mpromonet / rtsp2web

RTSP to websocket proxy
The Unlicense
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How run rtsp2web server using SSL/TLS #3

Closed antonioaguilar closed 3 weeks ago

antonioaguilar commented 3 weeks ago

Hi there,

Is the --sslkeycert flag implemented?

I tried to run the demo of the rtsp server using the --sslkeycert flag but didn't seem to have any effect. I used the following command:

./rtsp2ws -P 8443 -p ./www -C ./config.json -c ./keycert.pem

Note: this is using the same certificate on your repo keycert.pem

I got a chrome browser error: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when trying to load the https://localhost:8443.

Then when I ran the demo on port 8080 I was not able to run the demo due to the VideoDecoder object being undefined. Because it's not available on non-secure contexts.

I don't want to run the chrome browser on insecure mode by passing the #unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure flag.

Any suggestions?

mpromonet commented 3 weeks ago


You need to configure listening port using ssl, sée civetweb doc. This should work using -P 8443s.

Best Regards Michel

antonioaguilar commented 3 weeks ago

@mpromonet I was not familiar with the civetweb server, using -P 8443s worked. Thanks.