mps-youtube / yewtube

yewtube, forked from mps-youtube , is a Terminal based YouTube player and downloader. No Youtube API key required.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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`Invalid continuation byte` error when try to start with `yt` command #1271

Open denozavr opened 2 months ago

denozavr commented 2 months ago

Sorry if I bother you with useless stuff, but I encountered strange behavior and wanted to clarify it and maybe help others in the future. I did not find similar issues in the repository, so I created this one.

I tried to start yt, search and download the song in 1 command by using the next command yt /Mozart ,da 1,exit > /dev/null 2>&1 & from here:

It did not download a song, so I closed the console, but next time I tried to start yt I got the next error:

  File "C:\Python39\lib\", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "C:\Python39\lib\", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "C:\Python39\Scripts\yt.exe\", line 7, in <module>
  File "C:\Python39\lib\site-packages\mps_youtube\", line 118, in main
  File "C:\Python39\lib\site-packages\mps_youtube\", line 70, in init
  File "C:\Python39\lib\site-packages\mps_youtube\", line 217, in _init_readline
  File "C:\Python39\lib\site-packages\pyreadline3\", line 176, in read_history_file
  File "C:\Python39\lib\site-packages\pyreadline3\lineeditor\", line 87, in read_history_fi
    for line in open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8'):
  File "C:\Python39\lib\", line 322, in decode
    (result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 445: invalid continuation byte

I tried to update/uninstall/install pip several times, deleted all pip packages and install them again and installed last version of yewtube using the approach from repository (pip install git+ and restarted computer and nothing helped.

Finally, I studied the error and similar cases on Stack Overflow and the stack trace of the error, and I replaced encoding in open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8'): with open(filename, 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1'): for the C:\Users\myuser\.local\pipx\venvs\yewtube\lib\site-packages\pyreadline3\lineeditor\ file. I do this based on the link from Stack Overflow. It helps, but I still wonder what caused this error?

After I fixed the error with manually changing the encoding below the result of yt --version

yewtube version    : 2.10.5
yt_dlp version     : 2024.04.09
Python version     : 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)]
Processor          : Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
Machine type       : AMD64
Architecture       : 64bit, WindowsPE
Platform           : Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0
sys.stdout.enc     : utf-8
default enc        : utf-8
Config dir         : C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\mps-youtube
dbus               : None
glib               : False