mpogue2 / SquareDesk

Fully-featured music player and sequence designer, designed for square dance callers
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Feature: allow lyrics editing in the Lyrics tab #32

Closed mpogue2 closed 6 years ago

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Can store them inside the MP3 file (ID3 unsynchronized lyrics)? Or, in the Sqlite DB?

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

It's really super annoying to have to edit Lyrics as .TXT or by hand as .HTM ...adding the "SUPER ANNOYING" label to this one. I have code that did this, but it should be re-written, I think.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

I was prepping for a hoedown for the last couple of days. The lack of a built-in Lyrics editor was a major pain point for me.

I am currently using Kompozer (free on Mac OS X), and cut/pasting from other lyrics that I already had prepared. It still got it wrong sometimes, and I had to hand-edit the HTML source. After I saved a change, I had to go back to SquareDesk, choose another song, and choose the original song again, to get the lyrics reloaded. PAINFUL. This process worked, but it was time-consuming and error-prone.

I really wanted to be able to: 1) open an existing HTML cuesheet 2) edit the title section 3) edit the body freely (mostly cut/copy/paste) 4) highlight and set/unset the lyrics spans (), maybe with just a simple button (it should work exactly like a rich text editor's existing Bold, Italic, Underline buttons) 5) same as item 4 above, except for setting the HEADER (used for "OPENER", etc.) 6) save (don't overwrite the existing cue sheet) 7) Have the new cuesheet appear in the Lyrics dropdown immediately, as the new default

I think this would have saved me about an hour of prep time overall.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Okay, this seems pretty easy. A few questions:

  1. Do we give full user control over saving, or just create a "UserCuesheets" directory and enforce the name there, probably with a save button. That save overwrites whatever was there.
  2. I figure for automatic section finding we can probably just look for "opener|break|closer|tag|figure" in headings. Basically allow two markup levels: header and body, and maybe bold for calls in the body. (We could also have separate buttons for each of these markup types)
  3. Simple toggle buttons for formatting, just like any word processor.
danlyke commented 7 years ago

Just started hooking up signals and throwing a few controls up in the editablelyrics branch. Bold and Italic work.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

I love it already! Suggestions: italics button should be like the Bold button (small roundish, italic I on it).

My answers to your questions:

  1. I think we've should establish a "lyrics" folder (I already use one for the massive cue sheet downloads). I also find I am sometimes using cue sheets in the same directory as the singing call.
    Perhaps it's like this: "minimal file system awareness" -- when it's selected by the dropdown (which does show paths), it can be edited. Actually editing it needs to put a "*" somewhere, if the lyrics are edited at all. Or, maybe the SAVE button just becomes active. Then, Save (or Floppy Disk icon button?) would save the changes (perhaps making an auto-backup somewhere? That would allow one level of Revert Changes, which should be a menu item, but not a button, I think).

We could do an "unlock to edit button", but I think more people are familiar with the "*" when edited, then use SAVE to save it, or SAVE AS to give it a new name. Default directory for Save As should be the original cue sheet's directory. When saved, it should add itself to the dropdown, if it matches the usual RegEx. This makes it consistent with the Playlist change I just made, too. (Saved Playlist is a Playlist that shows up in the MRU list. The Lyrics Dropdown is our MRU equivalent for Lyrics cue sheets that match.)

2) The more I think about it, the more I think that Automatic section finding should be done just by regex. Any line of text that contains (case-insensitive) OPENER is an opener line. User can select HEADER style for them, if they want, by highlighting and clicking HEADER. Auto-scrolling should pay attention to the text (e.g. Opener), but it should look at text, not at formatting, IMHO. So, I don't think we need any special editor features for Auto-sections yet.

Later on, we might consider a "fix it up nice" button, that auto-detects Opener, Middle Break, Closer, Figure and makes them HDR, auto detects title, makes it title, etc. But I think this would be a one-shot deal for something coming in as .txt, converting to .htm, "fix it up", do more editing, and then Save As .htm . Helps with the Import process, in fact it could be a Lyrics > Import, or Lyrics > Convert from .txt to .htm menu item. (Maybe later...)

