

At the EJBCA side the log tells me:

18:20:42,777 INFO  [org.ejbca.ui.web.protocol.CmpServlet] (default task-9) CMP message received from: ***.***.**.***, for CMP alias: riverpay
18:20:42,851 INFO  [org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp.authentication.HMACAuthenticationModule] (default task-9) Authentication failed for message. Auth secret for CA=RP VPN Certificate Authority.
18:20:42,852 INFO  [org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp.CrmfMessageHandler] (default task-9) Failed to verify message using both Global Shared Secret and CMP RA Authentication Secret
18:20:42,853 INFO  [org.ejbca.ui.web.protocol.CmpServlet] (default task-9) Sent a CMP response to: ***.***.***.***, process time 76.
zentavr commented 6 years ago

EJBCA CMP Alias is the next:

What I expect is that the client calls the openssl cmp script, gets its certificate and installs where is needed. No operator's actions are needed.

zentavr commented 6 years ago

Probably the problem was in the CMP setup. I changed:

zentavr commented 6 years ago

Also, I removed the mandatory of email field to be present (I have no idea how I can pass email field using openssl cmp request) in End entity profile. Also as Available Tokens I added the value of User Generated

zentavr commented 6 years ago

So, I was able to do Issue Request at last. Now I have another problem - how to perform Key Update Request. In order to do that I created the second CMP alias with CMP Response Protection: signature.

The client does:

2018-07-29 00:32:39 EEST $ ./openssl cmp -cmd kur \
>         -server \
>         -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/riverpay-kur \
>         -certout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-updated.pem \
>         -newkey /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-updated-Key.pem \
>         -cacertsout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-updated-CA.pem \
>         -cert /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712.pem \
>         -key /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-Key.pem \
>         -trusted /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-CA.pem
CMP INFO: using OpenSSL configuration file '/Users/zentavr/cmpossl/ssl/openssl.cnf'
CMP INFO: no [cmp] section found in config file '/Users/zentavr/cmpossl/ssl/openssl.cnf'; will thus use just [default] and unnamed section if present
CMP INFO: sending kur
CMP INFO: got response
CMP ERROR: 360AA098:CMP routines:OSSL_CMP_MSG_check_received:missing protection:crypto/cmp/cmp_lib.c:1705:

The server's log:

21:44:46,465 INFO  [org.ejbca.ui.web.protocol.CmpServlet] (default task-40) CMP message received from:, for CMP alias: riverpay-kur
21:44:46,532 INFO  [org.cesecore.audit.impl.log4j.Log4jDevice] (default task-40) 2018-07-28 21:44:46+00:00;ACCESS_CONTROL;SUCCESS;ACCESSCONTROL;CORE;**.**.**.**;;;;resource0=/ca/1976797132
21:44:46,560 INFO  [org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp.authentication.EndEntityCertificateAuthenticationModule] (default task-40) Administrator CN=user4712,O=Test Organization,C=DE was not authorized to edit end entities with EndEntityProfile River Pay VPN Endpoint Entity Profile
21:44:46,561 INFO  [org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp.CrmfKeyUpdateHandler] (default task-40) 'CN=user4712,O=Test Organization,C=DE' is not an authorized administrator.
21:44:46,566 INFO  [org.ejbca.ui.web.protocol.CmpServlet] (default task-40) Sent a CMP response to: **.**.**.**, process time 101.
zentavr commented 6 years ago

In order to do key update request for myself, I created another one CMP Alias:

The request is the next:

cd /opt/cmpossl/bin
    ./openssl genrsa -out /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-updated-Key.pem 4096
    ./openssl cmp -cmd kur \
        -server \
        -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/riverpay-kur \
        -recipient "/CN=RP VPN Certificate Authority/O=River Pay/C=US" \
        -certout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-updated.pem \
        -newkey /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-updated-Key.pem \
        -cacertsout /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-updated-CA.pem \
        -cert /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712.pem \
        -key /Users/zentavr/ngCA/user4712-Key.pem \
        -trusted /Users/zentavr/ngCA/RPVPNCA.pem
DDvO commented 6 years ago

Part of your problems were due to the strange behavior of EJBCA that it tends not to protect negative responses. That's why we introduced the -unprotectederrors option as a workaround.

DDvO commented 6 years ago

You can specify an email address as part of the subject Distinguished Name, like this: -subject "/CN=test1/"

DDvO commented 6 years ago

Yet the recommended way is to set email addresses as Subject Alternative Names. To this end you can use the -reqexts option referring to a section in your OpenSSL config file typically called openssl.cnf, like this: -reqexts myexts

#basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
#keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature
#extendedKeyUsage = critical, clientAuth
#crlDistributionPoints = URI:
subjectAltName = @alt_names

email.0 =
DNS.0 = localhost
IP.0 =
IP.1 =
DDvO commented 6 years ago

BTW, you can specify your cmp options pretty conveniently also within the config file, like this:

server =
path =  ...
reqexts = myexts
unprotectederrors = 1

ant then invoke for instance openssl cmp -section cmp -cmd kur (where -section cmp can be left out since this is the default).