mpiktas / midasr

R package for mixed frequency time series data analysis.
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midasR does not update forecast #71

Closed p-wegmueller closed 4 years ago

p-wegmueller commented 5 years ago

I have some quarterly target variable, say GDP, and monthly indicator, say PMI, and I would like to produce a one period ahead nowcast. Now it appears to me, that adding monthly information does not change at all my forecast. The advantage of midas should exactly be, that by adding new high frequency information my prediction becomes more accurate. What am I doing wrong? You can find a minimum working example attached (you might need to install the package “tsbox”).


target <- structure(c(0.266428630623139, 0.70410495439146, 0.0988518736981359, 
                      0.260824411014937, -0.274261605078896, -0.28800784225822, 0.528326109457433, 
                      0.759590976781332, 0.72343585506156, 1.17949261346435, 0.918049843976609, 
                      0.693776278596725, 1.19427275038353, -0.108419822736572, -0.335078327372762, 
                      0.069697152225956, 0.905553302451545, 0.622615555763928, 2.36833485908001, 
                      0.766526926095801, 0.425096045600215, 0.764976161118058, 0.982321935881902, 
                      0.0394620447124794, 0.249797697095699, -0.313430808733728, -0.0452871629726737, 
                      0.277059952363246, 0.0704636062030195, 0.160228360644266, -0.383746907881699, 
                      -0.685229692594946, 0.220235848774175, 0.966231798250239, 1.22064427878799, 
                      0.675412514930507, 0.404604036043832, 0.26815489824239, 0.153161663637036, 
                      1.2035131681075, 1.12747356979452, 0.99687827855417, 0.894942811226063, 
                      1.11493923628825, 0.859434359858602, 0.824552133000189, 1.56256925505669, 
                      0.862776980076463, 1.09306661045867, 0.821257431887701, 0.627233985688003, 
                      0.885153904952607, 0.6469971482856, 0.117925881212222, -1.91249845187939, 
                      -1.5626123596029, -0.00740692730666348, 0.992558160195567, 0.255827051005642, 
                      1.0319878164319, 0.964543516701677, 0.449297887519595, 0.710941082442984, 
                      0.464813662790275, 0.495651609426218, -0.323859067182497, 0.611865851879689, 
                      0.0909650820781316, 0.234551399160421, 0.52482296658789, 0.208421744760345, 
                      0.405764942342723, 0.770679986089085, 0.715152606221214, 0.184034097047148, 
                      0.722676230111019, 0.600584358454137, 0.786981419517385, 0.829851298286943, 
                      -0.321798816436347, 0.00189606354776828, 0.65526389982864, 0.389961431087382, 
                      0.555229299682103, 0.301479882219846, 0.418150363475767, -0.129878809720918, 
                      0.35462371317907, 0.718732613695705, 0.779873124338626, 0.800597002156112, 
                      0.805144506155964, 0.707553200175237, -0.177786737607977, 0.328516834475923, 
                      0.562161492852198), .Tsp = c(1995.25, 2019, 4), class = "ts")

indic <- structure(c(82.367947, 89.496324, 89.189468, 95.647959, 93.701762, 
                     95.146106, 88.18249, 90.592763, 86.782091, 92.462421, 91.257196, 
                     91.279717, 99.289801, 95.100359, 99.442463, 97.853204, 97.745476, 
                     99.237442, 98.98951, 102.594965, 109.764865, 111.68937, 110.900144, 
                     111.283934, 110.143938, 109.912474, 111.748272, 111.190325, 111.731327, 
                     114.630142, 116.57042, 110.198205, 109.080133, 105.33659, 101.080511, 
                     102.556235, 100.188429, 103.34515, 98.583811, 100.718893, 98.580131, 
                     97.34064, 96.528458, 90.723127, 93.218808, 98.11689, 98.878931, 
                     97.852869, 95.877329, 103.152777, 107.051899, 105.815595, 109.713549, 
                     111.309712, 110.462385, 111.732401, 111.506771, 107.247282, 106.446001, 
                     107.17918, 107.947376, 105.857208, 105.388225, 104.202513, 102.05195, 
                     99.802293, 101.277483, 101.125562, 99.200576, 96.125685, 91.335578, 
                     91.635707, 90.184192, 86.142072, 87.904143, 87.843951, 90.593168, 
                     87.856153, 78.934333, 80.471311, 86.182948, 90.145084, 99.049327, 
                     103.046862, 98.560773, 104.492707, 99.743196, 95.590096, 96.540858, 
                     94.52008, 94.444179, 94.518136, 95.795096, 97.708164, 95.560877, 
                     93.904501, 93.386614, 96.094258, 97.430763, 102.207355, 103.871928, 
                     108.120462, 110.055042, 113.067471, 113.829004, 110.85791, 110.496113, 
                     108.913823, 111.305105, 110.465186, 108.488768, 107.087444, 105.074281, 
                     103.615195, 100.973765, 98.750259, 100.588758, 99.928921, 102.362053, 
                     101.398401, 98.686876, 97.973689, 99.589141, 101.663807, 102.766792, 
                     105.54765, 107.246374, 107.515149, 108.030854, 107.181679, 107.189498, 
                     106.567958, 108.210952, 107.265111, 105.37065, 104.760064, 103.774935, 
                     103.653534, 103.256605, 104.447976, 105.464151, 104.749773, 104.360637, 
                     105.750277, 102.05045, 98.855829, 99.651295, 100.13595, 99.691824, 
                     97.849374, 96.357744, 98.061828, 98.105721, 97.98543, 91.5158, 
                     87.100658, 85.106782, 83.089881, 82.685573, 82.508489, 80.692245, 
                     80.477073, 79.542071, 72.04227, 71.810699, 72.310899, 76.758523, 
                     80.445426, 86.474779, 97.634793, 109.43118, 107.069073, 115.133871, 
                     119.15478, 116.901099, 119.297175, 116.928228, 111.782267, 115.383136, 
                     114.311518, 116.735754, 115.656777, 109.839587, 109.586402, 108.503497, 
                     106.413587, 103.830018, 105.394389, 105.463282, 101.578095, 101.348806, 
                     101.328136, 99.673043, 98.680178, 93.839655, 90.053374, 84.428219, 
                     81.945922, 84.351076, 89.064789, 93.843095, 97.438036, 98.566281, 
                     102.495499, 101.712136, 99.56499, 95.663425, 97.516904, 100.421771, 
                     101.702413, 102.342301, 100.974185, 102.923983, 106.009953, 105.270138, 
                     105.109622, 102.662513, 100.58347, 101.903344, 106.549291, 105.741942, 
                     108.184049, 106.652851, 107.833646, 106.310688, 105.436943, 105.686813, 
                     103.554297, 104.128832, 99.560094, 99.694678, 99.65034, 100.29515, 
                     97.934917, 98.447491, 97.595788, 98.460995, 95.342349, 87.358498, 
                     88.478451, 88.407437, 103.711831, 100.023866, 99.19327, 100.955785, 
                     101.877029, 102.774259, 99.505622, 98.983513, 101.501759, 101.111827, 
                     102.037397, 103.928513, 101.806773, 101.125499, 102.821669, 101.549022, 
                     101.879505, 104.040293, 101.754453, 102.941313, 103.401315, 105.44494, 
                     106.162723, 107.403911, 105.074682, 106.084109, 108.948054, 105.578998, 
                     104.494556, 106.216286, 108.084991, 110.284335, 106.587204, 104.930514, 
                     102.674238, 103.147818, 99.896339, 100.187951, 101.663663, 98.900712, 
                     102.428731, 100.228196, 98.89637, 96.325601, 96.216014, 93.134112, 
                     97.197047, 96.237591, 94.445182), .Tsp = c(1995.25, 2019.33333333333, 
                                                                12), class = "ts")