I think format should follow SquareView exactly, so that resulting cue sheets can be pushed back to SqView (we're all in this together!). If users want Bold and Italic I'm also OK with that, but I don't think we need a CALLS style, because it's not the SquareView standard. Calls are just . SqView only has: {lyrics, hdr, title, artist, label}. Everything else (including calls) is {body}. I believe that all SqView spans are done with , no actual spans or divs. This is semantic tagging, and all presentation styling (color, size, etc.) is done just with the CSS file (yellow background, bold title, blue artist & label, red header, black on pink for lyrics), so let's keep that standard, I think.

Furthermore, and this may be controversial, if a user wants to muck around with text sizes, or tables, or or...I think that stuff is best done with an external html editor.

  1. Yes! I think buttons would be exactly the semantic classes: {lyrics, hdr, title, artist, label}, plus Bold and Italic. I don't THINK we need a "clear format" button, because if the buttons work like MS Word, then highlighting a mixed bold and regular section would highlight the BOLD button, and pressing once would give all BOLD, and pressing again would give NONE BOLD. I think that's probably the way everybody does it. So, no special button to clear formats is needed.

Ok, that's my 2 cents...

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Hmmm...testing out that stuff from item 3 above doesn't currently work. Make one word bold and the next word not. Selecting both will remove the bold formatting right now...

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Okay: 674011e6f6d107170684432a7dc4c70542bcc93f

  1. This defaults to the current music path, and then remembers the location you saved stuff. With the base name of the current song file. This is wrong, but at least it's something to fix (though the fix might just be to save the default music path)

  2. Yes. I really like this. We're going to have to be smart about "closer" and what sort of headings we search for it in. I need to do some poking around about how to get text in and out of the control. And the "heading" button isn't working because I don't yet know how to do semantic markup and my attempt at just changing font size crashed.

  3. The buttons should react to whatever type of text the caret is in. This makes marked stuff that crosses boundaries a little weird, but I think the behavior I just uploaded works.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Oh, and:

  1. We should probably make some hashtaggable override, ie: use "#closer" to force the section, just in case something in the lyrics would otherwise be caught by a regex. But I'm a huge fan of "semantic markup confuses the users".

and it'd be nice to designate a section where we can change out figures, once the figure management gets better.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

On your auto-format thing: We should be able to copy and paste from a cuesheet and get gold. That's the standard.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Today's productivity brought to you by long waits on paying work processes...

Header button now takes the current selection and wraps it in

tags. Not the right thing, but again, something to fix.

Last save path is saved and loaded.

I realize that we're going to have to deal with issues of when something has been saved and when it hasn't. It's way too easy to quit without saving, but we don't just want to save over the original cuesheets.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

And all this goodness is in fd84cd7da0cdb68290d4e11fee1220acc881d22e in the editablelyrics branch. And I'm off to Palm Springs for the IAGSDC convention tomorrow.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Is there a way for us to increase the number of these: "Today's productivity brought to you by long waits on paying work processes..."??? :-) Awesomely productive!

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

OK, here's what I found so far:

This is already feeling like it will save me a LOT of time.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

I have some ideas for the Quit-without-saving question: a) if filename was "MP123 - foo bar.html", on Quit should save the current version as "MP123 - foo bar.edited.html", in the same directory. If that file already exists, use "MP123 - foo bar.edited.2.html". That way, the work isn't lost. It will show up in the DropDown list, and so editing can continue, if desired. When done editing, the user can just save it under the original "MP123 - foo bar.html" name (in which case the edited version goes away), or under some other "final" name, in which case the ".edited.html" version sticks around (and can be deleted manually via Finder, if needed). b) It would be nice to have at least one level of UNDO to get rid of a single change, and "Lyrics > Revert changes" to get rid of all changes (in this editing session).

