mpociot / laravel-test-factory-helper

Generate Laravel test factories from your existing models
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Lumen Exception: No hint path defined for [test-factory-helper]. #43

Open j3rrey opened 5 years ago

j3rrey commented 5 years ago

Trying to run this in Lumen 5.8.* gives me:

Exception: No hint path defined for [test-factory-helper].
Could not analyze class [].

Any idea on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated

jasonmccreary commented 5 years ago

Curious if this would resolve your issue -

j3rrey commented 5 years ago

Nah didn't help :( Still the same error

jasonmccreary commented 5 years ago

Can you post the full stack trace. I don't use Lumen so it's not something I can easily test.

j3rrey commented 5 years ago

I've nailed down the problem to the createFactory method, will investigate further. Here is the complete stacktrace: ` Could not analyze class []. array:20 [ 0 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/view/FileViewFinder.php" "line" => 90 "function" => "parseNamespaceSegments" "class" => "Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder" "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => "test-factory-helper::factory" ] ] 1 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/view/FileViewFinder.php" "line" => 76 "function" => "findNamespacedView" "class" => "Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder" "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => "test-factory-helper::factory" ] ] 2 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/view/Factory.php" "line" => 131 "function" => "find" "class" => "Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder" "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => "test-factory-helper::factory" ] ] 3 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/app/Console/Commands/Vendor/GenerateCommand.php" "line" => 380 "function" => "make" "class" => "Illuminate\View\Factory" "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => "test-factory-helper::factory" 1 => array:2 [ "reflection" => ReflectionClass {#494 +name: "App\Models\FailedOrder" extends: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" implements: array:6 [ 0 => "Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlRoutable" 1 => "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\QueueableEntity" 2 => "JsonSerializable" 3 => "Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable" 4 => "Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable" 5 => "ArrayAccess" ] constants: array:2 [ "CREATED_AT" => "created_at" "UPDATED_AT" => "updated_at" ] properties: array:36 [ "fillable" => ReflectionProperty {#510 +name: "fillable" +class: "App\Models\FailedOrder" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "connection" => ReflectionProperty {#509 +name: "connection" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "table" => ReflectionProperty {#511 +name: "table" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "primaryKey" => ReflectionProperty {#512 +name: "primaryKey" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "keyType" => ReflectionProperty {#513 +name: "keyType" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "incrementing" => ReflectionProperty {#514 +name: "incrementing" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public" extra: { …1} } "with" => ReflectionProperty {#515 +name: "with" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "withCount" => ReflectionProperty {#516 +name: "withCount" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "perPage" => ReflectionProperty {#517 +name: "perPage" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "exists" => ReflectionProperty {#518 +name: "exists" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public" extra: { …1} } "wasRecentlyCreated" => ReflectionProperty {#519 +name: "wasRecentlyCreated" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public" extra: { …1} } "resolver" => ReflectionProperty {#520 +name: "resolver" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" extra: { …1} } "dispatcher" => ReflectionProperty {#521 +name: "dispatcher" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" extra: { …1} } "booted" => ReflectionProperty {#522 +name: "booted" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" extra: { …1} } "traitInitializers" => ReflectionProperty {#523 +name: "traitInitializers" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" extra: { …1} } "globalScopes" => ReflectionProperty {#524 +name: "globalScopes" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" extra: { …1} } "ignoreOnTouch" => ReflectionProperty {#525 +name: "ignoreOnTouch" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" extra: { …1} } "attributes" => ReflectionProperty {#526 +name: "attributes" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "original" => ReflectionProperty {#527 +name: "original" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "changes" => ReflectionProperty {#528 +name: "changes" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "casts" => ReflectionProperty {#529 +name: "casts" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "dates" => ReflectionProperty {#530 +name: "dates" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "dateFormat" => ReflectionProperty {#531 +name: "dateFormat" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "appends" => ReflectionProperty {#532 +name: "appends" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "snakeAttributes" => ReflectionProperty {#533 +name: "snakeAttributes" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public static" extra: { …1} } "mutatorCache" => ReflectionProperty {#534 +name: "mutatorCache" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" extra: { …1} } "dispatchesEvents" => ReflectionProperty {#535 +name: "dispatchesEvents" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "observables" => ReflectionProperty {#536 +name: "observables" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "relations" => ReflectionProperty {#537 +name: "relations" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "touches" => ReflectionProperty {#538 +name: "touches" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "manyMethods" => ReflectionProperty {#539 +name: "manyMethods" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public static" extra: { …1} } "timestamps" => ReflectionProperty {#540 +name: "timestamps" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public" extra: { …1} } "hidden" => ReflectionProperty {#541 +name: "hidden" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "visible" => ReflectionProperty {#542 +name: "visible" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "guarded" => ReflectionProperty {#543 +name: "guarded" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" extra: { …1} } "unguarded" => ReflectionProperty {#544 +name: "unguarded" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" extra: { …1} } ] methods: array:267 [ "rawReports" => ReflectionMethod {#545 +name: "rawReports" +class: "App\Models\FailedOrder" modifiers: "public" } "construct" => ReflectionMethod {#546 +name: "construct" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public" } "bootIfNotBooted" => ReflectionMethod {#547 +name: "bootIfNotBooted" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" } "boot" => ReflectionMethod {#548 +name: "boot" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" } "bootTraits" => ReflectionMethod {#549 +name: "bootTraits" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected static" } "initializeTraits" => ReflectionMethod {#550 +name: "initializeTraits" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" } "clearBootedModels" => ReflectionMethod {#551 +name: "clearBootedModels" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public static" } "withoutTouching" => ReflectionMethod {#552 +name: "withoutTouching" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public static" } "withoutTouchingOn" => ReflectionMethod {#553 +name: "withoutTouchingOn" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …2} modifiers: "public static" } "isIgnoringTouch" => ReflectionMethod {#554 +name: "isIgnoringTouch" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public static" } "fill" => ReflectionMethod {#555 +name: "fill" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public" } "forceFill" => ReflectionMethod {#556 +name: "forceFill" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public" } "qualifyColumn" => ReflectionMethod {#557 +name: "qualifyColumn" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public" } "removeTableFromKey" => ReflectionMethod {#558 +name: "removeTableFromKey" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "protected" } "newInstance" => ReflectionMethod {#559 +name: "newInstance" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …2} modifiers: "public" } "newFromBuilder" => ReflectionMethod {#560 +name: "newFromBuilder" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …2} modifiers: "public" } "on" => ReflectionMethod {#561 +name: "on" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public static" } "onWriteConnection" => ReflectionMethod {#562 +name: "onWriteConnection" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public static" } "all" => ReflectionMethod {#563 +name: "all" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public static" } "with" => ReflectionMethod {#564 +name: "with" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public static" } "load" => ReflectionMethod {#565 +name: "load" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public" } "loadMissing" => ReflectionMethod {#566 +name: "loadMissing" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public" } "loadCount" => ReflectionMethod {#567 +name: "loadCount" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public" } "increment" => ReflectionMethod {#568 +name: "increment" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …3} modifiers: "protected" } "decrement" => ReflectionMethod {#569 +name: "decrement" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …3} modifiers: "protected" } "incrementOrDecrement" => ReflectionMethod {#570 +name: "incrementOrDecrement" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …4} modifiers: "protected" } "incrementOrDecrementAttributeValue" => ReflectionMethod {#571 +name: "incrementOrDecrementAttributeValue" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …4} modifiers: "protected" } "update" => ReflectionMethod {#572 +name: "update" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …2} modifiers: "public" } "push" => ReflectionMethod {#573 +name: "push" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public" } "save" => ReflectionMethod {#574 +name: "save" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public" } "saveOrFail" => ReflectionMethod {#575 +name: "saveOrFail" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public" } "finishSave" => ReflectionMethod {#576 +name: "finishSave" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "protected" } "performUpdate" => ReflectionMethod {#577 +name: "performUpdate" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "protected" } "setKeysForSaveQuery" => ReflectionMethod {#578 +name: "setKeysForSaveQuery" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "protected" } "getKeyForSaveQuery" => ReflectionMethod {#579 +name: "getKeyForSaveQuery" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" } "performInsert" => ReflectionMethod {#580 +name: "performInsert" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "protected" } "insertAndSetId" => ReflectionMethod {#581 +name: "insertAndSetId" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …2} modifiers: "protected" } "destroy" => ReflectionMethod {#582 +name: "destroy" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" parameters: { …1} modifiers: "public static" } "delete" => ReflectionMethod {#583 +name: "delete" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public" } "forceDelete" => ReflectionMethod {#584 +name: "forceDelete" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public" } "performDeleteOnModel" => ReflectionMethod {#585 +name: "performDeleteOnModel" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "protected" } "query" => ReflectionMethod {#586 +name: "query" +class: "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model" modifiers: "public static" } "newQuery" => ReflectionMethod {#587 …3} "newModelQuery" => ReflectionMethod {#588 …3} "newQueryWithoutRelationships" => ReflectionMethod {#589 …3} "registerGlobalScopes" => ReflectionMethod {#590 …4} "newQueryWithoutScopes" => ReflectionMethod {#591 …3} "newQueryWithoutScope" => ReflectionMethod {#592 …4} "newQueryForRestoration" => ReflectionMethod {#593 …4} "newEloquentBuilder" => ReflectionMethod {#594 …4} "newBaseQueryBuilder" => ReflectionMethod {#595 …3} "newCollection" => ReflectionMethod {#596 …4} "newPivot" => ReflectionMethod {#597 …4} "toArray" => ReflectionMethod {#598 …3} "toJson" => ReflectionMethod {#599 …4} "jsonSerialize" => ReflectionMethod {#600 …3} "fresh" => ReflectionMethod {#601 …4} "refresh" => ReflectionMethod {#602 …3} "replicate" => ReflectionMethod {#603 …4} "is" => ReflectionMethod {#604 …4} "isNot" => ReflectionMethod {#605 …4} "getConnection" => ReflectionMethod {#606 …3} "getConnectionName" => ReflectionMethod {#607 …3} "setConnection" => ReflectionMethod {#608 …4} "resolveConnection" => ReflectionMethod {#609 …4} "getConnectionResolver" => ReflectionMethod {#610 …3} "setConnectionResolver" => ReflectionMethod {#611 …4} "unsetConnectionResolver" => ReflectionMethod {#612 …3} "getTable" => ReflectionMethod {#613 …3} "setTable" => ReflectionMethod {#614 …4} "getKeyName" => ReflectionMethod {#615 …3} "setKeyName" => ReflectionMethod {#616 …4} "getQualifiedKeyName" => ReflectionMethod {#617 …3} "getKeyType" => ReflectionMethod {#618 …3} "setKeyType" => ReflectionMethod {#619 …4} "getIncrementing" => ReflectionMethod {#620 …3} "setIncrementing" => ReflectionMethod {#621 …4} "getKey" => ReflectionMethod {#622 …3} "getQueueableId" => ReflectionMethod {#623 …3} "getQueueableRelations" => ReflectionMethod {#624 …3} "getQueueableConnection" => ReflectionMethod {#625 …3} "getRouteKey" => ReflectionMethod {#626 …3} "getRouteKeyName" => ReflectionMethod {#627 …3} "resolveRouteBinding" => ReflectionMethod {#628 …4} "getForeignKey" => ReflectionMethod {#629 …3} "getPerPage" => ReflectionMethod {#630 …3} "setPerPage" => ReflectionMethod {#631 …4} "get" => ReflectionMethod {#632 …4} "set" => ReflectionMethod {#633 …4} "offsetExists" => ReflectionMethod {#634 …4} "offsetGet" => ReflectionMethod {#635 …4} "offsetSet" => ReflectionMethod {#636 …4} "offsetUnset" => ReflectionMethod {#637 …4} "isset" => ReflectionMethod {#638 …4} "unset" => ReflectionMethod {#639 …4} "call" => ReflectionMethod {#640 …4} "callStatic" => ReflectionMethod {#641 …4} "toString" => ReflectionMethod {#642 …3} "wakeup" => ReflectionMethod {#643 …3} "attributesToArray" => ReflectionMethod {#644 …3} "addDateAttributesToArray" => ReflectionMethod {#645 …4} "addMutatedAttributesToArray" => ReflectionMethod {#646 …4} "addCastAttributesToArray" => ReflectionMethod {#647 …4} "getArrayableAttributes" => ReflectionMethod {#648 …3} "getArrayableAppends" => ReflectionMethod {#649 …3} "relationsToArray" => ReflectionMethod {#650 …3} "getArrayableRelations" => ReflectionMethod {#651 …3} "getArrayableItems" => ReflectionMethod {#652 …4} "getAttribute" => ReflectionMethod {#653 …4} "getAttributeValue" => ReflectionMethod {#654 …4} "getAttributeFromArray" => ReflectionMethod {#655 …4} "getRelationValue" => ReflectionMethod {#656 …4} "getRelationshipFromMethod" => ReflectionMethod {#657 …4} "hasGetMutator" => ReflectionMethod {#658 …4} "mutateAttribute" => ReflectionMethod {#659 …4} "mutateAttributeForArray" => ReflectionMethod {#660 …4} "castAttribute" => ReflectionMethod {#661 …4} "getCastType" => ReflectionMethod {#662 …4} "isCustomDateTimeCast" => ReflectionMethod {#663 …4} "isDecimalCast" => ReflectionMethod {#664 …4} "setAttribute" => ReflectionMethod {#665 …4} "hasSetMutator" => ReflectionMethod {#666 …4} "setMutatedAttributeValue" => ReflectionMethod {#667 …4} "isDateAttribute" => ReflectionMethod {#668 …4} "fillJsonAttribute" => ReflectionMethod {#669 …4} "getArrayAttributeWithValue" => ReflectionMethod {#670 …4} "getArrayAttributeByKey" => ReflectionMethod {#671 …4} "castAttributeAsJson" => ReflectionMethod {#672 …4} "asJson" => ReflectionMethod {#673 …4} "fromJson" => ReflectionMethod {#674 …4} "fromFloat" => ReflectionMethod {#675 …4} "asDecimal" => ReflectionMethod {#676 …4} "asDate" => ReflectionMethod {#677 …4} "asDateTime" => ReflectionMethod {#678 …4} "isStandardDateFormat" => ReflectionMethod {#679 …4} "fromDateTime" => ReflectionMethod {#680 …4} "asTimestamp" => ReflectionMethod {#681 …4} "serializeDate" => ReflectionMethod {#682 …4} "getDates" => ReflectionMethod {#683 …3} "getDateFormat" => ReflectionMethod {#684 …3} "setDateFormat" => ReflectionMethod {#685 …4} "hasCast" => ReflectionMethod {#686 …4} "getCasts" => ReflectionMethod {#687 …3} "isDateCastable" => ReflectionMethod {#688 …4} "isJsonCastable" => ReflectionMethod {#689 …4} "getAttributes" => ReflectionMethod {#690 …3} "setRawAttributes" => ReflectionMethod {#691 …4} "getOriginal" => ReflectionMethod {#692 …4} "only" => ReflectionMethod {#693 …4} "syncOriginal" => ReflectionMethod {#694 …3} "syncOriginalAttribute" => ReflectionMethod {#695 …4} "syncOriginalAttributes" => ReflectionMethod {#696 …4} "syncChanges" => ReflectionMethod {#697 …3} "isDirty" => ReflectionMethod {#698 …4} "isClean" => ReflectionMethod {#699 …4} "wasChanged" => ReflectionMethod {#700 …4} "hasChanges" => ReflectionMethod {#701 …4} "getDirty" => ReflectionMethod {#702 …3} "getChanges" => ReflectionMethod {#703 …3} "originalIsEquivalent" => ReflectionMethod {#704 …4} "append" => ReflectionMethod {#705 …4} "setAppends" => ReflectionMethod {#706 …4} "getMutatedAttributes" => ReflectionMethod {#707 …3} "cacheMutatedAttributes" => ReflectionMethod {#708 …4} "getMutatorMethods" => ReflectionMethod {#709 …4} "observe" => ReflectionMethod {#710 …4} "registerObserver" => ReflectionMethod {#711 …4} "resolveObserverClassName" => ReflectionMethod {#712 …4} "getObservableEvents" => ReflectionMethod {#713 …3} "setObservableEvents" => ReflectionMethod {#714 …4} "addObservableEvents" => ReflectionMethod {#715 …4} "removeObservableEvents" => ReflectionMethod {#716 …4} "registerModelEvent" => ReflectionMethod {#717 …4} "fireModelEvent" => ReflectionMethod {#718 …4} "fireCustomModelEvent" => ReflectionMethod {#719 …4} "filterModelEventResults" => ReflectionMethod {#720 …4} "retrieved" => ReflectionMethod {#721 …4} "saving" => ReflectionMethod {#722 …4} "saved" => ReflectionMethod {#723 …4} "updating" => ReflectionMethod {#724 …4} "updated" => ReflectionMethod {#725 …4} "creating" => ReflectionMethod {#726 …4} "created" => ReflectionMethod {#727 …4} "replicating" => ReflectionMethod {#728 …4} "deleting" => ReflectionMethod {#729 …4} "deleted" => ReflectionMethod {#730 …4} "flushEventListeners" => ReflectionMethod {#731 …3} "getEventDispatcher" => ReflectionMethod {#732 …3} "setEventDispatcher" => ReflectionMethod {#733 …4} "unsetEventDispatcher" => ReflectionMethod {#734 …3} "withoutEvents" => ReflectionMethod {#735 …4} "addGlobalScope" => ReflectionMethod {#736 …4} "hasGlobalScope" => ReflectionMethod {#737 …4} "getGlobalScope" => ReflectionMethod {#738 …4} "getGlobalScopes" => ReflectionMethod {#739 …3} "hasOne" => ReflectionMethod {#740 …4} "newHasOne" => ReflectionMethod {#741 …4} "hasOneThrough" => ReflectionMethod {#742 …4} "newHasOneThrough" => ReflectionMethod {#743 …4} "morphOne" => ReflectionMethod {#744 …4} "newMorphOne" => ReflectionMethod {#745 …4} "belongsTo" => ReflectionMethod {#746 …4} "newBelongsTo" => ReflectionMethod {#747 …4} "morphTo" => ReflectionMethod {#748 …4} "morphEagerTo" => ReflectionMethod {#749 …4} "morphInstanceTo" => ReflectionMethod {#750 …4} "newMorphTo" => ReflectionMethod {#751 …4} "getActualClassNameForMorph" => ReflectionMethod {#752 …4} "guessBelongsToRelation" => ReflectionMethod {#753 …3} "hasMany" => ReflectionMethod {#754 …4} "newHasMany" => ReflectionMethod {#755 …4} "hasManyThrough" => ReflectionMethod {#756 …4} "newHasManyThrough" => ReflectionMethod {#757 …4} "morphMany" => ReflectionMethod {#758 …4} "newMorphMany" => ReflectionMethod {#759 …4} "belongsToMany" => ReflectionMethod {#760 …4} "newBelongsToMany" => ReflectionMethod {#761 …4} "morphToMany" => ReflectionMethod {#762 …4} "newMorphToMany" => ReflectionMethod {#763 …4} "morphedByMany" => ReflectionMethod {#764 …4} "guessBelongsToManyRelation" => ReflectionMethod {#765 …3} "joiningTable" => ReflectionMethod {#766 …4} "joiningTableSegment" => ReflectionMethod {#767 …3} "touches" => ReflectionMethod {#768 …4} "touchOwners" => ReflectionMethod {#769 …3} "getMorphs" => ReflectionMethod {#770 …4} "getMorphClass" => ReflectionMethod {#771 …3} "newRelatedInstance" => ReflectionMethod {#772 …4} "getRelations" => ReflectionMethod {#773 …3} "getRelation" => ReflectionMethod {#774 …4} "relationLoaded" => ReflectionMethod {#775 …4} "setRelation" => ReflectionMethod {#776 …4} "unsetRelation" => ReflectionMethod {#777 …4} "setRelations" => ReflectionMethod {#778 …4} "getTouchedRelations" => ReflectionMethod {#779 …3} "setTouchedRelations" => ReflectionMethod {#780 …4} "touch" => ReflectionMethod {#781 …3} "updateTimestamps" => ReflectionMethod {#782 …3} "setCreatedAt" => ReflectionMethod {#783 …4} "setUpdatedAt" => ReflectionMethod {#784 …4} "freshTimestamp" => ReflectionMethod {#785 …3} "freshTimestampString" => ReflectionMethod {#786 …3} "usesTimestamps" => ReflectionMethod {#787 …3} "getCreatedAtColumn" => ReflectionMethod {#788 …3} "getUpdatedAtColumn" => ReflectionMethod {#789 …3} "getHidden" => ReflectionMethod {#790 …3} "setHidden" => ReflectionMethod {#791 …4} "addHidden" => ReflectionMethod {#792 …4} "getVisible" => ReflectionMethod {#793 …3} "setVisible" => ReflectionMethod {#794 …4} "addVisible" => ReflectionMethod {#795 …4} "makeVisible" => ReflectionMethod {#796 …4} "makeHidden" => ReflectionMethod {#797 …4} "getFillable" => ReflectionMethod {#798 …3} "fillable" => ReflectionMethod {#799 …4} "getGuarded" => ReflectionMethod {#800 …3} "guard" => ReflectionMethod {#801 …4} "unguard" => ReflectionMethod {#802 …4} "reguard" => ReflectionMethod {#803 …3} "isUnguarded" => ReflectionMethod {#804 …3} "unguarded" => ReflectionMethod {#805 …4} "isFillable" => ReflectionMethod {#806 …4} "isGuarded" => ReflectionMethod {#807 …4} "totallyGuarded" => ReflectionMethod {#808 …3} "fillableFromArray" => ReflectionMethod {#809 …4} "forwardCallTo" => ReflectionMethod {#810 …4} "throwBadMethodCallException" => ReflectionMethod {#811 …4} ] } "properties" => array:1 [ "raw_reports_id" => "factory(App\Models\RawReport::class)->create()->id" ] ] ] ] 4 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/app/Console/Commands/Vendor/GenerateCommand.php" "line" => 166 "function" => "createFactory" "class" => "App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand" "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => App\Models\FailedOrder^ {#456

