mpstark / SPT-DynamicMaps

SPT mod that replaces the current map screen with one that's actually useful!
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link

[FR] Change map from Abstract to Satellite view #14

Open Inj3c7i0n opened 1 month ago

Inj3c7i0n commented 1 month ago

Would love it if you could change from the Default(Abstract) view to the Satellite view that has, like a switch inside of F12 menu maybe? I'm sure everyone would love this feature, then you can see like you're looking exactly from above. Don't know how hard it would be to implement it, but it is available on the site, so maybe not too hard?

Great work! Amazing add to my SPT experience so far!

mpstark commented 1 month ago

This is something that I would like to do, but I need to do a lot of research and work first, namely, I need to be able to load higher quality textures without massive load times or taking up large amounts of video memory for no reason.

This involves delving a bit deeper into creating asset bundles, loading them at runtime, and learning how Unity handles on-loading/off-loading textures from CPU to GPU

In addition, I will need to learn how to generate orthographic map images, since I'd rather have that built into the dumping tool than try to stitch together the TarkovDev ones.

Inj3c7i0n commented 1 month ago

I see.. No rush. Take your time, you're doing a great job ATM. I'll post a FR if I can think of anything else less taxing that might be good to see in it. Love the Quick View btw, Exactly what I was looking for.

Inj3c7i0n commented 1 month ago

An early implementation( If It is easier) that isn't so taxing using some low quality map overview dumps, might be something to put in place till you can put together something more high quality. Just a random thought running through my head. But, If it's not possible this early, then delve into researching more and release that high quality overview.(when you can We will appreciate any improvements no matter how small, shitty, low quality, high quality, amazing, they are. Keep up the good work!