mpv-player / mpv

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Support for non-UTF-8 M3U playlists #10911

Closed low-batt closed 1 year ago

low-batt commented 2 years ago

Important Information

Provide following Information:

Reproduction steps

This problem was reported against IINA in issue

Put the attached files in a directory and try and play the M3U playlist, mpv will fail to open the file listed in the playlist:

low-batt@gag ~$ /Applications/ --no-config --log-file=mpv.log Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u 

Playing: Music/IINA-issue-4091/Molv?r.mp3
[file] Cannot open file 'Music/IINA-issue-4091/Molv?r.mp3': No such file or directory
Failed to open Music/IINA-issue-4091/Molv?r.mp3.

Exiting... (Some errors happened)

Expected behavior

mpv plays the file in the playlist like VLC does:

low-batt@gag ~$ /Applications/ Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u 
VLC media player Vetinari (revision
[000000013cf05920] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.

Actual behavior

mpv searches for the wrong filename as shown above and fails to find and play the file.

If I convert the M3U to a M3U8:

low-batt@gag ~$ file Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u 
Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u: M3U playlist text, ISO-8859 text, with CRLF line terminators
low-batt@gag ~$ iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u > Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u8

Then mpv properly reads the playlist and finds and plays the file:

low-batt@gag ~$ /Applications/ --no-config Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u8 

Playing: Music/IINA-issue-4091/Molvær.mp3
 (+) Audio --aid=1 (mp3 2ch 44100Hz)
AO: [coreaudio] 44100Hz stereo 2ch floatp
A: 00:00:01 / 00:00:19 (10%)

Exiting... (Quit)

