mps-youtube / yewtube

yewtube, forked from mps-youtube , is a Terminal based YouTube player and downloader. No Youtube API key required.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.98k stars 643 forks source link

videos not showing up when using `-w` flag #1254

Open CarlosLoboxyz opened 8 months ago

CarlosLoboxyz commented 8 months ago


I've show_video set to False, but when i want to watch a video the -w doesn't seems to work, neither does the -f flag, however i noticed that when i use show_video set to True -a flag for audio only seems to work just perfect

Your Environment

yewtube version    : 2.10.4
yt_dlp version     : 2023.07.06
Python version     : 3.11.5 (main, Sep  2 2023, 14:16:33) [GCC 13.2.1 20230801]
Processor          :
Machine type       : x86_64
Architecture       : 64bit, ELF
Platform           : Linux-6.5.6-zen2-1-zen-x86_64-with-glibc2.38
sys.stdout.enc     : utf-8
default enc        : utf-8
Config dir         : /home/user/.config/mps-youtube
dbus               : None
glib               : False
env:TERM           : tmux-256color
env:SHELL          : /usr/bin/zsh
env:LANG           : en_US.UTF-8
  order             : relevance
  user_order        :
  max_res           : 2160p
  player            : mpv
  playerargs        :
  encoder           : 0 [None]
  notifier          :
  checkupdate       : True
  show_player_keys  : True
  fullscreen        : False
  show_status       : True
  always_repeat     : False
  columns           : date user
  ddir              : /home/user/Downloads/mps
  overwrite         : True
  show_video        : False
  search_music      : False
  window_pos        :
  window_size       :
  download_command  :
  lookup_metadata   : True
  lastfm_username   :
  lastfm_password   :
  lastfm_api_key    :
  lastfm_api_secret :
  audio_format      : auto
  video_format      : auto
  pages             : 3
  autoplay          : False
  set_title         : True
  mpris             : True
  show_qrcode       : False
  history           : True
  input_history     : True
  vlc_dummy_interface : False
  show_subtitles    : False