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Don't know what to tell you about the B and I buttons, they're identical here. Maybe work your magic in designer?

Header button is just wrapping things in an

. This is wrong. Probably some CSS stuff would be good, I'm still trying to figure out how to attach meta information in the editor, and how to read it.

Initial save directory... I did make a final change to try to save and restore it. Once you save once in the app, is it staying that way while the app is open?

We should be re-loading the cue sheet after we save it. I beat this one pretty hard, don't know what's going on, will dig, I guess.


danlyke commented 7 years ago

b) control-z should work (does on my platform), and Lyrics->Revert Changes would be a matter of re-loading the current cuesheet (ie: trivial).

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

I just sent you email... I have fixes for the I button, it's a workaround for a Mac OS X bug. I have a quick fix for the header -- I looked at what SqView is doing, and I'd like to match... Should I commit these small changes, or should I just send to you?

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Or I could also branch, if you want to look them over before integrating...

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Control Z needs to be pressed twice to revert a change to Header span. That was my I guess it does work!

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Initial Save Directory: no, once I Save, it does not remember that new location the next time.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

OK, I pushed 770046be681968de4ae165cbaa4fc3132de66aec , which fixes the Italics button on Mac OS X, makes some esthetic changes to the button sizes, and also changes from <H1> to <p CLASS="hdr"> as per SqView convention. If you prefer something else, we can always revert...

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Copy/paste do paste in the copied text, but it's the wrong size on Mac OS X (too small).... Oh, interesting. When I save it, the font size fixes itself. How strange!

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

On my machine, the lastCuesheetSavePath is always "." -- I'm not sure how it got that way. I also think it should be saved to Settings as soon as the Save is done, rather than when the window closes. There is similar code in on_actionSave_Playlist_triggered() that does this path remembering, so feel free to copy that, just change the key...

We have both default_dir (for File > Open) and default_playlist_dir (for Playlist > Load...) persisted by your magic macros right now...

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

And, here's the info on the SqView convention for spans: Header: <p CLASS="hdr"> ... </p> Lyrics: <font CLASS="lyrics"> ... </font> Title: <font CLASS="title"> ... </font> Label: <font CLASS="label"> ... </font> Artist: <font CLASS="artist"> ... </font>

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

re: the DropDown not matching the QTextEdit contents after saving -- I think it IS reloading the contents. It's the DropDown that has not been updated to match.

Also, a feature request: I am now thinking that the DropDown would be nice if it were sorted. I saved my test edits as "RIV123 - Summer Sounds 1.html", "RIV123 - Summer Sounds 2.html",etc and in the dropdown list they all show up in random order.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Another thought: maybe there should be a "Save" button as well as a "Save As..." button? Both buttons would be active only if changes were actually made. There is lots of room in the new editing toolbar...

And menu items to match: Lyrics > Save, Lyrics > Save As..., Lyrics > Revert Changes. I'm not sure where the Bold, Italic, Header, Lyrics should go as menu items. Edit menu, or Lyrics menu?

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Even with it just starting to work, and with minimal features, this is SO useful already. Oh, how much time I wasted on Komposer on Friday and Saturday! And, do you know what Jim O is telling people do (it involves manually editing and inserting spaces by hand, using a Windows-only program)?

It's horrifying to me how much time callers have been spending on getting the lyrics edited so they can be usable, using multiple programs. I'm looking forward to this feature!

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

One more feature request: when in the Compact View, I think the toolbar for editing should also disappear. That way, the look is very clean for use at a festival or hoedown, and the size of the pane is maximized.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

As mentioned OOB, please patch as you see fit!

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Dropdown list should be sorted in relevant priority order, but... we may want to relook at that now that we're doing fancier stuff.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Okay, compact view hides the editing toolbar now. 630ae7114d3e79b2a7b5f4658425d74c9793a8e8

danlyke commented 7 years ago

And fixed the cuesheet load after save. 06ba70e0744a132542c3ac9e0237ff2c00cec262

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Bug: Start the app, double click "Summer Sounds", Lyrics shows *, go to Lyrics tab, and Dropdown is loaded with songs, but nothing in the editing pane. Select a different dropdown entry, and editing pane fills in. Go back to the initial dropdown entry, and pane fills in. So, it's just that first load that doesn't work...

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Load after Save is fixed, though! And Compact View is nice -- very clean!

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Hmmm....there's a more fundamental problem with the current QTextEdit method, I think. I was playing around with the lyrics editor, and if you look directly at the Save... output, it is a huge inline CSS expansion of the input HTML + stylesheet that was used. But, I think what we need is the original HTML separate from the stylesheet that was used, so that the user can still change the stylesheet and get a different result for all files. The way it is right now, once an HTML file is edited, the style sheet that we used internally is essentially applied to that HMTL file forever....

Example original:

<p class="hdr">(16 beat intro)</p>
<p class="hdr">OPENER (Basic)</p>

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Circle left!</span><br>

      <span class="lyrics">Listen to the music of the carousel<br>
        The ting-a-ling-a-ling of the ice cream bell</span><br>

      Do an Allemande Left your Corner, Turn a Right hand 'round your own<br>

      And the Men Star Left and you roll it, roll it around you run<br>

      Turn the Partner Right, then you go Left Allemande<br>

      Swing a little girl and you Promenade the land<br>

      <span class="lyrics">Here...come...summer sounds, the summer sounds I love</span><font class="lyrics"><br>

Example Saved Output from QTextEdit:

<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><title>Summer Sounds</title><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'.SF NS Text'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;" bgcolor="#ffffe0">
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%; background-color:#ffffe0;"><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:x-large; color:#ff0000; background-color:#ffffe0;">(16 beat intro) V 10</span></p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%; background-color:#ffffe0;"><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:x-large; color:#ff0000; background-color:#ffffe0;">OPENER (Basic)</span><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; color:#000000;"> </span><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; font-weight:600; color:#000000;">Circle left!</span><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; color:#000000;"><br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; color:#000000; background-color:#ffc0cb;">Listen to the music of the carousel<br />The ting-a-ling-a-ling of the ice cream bell</span><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; color:#000000;"><br />Do an Allemande Left your Corner, Turn a Right hand 'round your own<br />And the Men Star Left and you roll it, roll it around you run<br />Turn the Partner Right, then you go Left Allemande<br />Swing a little girl and you Promenade the land<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; color:#000000; background-color:#ffc0cb;">Here...come...summer sounds, the summer sounds I love<br /></span><span style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; color:#000000;"><br /></span></p>

I tried running HTML Tidy on it, and tidy was able to factor out all of the spans to a single CSS block, but then we'd need to pattern match the extracted CSS block against the original style sheet that we used. That's not simple. Example output from tidy (it's much closer to the original):

<STYLE type="text/css">
  body {
  background-color: #FFFFE0;
  body.c7 {font-family:'.SF NS Text'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;}
  p.c6 {margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;}
  span.c5 {font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; color:#000000; background-color:#ffc0cb;}
  span.c4 {font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; color:#000000;}
  span.c3 {font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:large; font-weight:600; color:#000000;}
  p.c2 {margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; line-height:100%; background-color:#ffffe0;}
  span.c1 {font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:x-large; color:#ff0000; background-color:#ffffe0;}
<BODY class="c7">
  <P class="c2"><SPAN class="c1">(16 beat intro) V 10</SPAN></P>
  <P class="c2"><SPAN class="c1">OPENER (Basic)</SPAN> <SPAN class="c3">Circle left!</SPAN><SPAN class="c4"><BR></SPAN><SPAN class="c5">Listen to the music of
  the carousel<BR>
  The ting-a-ling-a-ling of the ice cream bell</SPAN><SPAN class="c4"><BR>
  Do an Allemande Left your Corner, Turn a Right hand 'round your own<BR>
  And the Men Star Left and you roll it, roll it around you run<BR>
  Turn the Partner Right, then you go Left Allemande<BR>
  Swing a little girl and you Promenade the land<BR></SPAN><SPAN class="c5">Here...come...summer sounds, the summer sounds I love<BR></SPAN><SPAN class=
  <P class="c2"><SPAN class="c1">FIGURE 1 (Basic, corner progression)</SPAN></P>
  <P class="c6"><SPAN class="c4">(HEADS) Star Thru, Pass Thru<BR>
  Right And Left Thru<BR>
  (you) Veer Left and Bend the Line and make a line you do<BR>
  Pass Thru Wheel and Deal<BR>
  Centers Star Thru<BR>
  Pass Thru Cloverleaf<BR>
  (New Center Two) Square Thru 3/4<BR>
  Turn Corner By the Left<BR>
  All The Way Around and PROMENADE THE SET<BR>
  <BR></SPAN><SPAN class="c5">Here...come...summer sounds, the summer sounds I love<BR></SPAN></P>

Compare that to the original cuesheet.css file:

body, p, font { font-family: Verdana; font-size: large; font-weight: Normal; line-height: 100%; background: #FFFFE0; color: #000000; }
.lyrics   { font-family: Verdana; font-size: large; font-weight: Normal; color: #000000; background-color: #FFC0CB;}
.hdr      { font-family: Verdana; font-size: x-large; font-weight: Normal; color: #FF0000;}
.title    { font-family: Verdana; font-size: x-large; font-weight: Bold; color: #000000;}

.artist    { font-family: Verdana; font-size: medium; font-weight: Normal; color: #0000FF;}
.label     { font-family: Verdana; font-size: medium; font-weight: Normal; color: #0000FF;}

So, .lyrics == .c5, etc.

I'm not quite sure how to approach fixing this. I'd like to make minimal changes to the HTML file, if possible, so that the CSS file can still be used to customize presentation.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

By the way, HTML tidy is available as C source code and designed to be used as in library form, if we do need to go down that path. I was looking at tidy as a possible way to clean up bad HTML on the input side.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

And, one other thing I learned in playing around is that the SqView cuesheets use and for lyrics, in addition to using and . That's not legal HTML, so I had to strip it out (using sed) before I could run tidy.

This worked for me:

sed 's/&lt;l&gt;//g' summer.html | sed 's=&lt;\l&gt;==g' | tidy -i -w 160 -u -b -c &gt; summer2.html
danlyke commented 7 years ago

I wish we could get meta information about the contents of the buffer out in some other way than just toHtml(). We might need to parse the HTML in-memory and rewrite it. I'd like to reduce it to something super simple and semantic.

Does it look like the CSS is copied in from the cuesheet verbatim? If we could just load the CSS files and do a htmlString.replace(cssFileContents,referenceToCssFile), that might help.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Oh, ugh, no: The style is per tag, not in a block at the top. The editor is throwing away all the semantic meaning.

So we can use reading the document into the text editor as our "HTML Tidy", but coming back out we need to figure out how to do something with it. Especially since we're going to need to be able to automagically replace choreography in it on the fly.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Oh, ugh, no: The style is per tag, not in a block at the top. The editor is throwing away all the semantic meaning.

So we can use reading the document into the text editor as our "HTML Tidy", but coming back out we need to figure out how to do something with it. Especially since we're going to need to be able to automagically replace choreography in it on the fly.

Fixed the issue with the cuesheet not loading with 302e5cfa7aa417b42f800bda9fc2ff536743f346 and merged the master branch back in.

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Lyrics->Revert Edits added in 572efa931db874488fcac97437f9618aa86a37a8

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Thinking about saveability... I think we may need to track cuesheets in the database, and add a checkbox or toggle that says "always overwrite this file with the current changes". Still thinking on this...

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Yes, semantic meaning is lost. But all is not lost! I've been thinking (always a dangerous thing :-)...I do think that because many of the semantic tags are non overlapping that I can infer the semantics from the presentation styles at the back end, especially with a little careful processing on the front end going in. Yes it involves using tidy to help and non-greedy regexes. I will take a whack at this over the long weekend and see if I can solve it.

I am ok with some transformations that simplify and regularize the HTML. But I do want to retain the semantic info.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

It's more complex than that. We already tell it which CSS to use, but then it translates it on the way in to eliminate the semantics leaving just inline CSS. I think I can get around this...stay tuned!

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Dan, editable lyrics branch is not compilable right now. Did you forget to commit changes to main window.h and mainwindow.ui?

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Yep, I think that's the, I have created a branch one commit back from that one, where I am now playing with HTML-TIDY.

It is so cool! I haven't gotten to the hard part yet (preserving semantic markup), but I am getting more comfortable with the tidy API (setup to affect Mac OS X only so far). The output HTML is so much easier to read.

Example of tidied-up HTML (same input file as above):

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type">
      Summer Sounds
    <LINK href="cuesheet2.css" rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css">
    <P class="hdr">
      (16 beat intro)
    <P class="hdr">
      OPENER (Basic)
    </P><SPAN style="font-weight: bold;">Circle left!</SPAN><BR>
    <SPAN class="lyrics">Listen to the music of the carousel<BR>
    The ting-a-ling-a-ling of the ice cream bell</SPAN><BR>
    Do an Allemande Left your Corner, Turn a Right hand 'round your own<BR>
    And the Men Star Left and you roll it, roll it around you run<BR>
    Turn the Partner Right, then you go Left Allemande<BR>
    Swing a little girl and you Promenade the land<BR>
    <SPAN class="lyrics">Here...come...summer sounds, the summer sounds I love</SPAN><FONT class="lyrics"><BR></FONT><BR>
    <P class="hdr">
      FIGURE 1 (Basic, corner progression)
    </P>(HEADS) Star Thru, Pass Thru<BR>
mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Check out 662fa2aad86dc9da46447e64fdcd000ebe2e9acb . So far, I am successfully recovering the semantics for hdr and lyrics. More tomorrow, but I think the methodology is sound. On input, I tidy to fix problems. On output, I tidy again, get rid of cruft, regex replace the presentation stuff with semantic stuff, and tidy one final time before writing.

Currently assumes that semantics do not overlap, e.g. can't be both header and title at the same time. The editor will need to enforce this (somehow?). I'll worry about that problem shortly.

We can probably also enforce that there's only one title span, one author span, one label span in the document (take first, delete the rest?).

The cuesheet might also need to distinguish artist and label by slight imperceptible color difference, so the semantics can be extracted at Save time. I can live with requiring that. :-)

danlyke commented 7 years ago

Whoops. Fixed.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

OK, I think I have the semantic recovery stuff working, as of 4bca2e51544955c09d1436688daa90af2b19db36 .

As long as the colors are distinct in the /lyrics/cuesheet2.css global style file, QTextEdit will retain them, and the original semantics can be recovered. I have tested round-tripping several times on Mac OS X, with no loss of semantic information.

Dependency on html-tidy, which canonicalizes the tags, making it possible to use QRegExp to modify the HTML. Might already be on your system? (or you might have to build it). For MAC OS X, like libbass, I built it in a subdirectory (checked into the repository), and copied over the DLLs to the test123 directory (checked in as binary), where they are built into the .app file at build time.

Couple of things I did not get to:

OK, I think this demonstrates that the semantic stuff can be recovered...wanna try it on Linux, and see if you like it? Or maybe you can see a better way to do this? I'm agnostic as to how we solve this, just excited that it appears to be solvable.

mpogue2 commented 7 years ago

Here's what the prototype looks like on Mac OS X: screenshot 2017-06-30 19 59 37