fillable: array:6 [

      0 => "order_id"
      1 => "raw_report_id"
      2 => "status"
      3 => "reason"
      4 => "created_at"
      5 => "updated_at"
    #connection: null
    #table: null
    #primaryKey: "id"
    #keyType: "int"
    +incrementing: true
    #with: []
    #withCount: []
    #perPage: 15
    +exists: false
    +wasRecentlyCreated: false
    #attributes: []
    #original: []
    #changes: []
    #casts: []
    #dates: []
    #dateFormat: null
    #appends: []
    #dispatchesEvents: []
    #observables: []
    #relations: []
    #touches: []
    +timestamps: true
    #hidden: []
    #visible: []
    #guarded: array:1 [
      0 => "*"

] 5 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/app/Console/Commands/Vendor/GenerateCommand.php" "line" => 91 "function" => "generateFactory" "class" => "App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand" "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => App\Models\FailedOrder^ {#456} ] ] 6 => array:4 [ "function" => "handle" "class" => "App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand" "type" => "->" "args" => [] ] 7 => array:4 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/container/BoundMethod.php" "line" => 32 "function" => "call_user_func_array" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand^ {#264

files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#265}

      #name: "generate:model-factory"
      #dir: "app/Models"
      #view: Illuminate\View\Factory^ {#163
        #engines: Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver^ {#157
          #resolvers: array:3 [ …3]
          #resolved: []
        #finder: Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder^ {#162
          #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
          #paths: array:1 [ …1]
          #views: []
          #hints: array:2 [ …2]
          #extensions: array:4 [ …4]
        #events: Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher^ {#63
          #container: App\Application^ {#2
            #manifest: App\AppEnvironment\Manifest^ {#20
              #version: "{version}"
              #buildId: "{buildId}"
            #stage: App\AppEnvironment\Stage^ {#21
              #name: "local"
            #origin: App\AppEnvironment\Origin^ {#23
              #name: "CLI"
            #uid: "18194a7ccd"
            #basePath: "/app"
            #loadedConfigurations: array:16 [
              "database" => true
              "." => true
              ".." => true
              "app" => true
              "container" => true
              "flysystems" => true
              "ide-helper" => true
              "logging" => true
              "mail" => true
              "pipelines" => true
              "report" => true
              "cache" => true
              "queue" => true
              "view" => true
              "flysystem" => true
              "auth" => true
            #booted: true
            #loadedProviders: array:16 [
              "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider" => Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider^ {#24
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider" => Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider^ {#27
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "App\Providers\ContainerServiceProvider" => App\Providers\ContainerServiceProvider^ {#36
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "App\Providers\AppServiceProvider" => App\Providers\AppServiceProvider^ {#46
                -devProviders: array:1 [ …1]
                -prodProviders: array:1 [ …1]
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\FlysystemServiceProvider" => GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\FlysystemServiceProvider^ {#47
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\IdeHelperServiceProvider" => Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\IdeHelperServiceProvider^ {#53
                #defer: true
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
              "Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider" => Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider^ {#61
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider" => App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider^ {#69
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "App\Providers\StatusServiceProvider" => App\Providers\StatusServiceProvider^ {#70
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider" => Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider^ {#72
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider" => Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider^ {#92
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider" => Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider^ {#97
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider" => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider^ {#89
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "Laravel\Lumen\Console\ConsoleServiceProvider" => Laravel\Lumen\Console\ConsoleServiceProvider^ {#112
                #commands: array:20 [ …20]
                #devCommands: array:5 [ …5]
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider" => Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider^ {#153
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
              "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider" => Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider^ {#166
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #defer: false
            #ranServiceBinders: array:9 [
              "registerConfigBindings" => true
              "registerDatabaseBindings" => true
              "registerFilesBindings" => true
              "registerEventBindings" => true
              "registerCacheBindings" => true
              "registerQueueBindings" => true
              "registerViewBindings" => true
              "registerAuthBindings" => true
              "registerComposerBindings" => true
            #storagePath: null
            #namespace: "App\"
            +router: Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Router^ {#15
              +app: App\Application^ {#2}
              #groupStack: []
              #routes: array:19 [
                "GET/status/check" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/status/health" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/id/{id}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/id/{id}/download" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/all" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/year/{year}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/year/{year}/month/{month}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/year/{year}/week/{week}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/year/{year}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/year/{year}/month/{month}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/year/{year}/week/{week}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/date/{date}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/payoutDate/{date}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/payout/{id}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/rawReport/latest" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/rawReport/name/{name}" => array:3 [ …3]
                "GET/api/v1/rawReport/name/{name}/download" => array:3 [ …3]
                "POST/api/v1/adyenReport" => array:3 [ …3]
              +namedRoutes: array:14 [
                "settlement.index" => "/api/v1/settlement/id/{id}"
                "" => "/api/v1/settlement/id/{id}/download"
                "settlement.all" => "/api/v1/settlement/all"
                "settlement.year" => "/api/v1/settlement/year/{year}"
                "settlement.month" => "/api/v1/settlement/year/{year}/month/{month}"
                "settlement.week" => "/api/v1/settlement/year/{year}/week/{week}"
                "settlement.debtor" => "/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}"
                "settlement.debtor.all" => "/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}"
                "settlement.debtor.year" => "/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/year/{year}"
                "settlement.debtor.month" => "/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/year/{year}/month/{month}"
                "settlement.debtor.week" => "/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/year/{year}/week/{week}"
                "" => "/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/date/{date}"
                "settlement.debtor.payoutDate" => "/api/v1/settlement/debtor/{debtorId}/payoutDate/{date}"
                "payout.index" => "/api/v1/payout/{id}"
            +availableBindings: array:44 [
              "auth" => "registerAuthBindings"
              "auth.driver" => "registerAuthBindings"
              "Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager" => "registerAuthBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard" => "registerAuthBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate" => "registerAuthBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Broadcaster" => "registerBroadcastingBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\Factory" => "registerBroadcastingBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher" => "registerBusBindings"
              "cache" => "registerCacheBindings"
              "" => "registerCacheBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Factory" => "registerCacheBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository" => "registerCacheBindings"
              "composer" => "registerComposerBindings"
              "config" => "registerConfigBindings"
              "db" => "registerDatabaseBindings"
              "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory" => "registerDatabaseBindings"
              "filesystem" => "registerFilesystemBindings"
              "" => "registerFilesystemBindings"
              "filesystem.disk" => "registerFilesystemBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Cloud" => "registerFilesystemBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem" => "registerFilesystemBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Factory" => "registerFilesystemBindings"
              "encrypter" => "registerEncrypterBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\Encrypter" => "registerEncrypterBindings"
              "events" => "registerEventBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher" => "registerEventBindings"
              "files" => "registerFilesBindings"
              "hash" => "registerHashBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing\Hasher" => "registerHashBindings"
              "log" => "registerLogBindings"
              "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface" => "registerLogBindings"
              "queue" => "registerQueueBindings"
              "queue.connection" => "registerQueueBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Factory" => "registerQueueBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue" => "registerQueueBindings"
              "router" => "registerRouterBindings"
              "Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface" => "registerPsrRequestBindings"
              "Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" => "registerPsrResponseBindings"
              "translator" => "registerTranslationBindings"
              "url" => "registerUrlGeneratorBindings"
              "validator" => "registerValidatorBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Factory" => "registerValidatorBindings"
              "view" => "registerViewBindings"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory" => "registerViewBindings"
            #resolved: array:77 [
              "config" => true
              "db.factory" => true
              "db" => true
              "files" => true
              "events" => true
              "cache" => true
              "queue" => true
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\CacheEventMutex" => true
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\CacheSchedulingMutex" => true
              "App\Console\Kernel" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel" => true
              "view.engine.resolver" => true
              "view.finder" => true
              "view" => true
              "auth" => true
              "App\Console\Commands\Status\StatusCheckCommand" => true
              "App\Console\Commands\Status\StatusHealthCommand" => true
              "App\Repositories\OrderRepository" => true
              "App\Repositories\TransactionRepository" => true
              "App\Repositories\PayoutRepository" => true
              "App\Transformers\Adyen\PayoutTransformer" => true
              "App\Services\DateService" => true
              "App\Services\Adyen\PayoutService" => true
              "App\Console\Commands\Adyen\HandlePayoutCommand" => true
              "App\Console\Commands\Mail\SendMailCommand" => true
              "App\Console\Commands\Adyen\SendPayoutCommand" => true
              "\App\Console\Commands\Adyen\ImportReportCommand" => true
              "App\Repositories\SettlementRepository" => true
              "\App\Console\Commands\Adyen\ValidateReportCommand" => true
              "App\Transformers\Adyen\SettlementDataTransformer" => true
              "App\Services\Adyen\SettlementService" => true
              "App\Exporters\Adyen\SettlementFileExporter" => true
              "\App\Console\Commands\Adyen\CreateSettlementFileCommand" => true
              "\App\Console\Commands\Adyen\CreateAndSendSettlementFileCommand" => true
              "\App\Console\Commands\Adyen\CalculatePayoutsCommand" => true
              "\App\Console\Commands\Laravel\RoutesCommand" => true
              "Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem" => true
              "\App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand" => true
