mps-youtube / yewtube

yewtube, forked from mps-youtube , is a Terminal based YouTube player and downloader. No Youtube API key required.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.98k stars 643 forks source link

Playback Controls Inputting as text inputs instead of Controlling Volume, Seeking, etc. #1230

Closed AyoungDukie closed 1 year ago

AyoungDukie commented 1 year ago

After having to reinstall on PipX due to some glitches, Yewtube stopped accepting the MPV control key bindings on the interface. CTRL+C works still, however others do not appear to work.

After stopping playback, previous hotkey entries appear as input text at the next prompt (i.e. pressing 9 multiple times for volume reduction appears as "99999..."

Issue / Suggestion

Occurs after the following steps:

A interesting note on the input issue; pressing a string of inputs together and then pressing ENTER will not visually do anything during playback, but the attempted command entry will register a subsequent entry. If the number is a valid choice (i.e. "9"), then closing playback with CTRL+C will return to the prompt and then immediately launch the selected entry. If it is not valid, "Invalid Item / range entered!" will appear above the prompt.

Using "show_video" will allow direct entry MPV to work, but it still will not work on the yewtube window. It does prevent the Text entry issue from above, however.

Your Environment

Version info

yewtube version    : 2.10.2
yt_dlp version     : 2023.03.04
Python version     : 3.11.3 (tags/v3.11.3:f3909b8, Apr  4 2023, 23:49:59) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)]
Processor          : Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 13, GenuineIntel
Machine type       : AMD64
Architecture       : 64bit, WindowsPE
Platform           : Windows-10-10.0.19044-SP0
sys.stdout.enc     : utf-8
default enc        : utf-8
Config dir         : C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\mps-youtube
dbus               : None
glib               : False
env:TERM           : xterm-256color


  Key                 Value
  order             : relevance
  user_order        :
  max_res           : 2160p
  player            : mpv.exe
  playerargs        :
  encoder           : 0 [None]
  notifier          :
  checkupdate       : True
  show_player_keys  : True
  fullscreen        : False
  always_repeat     : False
  columns           :
  ddir              : C:\Users\<USER>\Downloads\mps
  overwrite         : True
  show_video        : False
  search_music      : False
  window_pos        :
  window_size       :
  download_command  :
  lookup_metadata   : True
  lastfm_username   :
  lastfm_password   :
  lastfm_api_key    :
  lastfm_api_secret :
  audio_format      : auto
  video_format      : auto
  pages             : 3
  autoplay          : False
  set_title         : True
  mpris             : False
  show_qrcode       : False
  history           : True
  input_history     : True
  vlc_dummy_interface : False
  show_subtitles    : True
JodanJodan commented 1 year ago

Could you try set player

AyoungDukie commented 1 year ago

This does seem to work around the issue, as does using alternative players like mpvnet.exe.

Any ideas why the .exe would fail to receive the keyboard inputs? I recall using them before and hadn't changed this setting since the original install

iamtalhaasghar commented 1 year ago

This does seem to work around the issue, as does using alternative players like mpvnet.exe.

Thus closing this issue!