mpriessner / CAFI

Combined Repos from DAIN and Zooming SlowMo
MIT License
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Running CAFI locally #1

Open Eddymorphling opened 2 years ago

Eddymorphling commented 2 years ago

Hi, I would like to run CAFI using my local resources. Would you mind sharing a requirement text file that includes all the dependencies and packages necessary to run CAFI on a local conda environment? Thanks!

Eddymorphling commented 2 years ago

Nevermind, found it!

Eddymorphling commented 2 years ago

I spoke too soon.. I setup a local conda env with the necessary packages, but haven't been able to run the sessions locally yet. Any advice?

mpriessner commented 2 years ago

Hello, I think it might need quite some changes to make it work locally since the whole notebook is setup for the google colab environment. I personally have not tried it myself but it should be possible to do so. My general advice would be to install all the dependencies from the source notebooks as well (since some of them are already preinstalled in the colab environment and might be the reasons for the problems on your local machine) - For ZS and/or for DAIN and then try the notebooks. one word of caution - when going through the different sections of the notebook you might need to skip the installation section (2) (since you have already done it manually on your machine) and of cause you cannot connect to gdrive when running it locally.

I hope that helps a bit. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Eddymorphling commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. I now have a local conda up and running with all the dependencies. I will now go through the different sections of the notebook and see how it works out. Thank you.