              "command.ide-helper.generate" => true
              "command.ide-helper.models" => true
              "command.ide-helper.meta" => true
              "command.ide-helper.eloquent" => true
              "command.cache.clear" => true
              "command.cache.forget" => true
              "command.auth.resets.clear" => true
              "migration.repository" => true
              "migrator" => true
              "command.migrate" => true
              "command.migrate.install" => true
              "command.migrate.fresh" => true
              "command.migrate.refresh" => true
              "command.migrate.reset" => true
              "command.migrate.rollback" => true
              "command.migrate.status" => true
              "command.queue.failed" => true
              "command.queue.flush" => true
              "command.queue.forget" => true
              "queue.listener" => true
              "command.queue.listen" => true
              "command.queue.restart" => true
              "command.queue.retry" => true
              "App\Exceptions\Handler" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler" => true
              "queue.worker" => true
              "" => true
              "command.seed" => true
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleFinishCommand" => true
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleRunCommand" => true
              "composer" => true
              "command.cache.table" => true
              "migration.creator" => true
              "command.migrate.make" => true
              "command.queue.failed-table" => true
              "command.queue.table" => true
              "command.seeder.make" => true
              "Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle" => true
              "App\Models\FailedOrder" => true
            #bindings: array:79 [
              "config" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#13 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "db" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#16 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "db.factory" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#25 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "db.connection" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#17 …2}
                "shared" => false
              "Faker\Generator" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#18 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#22 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\EntityResolver" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#26 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($container, $parameters = [])^ {#19 …3}
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($container, $parameters = [])^ {#34 …3}
                "shared" => true
              "filesystem" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#35}
                "shared" => true
              "OrderRepository" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($class, $app, $name)^ {#38 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "PayoutRepository" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($class, $app, $name)^ {#40 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "TransactionRepository" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($class, $app, $name)^ {#41 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "RawReportRepository" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($class, $app, $name)^ {#39 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "ReportTransformer" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($class, $app, $name)^ {#42 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "AdyenReportParser" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($class, $app, $name)^ {#43 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "AdyenReportImporter" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($class, $app, $name)^ {#44 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "Mailer" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($class, $app, $name)^ {#45 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "flysystem.adapterfactory" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#48 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "flysystem.cachefactory" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure(Container $app)^ {#49 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "flysystem.factory" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure(Container $app)^ {#50 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "flysystem" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure(Container $app)^ {#51 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "flysystem.connection" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure(Container $app)^ {#52 …2}
                "shared" => false
              "files" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#57 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "events" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#62 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.ide-helper.generate" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#60 …3}
                "shared" => true
              "command.ide-helper.models" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#65 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.ide-helper.meta" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#66 …3}
                "shared" => true
              "command.ide-helper.eloquent" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#67 …3}
                "shared" => true
              "swift.transport" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#73 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "swift.mailer" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#74 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "mailer" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#75 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Mail\Markdown" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#76 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "cache" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#93 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#91 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "memcached.connector" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#90 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "queue" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#98 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "queue.connection" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#96 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "queue.worker" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#95 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "queue.listener" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#99 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "queue.failer" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#100 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "migration.repository" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#103 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "migrator" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#110 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "migration.creator" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#111 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.cache.clear" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#113 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.cache.forget" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#114 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.auth.resets.clear" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#115 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.migrate" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#116 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.migrate.install" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#117 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.migrate.fresh" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#118 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.migrate.refresh" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#119 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.migrate.reset" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#120 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.migrate.rollback" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#121 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.migrate.status" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#122 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.queue.failed" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#123 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.queue.flush" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#124 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.queue.forget" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#125 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.queue.listen" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#126 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.queue.restart" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#127 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.queue.retry" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#128 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#129 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.seed" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#130 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleFinishCommand" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($container, $parameters = [])^ {#131 …3}
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleRunCommand" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($container, $parameters = [])^ {#132 …3}
                "shared" => true
              "command.cache.table" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#133 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.migrate.make" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#134 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.queue.failed-table" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#135 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.queue.table" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#136 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "command.seeder.make" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#137 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "view" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#154 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "view.finder" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#155 …2}
                "shared" => false
              "view.engine.resolver" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#156 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "blade.compiler" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#160 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "auth" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#167 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "auth.driver" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#168 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#169 …2}
                "shared" => true
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#164 …2}
                "shared" => false
              "auth.loaded" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure()^ {#171 …3}
                "shared" => false
              "composer" => array:2 [
                "concrete" => Closure($app)^ {#399 …2}
                "shared" => true
            #methodBindings: []
            #instances: array:57 [
              "app" => App\Application^ {#2}
              "Laravel\Lumen\Application" => App\Application^ {#2}
              "path" => "/app/app"
              "config" => Illuminate\Config\Repository^ {#4
                #items: array:14 [ …14]
              "env" => "local"
              "db.factory" => Illuminate\Database\Connectors\ConnectionFactory^ {#32
                #container: App\Application^ {#2}
              "db" => Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager^ {#31
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #factory: Illuminate\Database\Connectors\ConnectionFactory^ {#32}
                #connections: array:1 [ …1]
                #extensions: []
                #reconnector: Closure($connection)^ {#33 …2}
              "path.config" => "/app/config"
              "" => "/app/storage"
              "files" => Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
              "events" => Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher^ {#63}
              "App\Status\Status" => App\Status\Status^ {#71
                #version: "{version} (with Lumen (5.8.12) (Laravel Components 5.8.*))"
                #buildId: "{buildId}"
                #checkTests: []
                #healthTests: []
              "request" => Illuminate\Http\Request^ {#81
                #json: null
                #convertedFiles: null
                #userResolver: null
                #routeResolver: null
                +attributes: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag^ {#84 …1}
                +request: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag^ {#82 …1}
                +query: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag^ {#83 …1}
                +server: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ServerBag^ {#87 …1}
                +files: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\FileBag^ {#86 …1}
                +cookies: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag^ {#85 …1}
                +headers: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag^ {#88 …2}
                #content: null
                #languages: null
                #charsets: null
                #encodings: null
