mpromonet / webrtc-streamer

WebRTC streamer for V4L2 capture devices, RTSP sources and Screen Capture
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H264 Video Sources with several NALU in one packet #542

Closed ard-be closed 1 year ago

ard-be commented 1 year ago

Bug After some tests with a TCP video camera, webrtc-streamer was unable to decode the h264 stream while VLC succeeded in. Investigating on this show a problem with ffmpeg decoder : it was unable to parse the input stream. Other tests lead us to cut the input stream and send each NALU individualy to ffmpeg.

To Reproduce

Where file : inc/livevideosource.h function : 'onData()' in the 'if (codec == "H264")' part

How to fix it

Notes After sending NALU one by one, you can send out of order frames to ffmpeg : it does not complain anymore and the stream is fully decoded (and out of order frames are part of the h264 protocol). We made a working patch for this bug but written in legacy C, not C++. It does not feat the webrtc-streamer standards.

mpromonet commented 1 year ago

Hi @ard-be

You may use -o that will not uncompress the video, forwarding compressed frames.

Best Regards, Michel.

ard-be commented 1 year ago


The video stream is resized with a lower bitrate :) It was to share ou findings.

Thank you

mpromonet commented 1 year ago


Sure, to resize, uncompressing is needed. Your problem should be solved by commit 1ba1f647fd61d5b7d6515dd84b949ec78434182b

Best Regards, Michel.

ard-be commented 1 year ago

Thank you, We will have a look asap and get back to you.

Best regards

ard-be commented 1 year ago

Hello, Got time to test the patch, it raised an exception :

[021:532][3135945] (livevideosource.h:105): LiveVideoSource:onData id:liveMedia4 size:23197 ts:1671190462301
[021:532][3135945] (livevideosource.h:112): LiveVideoSource:onData nbNalu:3
[021:532][3135945] (livevideosource.h:117): LiveVideoSource:onData SPS
[021:532][3135945] (livevideosource.h:130): LiveVideoSource:onData SPS set format 352x4294967204 fps:25
[021:532][3135945] (livevideosource.h:137): LiveVideoSource:onData PPS
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'
what(): vector::_M_range_insert

Best regards

mpromonet commented 1 year ago


SPS seems wrong 352x4294967204 ....

Best Regards, Michel.