# Forecast horizon
h <- 1
# Frequency factor
frq <- frequency(indic)/frequency(target)

# ----- 
# In-Sample Estimation
# High and low frequency need to have same starting date
target.aligned <- ts_span(target, template = indic)
# Align indicator to low frequency target
indic.aligned <- ts_span(indic, 
                         start = ts_summary(target.aligned)$start,
                         end = add_to_date(ts_summary(target.aligned)$end, "2 month"))

if (add_to_date(ts_summary(target.aligned)$end, "2 month") > ts_summary(indic.aligned)$end) {
  warning("Indicator is shorter than target")

insample <- length(target.aligned)*frq
actual_q <- ts_summary(target)$end

# U-MIDAS with AR(1) for YLow and up to 6 lags for YHigh
m1 <- midas_r(target.aligned ~ mls(target.aligned, 1, 1) + mls(indic.aligned, (h*frq) + 0:6, frq), start = NULL) 

m2 <- midas_r(target.aligned ~ mls(target.aligned, 1, 1) + mls(indic.aligned, (h*frq) + 3:9, frq), start = NULL) 

m3 <- midas_r(target.aligned ~ mls(target.aligned, 1, 1) + mls(indic.aligned, 0:6, frq), start = NULL) 

m4 <- midas_r(target.aligned ~ mls(target.aligned, 1, 1) + mls(indic.aligned, 3:9, frq), start = NULL) 

# ----- 
# Out-of-Sample Forecast

# Extend indic with NAs for forecasting horizon
fct_indic <- indic %>%
  ts_span(start = add_to_date(ts_summary(indic.aligned)$end, "1 month")) %>%
  window(end = data.table::year(ts_summary(target)$end)+1-1/frequency(indic),
         extend = TRUE) %>%

fct_indic[1:2] <- NA
fct_indic0 <- fct_indic

fct_indic <- indic %>%
  ts_span(start = add_to_date(ts_summary(indic.aligned)$end, "1 month")) %>%
  window(end = data.table::year(ts_summary(target)$end)+1-1/frequency(indic),
         extend = TRUE) %>%

fct_indic[2] <- NA
fct_indic1 <- fct_indic

fct_indic2 <- indic %>%
  ts_span(start = add_to_date(ts_summary(indic.aligned)$end, "1 month")) %>%
  window(end = data.table::year(ts_summary(target)$end)+1-1/frequency(indic),
         extend = TRUE) %>%

fct_indic0 # no information from 2019Q2
fct_indic1 # one month of 2019Q2
fct_indic2 # two months of 2019Q2

# Model 1
fct.m10 <- forecast(m1,
                newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic0),
                method = "dynamic")$mean
fct.m11 <- forecast(m1,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic1),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean
fct.m12 <- forecast(m1,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic2),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean

# Model 2
fct.m20 <- forecast(m2,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic0),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean
fct.m21 <- forecast(m2,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic1),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean
fct.m22 <- forecast(m2,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic2),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean

# Model 3
fct.m30 <- forecast(m3,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic0),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean
fct.m31 <- forecast(m3,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic1),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean
fct.m32 <- forecast(m3,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic2),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean

# Model 4
fct.m40 <- forecast(m4,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic0),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean
fct.m41 <- forecast(m4,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic1),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean
fct.m42 <- forecast(m4,
                    newdata = list(indic.aligned = fct_indic2),
                    method = "dynamic")$mean