                #acceptableContentTypes: null
                #pathInfo: null
                #requestUri: null
                #baseUrl: null
                #basePath: null
                #method: null
                #format: null
                #session: null
                #locale: null
                #defaultLocale: "en"
                -isHostValid: true
                -isForwardedValid: true
                pathInfo: "/"
                requestUri: "/"
                baseUrl: ""
                basePath: ""
                method: "GET"
                format: "html"
              "cache" => Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager^ {#94
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #stores: []
                #customCreators: []
              "queue" => Illuminate\Queue\QueueManager^ {#102
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #connections: []
                #connectors: array:6 [ …6]
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule" => Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule^ {#139
                #events: []
                #eventMutex: Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\CacheEventMutex^ {#143 …2}
                #schedulingMutex: Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\CacheSchedulingMutex^ {#144 …2}
                #timezone: null
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel" => App\Console\Kernel^ {#80
                #commands: []
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #artisan: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150
                  #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                  #lastOutput: null
                  #events: Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher^ {#63}
                  -commands: array:43 [
                    "help" => Symfony\Component\Console\Command\HelpCommand^ {#176 …16}
                    "list" => Symfony\Component\Console\Command\ListCommand^ {#182 …15}
                    "status:check" => App\Console\Commands\Status\StatusCheckCommand^ {#177 …24}
                    "status:health" => App\Console\Commands\Status\StatusHealthCommand^ {#194 …24}
                    "payouts:handle" => App\Console\Commands\Adyen\HandlePayoutCommand^ {#203 …32}
                    "mail:send" => App\Console\Commands\Mail\SendMailCommand^ {#192 …24}
                    "payouts:manual-send" => App\Console\Commands\Adyen\SendPayoutCommand^ {#214 …25}
                    "report:import" => App\Console\Commands\Adyen\ImportReportCommand^ {#196 …24}
                    "report:validate" => App\Console\Commands\Adyen\ValidateReportCommand^ {#225 …26}
                    "settlement:create" => App\Console\Commands\Adyen\CreateSettlementFileCommand^ {#235 …26}
                    "settlement:createAndSend" => App\Console\Commands\Adyen\CreateAndSendSettlementFileCommand^ {#248 …25}
                    "payouts:calculate" => App\Console\Commands\Adyen\CalculatePayoutsCommand^ {#220 …27}
                    "route:list" => App\Console\Commands\Laravel\RoutesCommand^ {#219 …26}
                    "generate:model-factory" => App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand^ {#264}
                    "ide-helper:generate" => Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Console\GeneratorCommand^ {#263
                      #name: "ide-helper:generate"
                      #description: "Generate a new IDE Helper file."
                      #config: Illuminate\Config\Repository^ {#4}
                      #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                      #view: Illuminate\View\Factory^ {#59 …19}
                      #onlyExtend: null
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#262 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183
                        -helpers: array:4 [
                          "formatter" => Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper^ {#188 …1}
                          "debug_formatter" => Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DebugFormatterHelper^ {#189 …4}
                          "process" => Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProcessHelper^ {#190 …1}
                          "question" => Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper^ {#191 …2}
                        -command: null
                      -name: "ide-helper:generate"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Generate a new IDE Helper file."
                    "ide-helper:models" => Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Console\ModelsCommand^ {#274
                      #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                      #name: "ide-helper:models"
                      #filename: "_ide_helper_models.php"
                      #description: "Generate autocompletion for models"
                      #write_model_magic_where: null
                      #properties: []
                      #methods: []
                      #write: false
                      #dirs: []
                      #reset: null
                      #keep_text: null
                      #nullableColumns: []
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#275 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "ide-helper:models"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Generate autocompletion for models"
                    "ide-helper:meta" => Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Console\MetaCommand^ {#284
                      #name: "ide-helper:meta"
                      #description: "Generate metadata for PhpStorm"
                      #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                      #view: Illuminate\View\Factory^ {#59 …19}
                      #config: Illuminate\Config\Repository^ {#4}
                      #methods: array:7 [ …7]
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#285 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "ide-helper:meta"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Generate metadata for PhpStorm"
                    "ide-helper:eloquent" => Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Console\EloquentCommand^ {#287
                      #name: "ide-helper:eloquent"
                      #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                      #description: "Add \Eloquent helper to \Eloquent\Model"
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#288 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "ide-helper:eloquent"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Add \Eloquent helper to \Eloquent\Model"
                    "cache:clear" => Illuminate\Cache\Console\ClearCommand^ {#289
                      #name: "cache:clear"
                      #description: "Flush the application cache"
                      #cache: Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager^ {#94}
                      #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#290 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "cache:clear"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Flush the application cache"
                    "cache:forget" => Illuminate\Cache\Console\ForgetCommand^ {#293
                      #signature: "cache:forget {key : The key to remove} {store? : The store to remove the key from}"
                      #description: "Remove an item from the cache"
                      #cache: Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager^ {#94}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #name: "cache:forget"
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#296 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "cache:forget"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Remove an item from the cache"
                    "auth:clear-resets" => Illuminate\Auth\Console\ClearResetsCommand^ {#297
                      #signature: "auth:clear-resets {name? : The name of the password broker}"
                      #description: "Flush expired password reset tokens"
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #name: "auth:clear-resets"
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#299 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "auth:clear-resets"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Flush expired password reset tokens"
                    "migrate" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\MigrateCommand^ {#300
                      #signature: """
                        migrate {--database= : The database connection to use}\n
                                        {--force : Force the operation to run when in production}\n
                                        {--path=* : The path(s) to the migrations files to be executed}\n
                                        {--realpath : Indicate any provided migration file paths are pre-resolved absolute paths}\n
                                        {--pretend : Dump the SQL queries that would be run}\n
                                        {--seed : Indicates if the seed task should be re-run}\n
                                        {--step : Force the migrations to be run so they can be rolled back individually}
                      #description: "Run the database migrations"
                      #migrator: Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator^ {#302
                        #events: Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher^ {#63}
                        #repository: Illuminate\Database\Migrations\DatabaseMigrationRepository^ {#301
                          #resolver: Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager^ {#31}
                          #table: "migrations"
                          #connection: null
                        #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                        #resolver: Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager^ {#31}
                        #connection: null
                        #paths: []
                        #output: null
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #name: "migrate"
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#310 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "migrate"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Run the database migrations"
                    "migrate:install" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\InstallCommand^ {#311
                      #name: "migrate:install"
                      #description: "Create the migration repository"
                      #repository: Illuminate\Database\Migrations\DatabaseMigrationRepository^ {#301}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#312 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "migrate:install"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Create the migration repository"
                    "migrate:fresh" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\FreshCommand^ {#314
                      #name: "migrate:fresh"
                      #description: "Drop all tables and re-run all migrations"
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#315 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "migrate:fresh"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Drop all tables and re-run all migrations"
                    "migrate:refresh" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\RefreshCommand^ {#325
                      #name: "migrate:refresh"
                      #description: "Reset and re-run all migrations"
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#326 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "migrate:refresh"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Reset and re-run all migrations"
                    "migrate:reset" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\ResetCommand^ {#334
                      #name: "migrate:reset"
                      #description: "Rollback all database migrations"
                      #migrator: Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator^ {#302}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#335 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "migrate:reset"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Rollback all database migrations"
                    "migrate:rollback" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\RollbackCommand^ {#341
                      #name: "migrate:rollback"
                      #description: "Rollback the last database migration"
                      #migrator: Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator^ {#302}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#342 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "migrate:rollback"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Rollback the last database migration"
                    "migrate:status" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\StatusCommand^ {#349
                      #name: "migrate:status"
                      #description: "Show the status of each migration"
                      #migrator: Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator^ {#302}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#350 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "migrate:status"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Show the status of each migration"
                    "queue:failed" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\ListFailedCommand^ {#354
                      #name: "queue:failed"
                      #description: "List all of the failed queue jobs"
                      #headers: array:5 [ …5]
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#355 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "queue:failed"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "List all of the failed queue jobs"
                    "queue:flush" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\FlushFailedCommand^ {#356
