For the dragon riding situation, I added a Situation Action: Fade Out UI with "custom frames to keep" that included ExtraActionBarFrame.
My Fix:
local parent = frame:GetParent()
fadeInfo.startAlpha = parent and parent:GetAlpha() or 1
p.s. my complete list at the moment is:
DR_STATUS_BAR, TomTomCrazyArrow, ObjectiveTrackerUIWidgetContainer, TalkingHeadFrame, UIErrorsFrame, ExtraActionBarFrame, WeakAurasFrame, RaidBossEmoteFrame, EventToastManagerFrame
For the dragon riding situation, I added a Situation Action: Fade Out UI with "custom frames to keep" that included ExtraActionBarFrame.
My Fix:
p.s. my complete list at the moment is: DR_STATUS_BAR, TomTomCrazyArrow, ObjectiveTrackerUIWidgetContainer, TalkingHeadFrame, UIErrorsFrame, ExtraActionBarFrame, WeakAurasFrame, RaidBossEmoteFrame, EventToastManagerFrame