Open skirpichev opened 6 years ago
I did not check this thoroughly, but it looks like a special case where the Meijer G-function is a limiting sum of two hypergeometric functions that both blow up at z = 1. The hypercomb code handles limits with respect to parameters automatically, but not with respect to the argument. I don't know if this can be fixed in a sensible way in hypercomb or if a special case for the Meijer G-function is required.
There is a simple enough workaround when you know that this case is occurring:
>>> with extraprec(mp.prec): y = meijerg(((0.5, 1, 1), ()), ((0.5, 1), (0,)), 1 - sqrt(eps))
>>> y
This is probably related: mp.meijerg(((), (1/2,)), ((-3/2, 0), ()), 1/2)
fails with
ValueError: hypsum() failed to converge to the requested 63 bits of accuracy
using a working precision of 3578 bits. Try with a higher maxprec,
maxterms, or set zeroprec.
adding epsilon to the argument also works as a workaround.
@rouckas, did you try suggestion "Try with a higher maxprec, maxterms, or set zeroprec"?
@skirpichev now I tried, and indeed, setting zeroprec
In [1]: mp.meijerg(((), (1/2,)), ((-3/2, 0), ()), 1/2, zeroprec=mp.prec)
Out[1]: mpf('1.2130613194252668')
I think I didn't try these options before because they weren't documented. But looking into the source code, it seems zeroprec
basically determines the absolute precision (relative to unity), so it makes sense now.
Unless I miss something, this should be
MeijerG[{{1/2, 1, 1}, {}}, {{1/2, 1}, {0}}, 1] ~ 4.355
in the Mathematica.