mpromonet / webrtc-streamer

WebRTC streamer for V4L2 capture devices, RTSP sources and Screen Capture
The Unlicense
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Question: how to disable automatic search for media sources? #461

Open niXman opened 2 years ago

niXman commented 2 years ago


how can I disable the automatic search for media sources that is performed in getV4l2AlsaMap() function?:


mpromonet commented 2 years ago


It depends why you like to do this ? This fonction look to same device name between video & audio capture devices.

Best Regards, Michel.

edonabz commented 2 years ago

Hello, i'm following this issue. I'd also like to disable automativ search for v4l, or at least do not expose specific video devices in API, and use only RTSP videos added in config.json

mpromonet commented 4 months ago


You can do this using -q rtsp://.

Best Regards, Michel.