mplushnikov / lombok-intellij-plugin

Lombok Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
Apache License 2.0
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IDEA 2020.1.3 Can't solove operator ’__' when i use @RequiredArgsConstructor #1016

Open saddit opened 3 years ago

saddit commented 3 years ago

Short description

when i use it like this:

@RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Autowired))

idea notify that Can't solove operator __,but it's work and it has no effect on complitation

is there any problem with me?

i could not find any answer on the internet

i have enabled the annotation processor

Expected behavior

how to solve this problem

Version information

Steps to reproduce


Sample project


Additional information




Hug125 commented 3 years ago

I also encountered this problem

Short description

when i use it like this:

@Setter(onMethod = @__(@Autowired))

idea notify that Can't solove operator __,but it's work and it has no effect on complitation is there any problem with me? i could not find any answer on the internet i have enabled the annotation processor Please locate the cause of the problem

Version information


saddit commented 3 years ago


I learned from the documentation that operator @__ is a experimental function,it may be replaced in jdk of higher version。

Hug125 commented 3 years ago

@ H125

我从文档中了解到算子 @__ 是一个实验函数,可以用更高版本的jdk代替。


  1. 我之前安装了别的中文翻译包,不是插件形式
  2. 我最近安装了官方的中文插件
  3. 遇到了如上问题,找解决方案,比如:更新idea,更换java编译器,更换Maven的jdk版本等方式
  4. 2021-03-20 灵光一现,关闭了官方中文插件,问题解决了


saddit commented 3 years ago

@Hug125 ok