mpsijm / gyazo-gif-for-linux

A script for recording a GIF with Byzanz and uploading it to Gyazo.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

Support other capturing tools than Byzanz #3

Open lemmy04 opened 5 years ago

lemmy04 commented 5 years ago

byzanz looks kind of abandoned to me ... website is down, no official release for eight years...

also, the output quality is quite bad compared to what gyazo on windows produces:

lemmy04 commented 5 years ago

here's the same view captured on windows:

looks almost as if byzanz does a really bad job of reducing the colordepth or something like that.

What other file formats does gyazo itself accept as uploads for video?

mpsijm commented 5 years ago

Note that the GIF format indeed has only 256 colors and reduced frame rate, which is indeed really low quality compared to MP4, what Gyazo GIF for Windows uses:

I just tried to upload an MP4 file via the command line (by running gyazo <path-to-mp4>). I notice that something is uploading, but after a few seconds it gives me an error popup that says:

Unable to detect the URI-scheme of "".

It looks like Gyazo-for-Linux does not support MP4 videos (I opened an issue at gyazo/Gyazo-for-Linux#125), which means we're stuck with (ugly) GIFs until that's fixed. :disappointed:

lemmy04 commented 5 years ago

Hello Neighbour,

I found a way to get a gif with way better quality into gyazo from linux, but the resulting GIF is HUGE.

ffmpeg -y -video_size 434x694 -framerate 25 -an -f x11grab -i ":0.0+2660,207" -frames 250 /tmp/test.mp4
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 test.gif
gyazo test.gif
lemmy04 commented 5 years ago

Have a look at my fork at, I'm capturing with ffmpeg instead of byzanz, the result is much better but the files are huge.

hitchhooker commented 5 years ago you could take a look of this as a replacement