mpusz / mp-units

The quantities and units library for C++
MIT License
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isfinite should be added to math.h #527

Closed NAThompson closed 9 months ago

NAThompson commented 9 months ago

godbolt for potential implementation.

Example use case:

    constexpr auto ZERO = CoefficientType{};
    static_assert(ZERO + ZERO == ZERO);
    // What if ZERO is a Nan?
JohelEGP commented 9 months ago

The link doesn't look right.

NAThompson commented 9 months ago

@JohelEGP : Just checked it, but nonetheless here's the full code:

#include <mp-units/systems/si/si.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>

using namespace mp_units;
using namespace mp_units::si::unit_symbols;

namespace mp_units {

template<auto R, typename Rep>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool isfinite(const quantity<R, Rep>& a) noexcept
  (requires {
  } || requires {
  using std::isfinite;
  return isfinite(a.numerical_value_ref_in(a.unit));


#include <cassert>

int main() {
  constexpr auto t = 3.0*m;
JohelEGP commented 9 months ago

Sorry, I just looked at the wrong tab.

mpusz commented 9 months ago

Looks good to me 😃

RalphSteinhagen commented 9 months ago

The above code is perfectly fine.

Just a question for my education/curiosity about where C++ is heading to: I know overloading std:: templates with user-defined specialisations is frowned upon ...

Having said this ... does this mean that one will have to define all possible math operations and combinations in -- for example -- the namespace mp_units? That's going to be a lot of wrapper-style boilerplate code if one adds e.g. uncertainties, linear algebra, covariance matrices, w/ & w/o the std::complex<...> data types, etc... just to be able to write consistent formulas regardless of whether they are simple/unconstraint fundamental types (e.g. scalars/gain)), unit-constraint types, etc. :thinking:

The beauty of the operator*(...) is that one can define and call upon them in and from any namespace as long as the specialisation knows about the user type.

There must be a better solution hiding somewhere...

JohelEGP commented 9 months ago

There must be a better solution hiding somewhere...

Not in C++23.

mpusz commented 9 months ago

This is why we use:

using std::isfinite;
return isfinite(a.numerical_value_ref_in(a.unit));

This allows the user to provide isfinite for the uncertainty type and use it as a representation type with quantity. In my talks, I already said that all math functions should become CPOs to simplify interoperability between various numeric libraries.

RalphSteinhagen commented 9 months ago

Thanks, @JohelEGP and @mpusz, for the info and the confirmation. Keep up the good work! :+1: