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pyplot functions plot to incorrect axes when colorbar = True in functions derived from PlotBase #89

Open abryant90 opened 11 months ago

abryant90 commented 11 months ago

When doing e.g. lrp.density(colorbar=True) and then calling pyplot functions like lrp._plt.scatter(x,y) to overplot details, these are instead plotted onto the colorbar Axes rather than the image.

This is a result of PlotBase._wcs_colorbar using AxesDivider.append_axes() to generate a colorbar axis. This axis then becomes the active axis when we make any future pyplot calls. The active axis can be reverted to the image axis by using

In PlotBase._plot, this can be achieved by adding the following line to the if statement at line 376, below where _wcs_colorbar is called:[axidx])