                      #name: "queue:flush"
                      #description: "Flush all of the failed queue jobs"
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#357 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "queue:flush"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Flush all of the failed queue jobs"
                    "queue:forget" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\ForgetFailedCommand^ {#358
                      #signature: "queue:forget {id : The ID of the failed job}"
                      #description: "Delete a failed queue job"
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #name: "queue:forget"
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#360 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "queue:forget"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Delete a failed queue job"
                    "queue:listen" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\ListenCommand^ {#361
                      #signature: """
                                                    {connection? : The name of connection}\n
                                                    {--delay=0 : The number of seconds to delay failed jobs}\n
                                                    {--force : Force the worker to run even in maintenance mode}\n
                                                    {--memory=128 : The memory limit in megabytes}\n
                                                    {--queue= : The queue to listen on}\n
                                                    {--sleep=3 : Number of seconds to sleep when no job is available}\n
                                                    {--timeout=60 : The number of seconds a child process can run}\n
                                                    {--tries=0 : Number of times to attempt a job before logging it failed}
                      #description: "Listen to a given queue"
                      #listener: Illuminate\Queue\Listener^ {#362
                        #commandPath: "/app"
                        #environment: null
                        #sleep: 3
                        #maxTries: 0
                        #outputHandler: Closure($type, $line)^ {#372 …2}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #name: "queue:listen"
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#371 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "queue:listen"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Listen to a given queue"
                    "queue:restart" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\RestartCommand^ {#373
                      #name: "queue:restart"
                      #description: "Restart queue worker daemons after their current job"
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#374 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "queue:restart"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Restart queue worker daemons after their current job"
                    "queue:retry" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\RetryCommand^ {#375
                      #signature: "queue:retry {id* : The ID of the failed job or "all" to retry all jobs}"
                      #description: "Retry a failed queue job"
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #name: "queue:retry"
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#377 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "queue:retry"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Retry a failed queue job"
                    "queue:work" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\WorkCommand^ {#378
                      #signature: """
                                                    {connection? : The name of the queue connection to work}\n
                                                    {--queue= : The names of the queues to work}\n
                                                    {--daemon : Run the worker in daemon mode (Deprecated)}\n
                                                    {--once : Only process the next job on the queue}\n
                                                    {--stop-when-empty : Stop when the queue is empty}\n
                                                    {--delay=0 : The number of seconds to delay failed jobs}\n
                                                    {--force : Force the worker to run even in maintenance mode}\n
                                                    {--memory=128 : The memory limit in megabytes}\n
                                                    {--sleep=3 : Number of seconds to sleep when no job is available}\n
                                                    {--timeout=60 : The number of seconds a child process can run}\n
                                                    {--tries=0 : Number of times to attempt a job before logging it failed}
                      #description: "Start processing jobs on the queue as a daemon"
                      #worker: Illuminate\Queue\Worker^ {#379
                        #manager: Illuminate\Queue\QueueManager^ {#102}
                        #events: Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher^ {#63}
                        #cache: null
                        #exceptions: App\Exceptions\Handler^ {#381
                          #dontReport: array:4 [ …4]
                        +shouldQuit: false
                        +paused: false
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #name: "queue:work"
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#392 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "queue:work"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Start processing jobs on the queue as a daemon"
                    "db:seed" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds\SeedCommand^ {#393
                      #name: "db:seed"
                      #description: "Seed the database with records"
                      #resolver: Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager^ {#31}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#394 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "db:seed"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Seed the database with records"
                    "schedule:finish" => Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleFinishCommand^ {#401
                      #signature: "schedule:finish {id}"
                      #description: "Handle the completion of a scheduled command"
                      #hidden: true
                      #schedule: Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule^ {#139}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #name: "schedule:finish"
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#403 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "schedule:finish"
                      -hidden: true
                      -description: "Handle the completion of a scheduled command"
                    "schedule:run" => Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleRunCommand^ {#404
                      #name: "schedule:run"
                      #description: "Run the scheduled commands"
                      #schedule: Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule^ {#139}
                      #startedAt: Illuminate\Support\Carbon @1566554975^ {#406 …1}
                      #eventsRan: false
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#407 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "schedule:run"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Run the scheduled commands"
                    "cache:table" => Illuminate\Cache\Console\CacheTableCommand^ {#398
                      #name: "cache:table"
                      #description: "Create a migration for the cache database table"
                      #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                      #composer: Illuminate\Support\Composer^ {#400
                        #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                        #workingPath: "/app"
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#408 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "cache:table"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Create a migration for the cache database table"
                    "make:migration" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\MigrateMakeCommand^ {#410
                      #signature: """
                        make:migration {name : The name of the migration}\n
                                {--create= : The table to be created}\n
                                {--table= : The table to migrate}\n
                                {--path= : The location where the migration file should be created}\n
                                {--realpath : Indicate any provided migration file paths are pre-resolved absolute paths}\n
                                {--fullpath : Output the full path of the migration}
                      #description: "Create a new migration file"
                      #creator: Illuminate\Database\Migrations\MigrationCreator^ {#409
                        #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                        #postCreate: []
                      #composer: Illuminate\Support\Composer^ {#400}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #name: "make:migration"
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#417 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "make:migration"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Create a new migration file"
                    "queue:failed-table" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\FailedTableCommand^ {#418
                      #name: "queue:failed-table"
                      #description: "Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table"
                      #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                      #composer: Illuminate\Support\Composer^ {#400}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#419 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "queue:failed-table"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table"
                    "queue:table" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\TableCommand^ {#420
                      #name: "queue:table"
                      #description: "Create a migration for the queue jobs database table"
                      #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                      #composer: Illuminate\Support\Composer^ {#400}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#421 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "queue:table"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Create a migration for the queue jobs database table"
                    "make:seeder" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds\SeederMakeCommand^ {#422
                      #name: "make:seeder"
                      #description: "Create a new seeder class"
                      #type: "Seeder"
                      #composer: Illuminate\Support\Composer^ {#400}
                      #files: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem^ {#58}
                      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
                      #input: null
                      #output: null
                      #signature: null
                      #hidden: false
                      #verbosity: 32
                      #verbosityMap: array:5 [ …5]
                      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
                      -processTitle: null
                      -aliases: []
                      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#423 …6}
                      -help: null
                      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMerged: false
                      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: false
                      -code: null
                      -synopsis: []
                      -usages: []
                      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                      -name: "make:seeder"
                      -hidden: false
                      -description: "Create a new seeder class"
                  -wantHelps: false
                  -runningCommand: App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand^ {#264}
                  -name: "Laravel Framework"
                  -version: "{version} (with Lumen (5.8.12) (Laravel Components 5.8.*))"
                  -commandLoader: null
                  -catchExceptions: false
                  -autoExit: false
                  -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#426
                    -arguments: array:1 [ …1]
                    -requiredCount: 1
                    -hasAnArrayArgument: false
                    -hasOptional: false
                    -options: array:8 [ …8]
                    -shortcuts: array:7 [ …7]
                  -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
                  -dispatcher: null
                  -terminal: Symfony\Component\Console\Terminal^ {#151}
                  -defaultCommand: "list"
                  -singleCommand: false
                  -initialized: true
                #aliases: true
              "view.engine.resolver" => Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver^ {#157}
              "view" => Illuminate\View\Factory^ {#163}
              "auth" => Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager^ {#172
                #app: App\Application^ {#2}
                #customCreators: array:1 [ …1]
                #guards: []
                #userResolver: Closure($guard = null)^ {#173 …2}
                #customProviderCreators: []
              "command.ide-helper.generate" => Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Console\GeneratorCommand^ {#263}
              "command.ide-helper.models" => Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Console\ModelsCommand^ {#274}
