mpv-android / mpv-android

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"Save position on quit" doesn't work with videos in folders with a `.nomedia` file #866

Closed danieljl closed 2 months ago

danieljl commented 3 months ago

Important information

Android version: 14

mpv-android version: 2023-11-30-release / 8033 (release)

Which version of mpv-android introduced the problem (if known):


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enable "Save position on quit" in the settings
  2. Pick any video on your device
  3. Create an empty file named .nomedia in the folder which your video is in
  4. Play the video and seek to any location
  5. Close mpv-android gracefully (i.e. with the back button)
  6. Open the video again and you'll find mpv playing it from the beginning

The bug also happens if any ancestor folder of the video has a .nomedia file. For example, if /movies/.nomedia exists, then a video at /movies/interstellar/remux.mkv is also affected.

sfan5 commented 3 months ago

Missing log file.