              "command.ide-helper.meta" => Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Console\MetaCommand^ {#284}
              "command.ide-helper.eloquent" => Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Console\EloquentCommand^ {#287}
              "command.cache.clear" => Illuminate\Cache\Console\ClearCommand^ {#289}
              "command.cache.forget" => Illuminate\Cache\Console\ForgetCommand^ {#293}
              "command.auth.resets.clear" => Illuminate\Auth\Console\ClearResetsCommand^ {#297}
              "migration.repository" => Illuminate\Database\Migrations\DatabaseMigrationRepository^ {#301}
              "migrator" => Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator^ {#302}
              "command.migrate" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\MigrateCommand^ {#300}
              "command.migrate.install" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\InstallCommand^ {#311}
              "command.migrate.fresh" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\FreshCommand^ {#314}
              "command.migrate.refresh" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\RefreshCommand^ {#325}
              "command.migrate.reset" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\ResetCommand^ {#334}
              "command.migrate.rollback" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\RollbackCommand^ {#341}
              "command.migrate.status" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\StatusCommand^ {#349}
              "command.queue.failed" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\ListFailedCommand^ {#354}
              "command.queue.flush" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\FlushFailedCommand^ {#356}
              "command.queue.forget" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\ForgetFailedCommand^ {#358}
              "queue.listener" => Illuminate\Queue\Listener^ {#362}
              "command.queue.listen" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\ListenCommand^ {#361}
              "command.queue.restart" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\RestartCommand^ {#373}
              "command.queue.retry" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\RetryCommand^ {#375}
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler" => App\Exceptions\Handler^ {#381}
              "queue.worker" => Illuminate\Queue\Worker^ {#379}
              "" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\WorkCommand^ {#378}
              "command.seed" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds\SeedCommand^ {#393}
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleFinishCommand" => Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleFinishCommand^ {#401}
              "date" => Illuminate\Support\DateFactory^ {#405}
              "Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleRunCommand" => Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ScheduleRunCommand^ {#404}
              "composer" => Illuminate\Support\Composer^ {#400}
              "command.cache.table" => Illuminate\Cache\Console\CacheTableCommand^ {#398}
              "migration.creator" => Illuminate\Database\Migrations\MigrationCreator^ {#409}
              "command.migrate.make" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\MigrateMakeCommand^ {#410}
              "command.queue.failed-table" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\FailedTableCommand^ {#418}
              "command.queue.table" => Illuminate\Queue\Console\TableCommand^ {#420}
              "command.seeder.make" => Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds\SeederMakeCommand^ {#422}
            #aliases: array:30 [
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application" => "app"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Factory" => "auth"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard" => "auth.driver"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Factory" => "cache"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository" => ""
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository" => "config"
              "Illuminate\Container\Container" => "app"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container" => "app"
              "Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolverInterface" => "db"
              "Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager" => "db"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\Encrypter" => "encrypter"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher" => "events"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Factory" => "filesystem"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem" => "filesystem.disk"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Cloud" => ""
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing\Hasher" => "hash"
              "log" => "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Factory" => "queue"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue" => "queue.connection"
              "Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Router" => "router"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator" => "translator"
              "Laravel\Lumen\Routing\UrlGenerator" => "url"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Factory" => "validator"
              "Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory" => "view"
              "GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\Adapters\ConnectionFactory" => "flysystem.adapterfactory"
              "GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\Cache\ConnectionFactory" => "flysystem.cachefactory"
              "GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\FlysystemFactory" => "flysystem.factory"
              "GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\FlysystemManager" => "flysystem"
              "League\Flysystem\Filesystem" => "flysystem.connection"
              "League\Flysystem\FilesystemInterface" => "flysystem.connection"
            #abstractAliases: array:5 [
              "flysystem.adapterfactory" => array:1 [
                0 => "GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\Adapters\ConnectionFactory"
              "flysystem.cachefactory" => array:1 [
                0 => "GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\Cache\ConnectionFactory"
              "flysystem.factory" => array:1 [
                0 => "GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\FlysystemFactory"
              "flysystem" => array:1 [
                0 => "GrahamCampbell\Flysystem\FlysystemManager"
              "flysystem.connection" => array:2 [
                0 => "League\Flysystem\Filesystem"
                1 => "League\Flysystem\FilesystemInterface"
            #extenders: []
            #tags: []
            #buildStack: []
            #with: []
            +contextual: []
            #reboundCallbacks: array:2 [
              "request" => array:1 [
                0 => Closure($app, $request)^ {#165 …2}
              "events" => array:1 [
                0 => Closure($app, $dispatcher)^ {#170 …2}
            #globalResolvingCallbacks: []
            #globalAfterResolvingCallbacks: []
            #resolvingCallbacks: []
            #afterResolvingCallbacks: []
            #middleware: []
            #routeMiddleware: array:2 [
              "auth" => "App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate"
              "logs" => "Kartell\Logging\Middleware\LogsMiddleware"
            #currentRoute: null
            #dispatcher: null
          #listeners: []
          #wildcards: []
          #wildcardsCache: array:6 [ …6]
          #queueResolver: Closure()^ {#64 …3}
        #container: App\Application^ {#2}
        #shared: array:2 [
          "__env" => Illuminate\View\Factory^ {#163}
          "app" => App\Application^ {#2}
        #extensions: array:4 [
          "blade.php" => "blade"
          "php" => "php"
          "css" => "file"
          "html" => "file"
        #composers: []
        #renderCount: 0
        #componentStack: []
        #componentData: []
        #slots: []
        #slotStack: []
        #sections: []
        #sectionStack: []
        #loopsStack: []
        #pushes: []
        #prepends: []
        #pushStack: []
        #translationReplacements: []
      #description: "Generate database test factories for models"
      #existingFactories: ""
      #properties: array:1 [
        "raw_reports_id" => "factory(App\Models\RawReport::class)->create()->id"
      #force: true
      #laravel: App\Application^ {#2}
      #input: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79
        -tokens: array:4 [
          0 => "generate:model-factory"
          1 => "--dir"
          2 => "app/Models"
          3 => "--force"
        -parsed: []
        #definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#266
          -arguments: array:2 [
            "command" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument^ {#427 …4}
            "model" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument^ {#267 …4}
          -requiredCount: 1
          -hasAnArrayArgument: true
          -hasOptional: true
          -options: array:10 [
            "dir" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#268 …5}
            "force" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#269 …5}
            "help" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#428 …5}
            "quiet" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#429 …5}
            "verbose" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#430 …5}
            "version" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#431 …5}
            "ansi" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#432 …5}
            "no-ansi" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#433 …5}
            "no-interaction" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#434 …5}
            "env" => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption^ {#436 …5}
          -shortcuts: array:9 [
            "D" => "dir"
            "F" => "force"
            "h" => "help"
            "q" => "quiet"
            "v" => "verbose"
            "vv" => "verbose"
            "vvv" => "verbose"
            "V" => "version"
            "n" => "no-interaction"
        #stream: null
        #options: array:2 [
          "dir" => "app/Models"
          "force" => true
        #arguments: array:1 [
          "command" => "generate:model-factory"
        #interactive: true
      #output: Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle^ {#440
        -output: Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput^ {#77
          -stderr: Symfony\Component\Console\Output\StreamOutput^ {#149
            -stream: stream resource {@199
              timed_out: false
              blocked: true
              eof: false
              wrapper_type: "PHP"
              stream_type: "STDIO"
              mode: "w"
              unread_bytes: 0
              seekable: false
              uri: "php://stderr"
              options: []
            -verbosity: 32
            -formatter: Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter^ {#140
              -decorated: true
              -styles: array:4 [
                "error" => Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle^ {#141 …5}
                "info" => Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle^ {#142 …5}
                "comment" => Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle^ {#145 …5}
                "question" => Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle^ {#146 …5}
              -styleStack: Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyleStack^ {#147
                -styles: []
                -emptyStyle: Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle^ {#148 …5}
          -consoleSectionOutputs: []
          -stream: stream resource {@191
            timed_out: false
            blocked: true
            eof: false
            wrapper_type: "PHP"
            stream_type: "STDIO"
            mode: "w"
            unread_bytes: 0
            seekable: false
            uri: "php://stdout"
            options: []
          -verbosity: 32
          -formatter: Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter^ {#140}
        -input: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79}
        -questionHelper: null
        -progressBar: null
        -lineLength: 120
        -bufferedOutput: Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput^ {#441
          -buffer: "ror>\n"
          -verbosity: 32
          -formatter: Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter^ {#442
            -decorated: false
            -styles: array:4 [ …4]
            -styleStack: Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyleStack^ {#147}
        -output: Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput^ {#77}
      #signature: null
      #hidden: false
      #verbosity: 32
      #verbosityMap: array:5 [
        "v" => 64
        "vv" => 128
        "vvv" => 256
        "quiet" => 16
        "normal" => 32
      -application: Illuminate\Console\Application^ {#150}
      -processTitle: null
      -aliases: []
      -definition: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition^ {#266}
      -help: null
      -ignoreValidationErrors: false
      -applicationDefinitionMerged: true
      -applicationDefinitionMergedWithArgs: true
      -code: null
      -synopsis: array:2 [
        "short" => "generate:model-factory [options] [--] [<model>...]"
        "long" => "generate:model-factory [-D|--dir [DIR]] [-F|--force] [--] [<model>...]"
      -usages: []
      -helperSet: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet^ {#183}
      -name: "generate:model-factory"
      -hidden: false
      -description: "Generate database test factories for models"
    1 => "handle"
  1 => []

] 8 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/container/BoundMethod.php" "line" => 90 "function" => "Illuminate\Container{closure}" "class" => "Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod" "type" => "::" "args" => [] ] 9 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/container/BoundMethod.php" "line" => 34 "function" => "callBoundMethod" "class" => "Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod" "type" => "::" "args" => array:3 [ 0 => App\Application^ {#2} 1 => array:2 [ 0 => App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand^ {#264} 1 => "handle" ] 2 => Closure()^ {#439 class: "Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod" use: { $container: App\Application^ {#2} $callback: array:2 [ 0 => App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand^ {#264} 1 => "handle" ] $parameters: [] } } ] ] 10 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php" "line" => 576 "function" => "call" "class" => "Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod" "type" => "::" "args" => array:4 [ 0 => App\Application^ {#2} 1 => array:2 [ 0 => App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand^ {#264} 1 => "handle" ] 2 => [] 3 => null ] ] 11 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/console/Command.php" "line" => 183 "function" => "call" "class" => "Illuminate\Container\Container" "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand^ {#264} 1 => "handle" ] ] ] 12 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php" "line" => 255 "function" => "execute" "class" => "Illuminate\Console\Command" "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79} 1 => Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle^ {#440} ] ] 13 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/console/Command.php" "line" => 170 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command" "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79} 1 => Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle^ {#440} ] ] 14 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php" "line" => 921 "function" => "run" "class" => "Illuminate\Console\Command" "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79} 1 => Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput^ {#77} ] ] 15 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php" "line" => 273 "function" => "doRunCommand" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Console\Application" "type" => "->" "args" => array:3 [ 0 => App\Console\Commands\Vendor\GenerateCommand^ {#264} 1 => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79} 2 => Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput^ {#77} ] ] 16 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php" "line" => 149 "function" => "doRun" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Console\Application" "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79} 1 => Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput^ {#77} ] ] 17 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/illuminate/console/Application.php" "line" => 90 "function" => "run" "class" => "Symfony\Component\Console\Application" "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79} 1 => Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput^ {#77} ] ] 18 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/vendor/laravel/lumen-framework/src/Console/Kernel.php" "line" => 115 "function" => "run" "class" => "Illuminate\Console\Application" "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79} 1 => Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput^ {#77} ] ] 19 => array:6 [ "file" => "/app/artisan" "line" => 35 "function" => "handle" "class" => "Laravel\Lumen\Console\Kernel" "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput^ {#79} 1 => Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput^ {#77} ] ] ] `