Log file

mpv.log: ```text [ 0.002][v][cplayer] mpv 0.35.0 Copyright ¬© 2000-2022 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects [ 0.003][v][cplayer] built on Sat Nov 12 21:24:01 CET 2022 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] FFmpeg library versions: [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libavutil 57.28.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libavcodec 59.37.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libavformat 59.27.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libswscale 6.7.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libavfilter 8.44.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libswresample 4.7.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] FFmpeg version: 5.1.2 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] [ 0.003][v][cplayer] Configuration: waf configure --prefix=/Users/djinn/makeeuropegreatagain/build-0.35.0 --confloaddir=/usr/local/etc/mpv --enable-manpage-build --enable-html-build --disable-android --disable-tvos --disable-egl-android --disable-macos-media-player --lua=51deb [ 0.003][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: 51deb asm av-channel-layout bsd-fstatfs build-date cocoa coreaudio cplayer cplugins debug-build ffmpeg gl gl-cocoa glob glob-posix gpl iconv javascript jpegxl lcms2 libarchive libass libavdevice libdl libm lua macos-10-11-features macos-10-12-2-features macos-10-14-features macos-cocoa-cb macos-touchbar optimize osx-thread-name posix posix-or-mingw pthreads rubberband rubberband-3 stdatomic swift uchardet vector videotoolbox-gl videotoolbox-hwaccel zimg zlib [ 0.003][v][cplayer] Command line options: '--no-config' '--log-file=mpv.log' 'Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u' [ 0.003][v][cplayer] mpv 0.35.0 Copyright ¬© 2000-2022 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects [ 0.003][v][cplayer] built on Sat Nov 12 21:24:01 CET 2022 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] FFmpeg library versions: [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libavutil 57.28.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libavcodec 59.37.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libavformat 59.27.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libswscale 6.7.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libavfilter 8.44.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] libswresample 4.7.100 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] FFmpeg version: 5.1.2 [ 0.003][v][cplayer] [ 0.003][v][cplayer] Configuration: waf configure --prefix=/Users/djinn/makeeuropegreatagain/build-0.35.0 --confloaddir=/usr/local/etc/mpv --enable-manpage-build --enable-html-build --disable-android --disable-tvos --disable-egl-android --disable-macos-media-player --lua=51deb [ 0.003][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: 51deb asm av-channel-layout bsd-fstatfs build-date cocoa coreaudio cplayer cplugins debug-build ffmpeg gl gl-cocoa glob glob-posix gpl iconv javascript jpegxl lcms2 libarchive libass libavdevice libdl libm lua macos-10-11-features macos-10-12-2-features macos-10-14-features macos-cocoa-cb macos-touchbar optimize osx-thread-name posix posix-or-mingw pthreads rubberband rubberband-3 stdatomic swift uchardet vector videotoolbox-gl videotoolbox-hwaccel zimg zlib [ 0.003][d][global] config path: '' -> '-' [ 0.003][d][global] user path: '~~home/' -> '' [ 0.003][d][global] user path: '~~old_home/' -> '' [ 0.003][v][cplayer] Setting option 'config' = 'no' (flags = 8) [ 0.003][v][cplayer] Setting option 'log-file' = 'mpv.log' (flags = 8) [ 0.003][d][global] user path: 'mpv.log' -> 'mpv.log' [ 0.004][d][osc] Loading lua script @osc.lua... [ 0.004][d][ytdl_hook] Loading lua script @ytdl_hook.lua... [ 0.004][d][stats] Loading lua script @stats.lua... [ 0.004][d][console] Loading lua script @console.lua... [ 0.004][d][auto_profiles] Loading lua script @auto_profiles.lua... [ 0.004][d][osc] loading mp.defaults [ 0.004][d][ytdl_hook] loading mp.defaults [ 0.004][d][stats] loading mp.defaults [ 0.004][d][console] loading mp.defaults [ 0.004][d][auto_profiles] loading mp.defaults [ 0.005][d][console] loading @console.lua [ 0.005][d][auto_profiles] loading @auto_profiles.lua [ 0.005][d][stats] loading @stats.lua [ 0.005][d][ytdl_hook] loading @ytdl_hook.lua [ 0.005][d][osc] loading @osc.lua [ 0.006][d][ytdl_hook] reading options for ytdl_hook [ 0.006][d][ytdl_hook] script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf not found. [ 0.006][d][ytdl_hook] lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf not found. [ 0.006][d][stats] reading options for stats [ 0.006][d][stats] script-opts/stats.conf not found. [ 0.006][d][stats] lua-settings/stats.conf not found. [ 0.007][d][osc] reading options for osc [ 0.007][d][osc] script-opts/osc.conf not found. [ 0.007][d][osc] lua-settings/osc.conf not found. [ 0.030][v][osx/cocoacb] Created CGL pixel format with attributes: kCGLPFAOpenGLProfile, kCGLOGLPVersion_3_2_Core, kCGLPFAAccelerated, kCGLPFADoubleBuffer, kCGLPFAColorSize, 64, kCGLPFAColorFloat, kCGLPFABackingStore, kCGLPFAAllowOfflineRenderers, kCGLPFASupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching, 0 [ 0.033][v][libmpv_render] GL_VERSION='4.1 Metal - 83' [ 0.033][v][libmpv_render] Detected desktop OpenGL 4.1. [ 0.033][v][libmpv_render] GL_VENDOR='Apple' [ 0.033][v][libmpv_render] GL_RENDERER='Apple M1 Max' [ 0.033][v][libmpv_render] GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='4.10' [ 0.033][d][libmpv_render] Combined OpenGL extensions string: [ 0.033][d][libmpv_render] GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_container_object_shareable GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_row_bytes GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_NV_texture_barrier [ 0.034][v][libmpv_render] Loaded extension GL_APPLE_rgb_422. [ 0.034][v][libmpv_render] GL_*_swap_control extension missing. [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] Texture formats: [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] NAME COMP*TYPE SIZE DEPTH PER COMP. [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] r8 1*unorm 1B LF CR ST {8} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rg8 2*unorm 2B LF CR ST {8 8} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb8 3*unorm 3B LF CR ST {8 8 8} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgba8 4*unorm 4B LF CR ST {8 8 8 8} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] r16 1*unorm 2B LF CR ST {16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rg16 2*unorm 4B LF CR ST {16 16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb16 3*unorm 6B LF CR ST {16 16 16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgba16 4*unorm 8B LF CR ST {16 16 16 16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] r8ui 1*uint 1B CR ST {8} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rg8ui 2*uint 2B CR ST {8 8} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb8ui 3*uint 3B ST {8 8 8} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgba8ui 4*uint 4B CR ST {8 8 8 8} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] r16ui 1*uint 2B CR ST {16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rg16ui 2*uint 4B CR ST {16 16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb16ui 3*uint 6B ST {16 16 16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgba16ui 4*uint 8B CR ST {16 16 16 16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] r16f 1*float 4B LF CR ST {32/16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rg16f 2*float 8B LF CR ST {32/16 32/16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb16f 3*float 12B LF CR ST {32/16 32/16 32/16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgba16f 4*float 16B LF CR ST {32/16 32/16 32/16 32/16} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] r32f 1*float 4B LF CR ST {32} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rg32f 2*float 8B LF CR ST {32 32} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb32f 3*float 12B LF CR ST {32 32 32} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgba32f 4*float 16B LF CR ST {32 32 32 32} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb10_a2 4*unorm 4B LF CR ST {0/10 0/10 0/10 0/2} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgba12 4*unorm 8B LF CR ST {16/12 16/12 16/12 16/12} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb10 3*unorm 6B LF CR ST {16/10 16/10 16/10} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb565 3*unorm 2B LF ST {0/8 0/8 0/8} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] appleyp 0*unorm 2B LF ST {} [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] LA = LUMINANCE_ALPHA hack format [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] LF = linear filterable [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] CR = can be used for render targets [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] ST = can be used for storable images [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] Image formats: [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p => 3 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p => 3 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] gray => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8] (r) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] gray16 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] uyvy422 => 1 planes 1x1 0/0 [appleyp] (brg) [unknown] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] nv12 => 2 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] p010 => 2 planes 2x2 16/6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] argb => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (argb) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgra => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (bgra) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] abgr => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (abgr) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgba => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (rgba) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgr24 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgb8] (bgr) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb24 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgb8] (rgb) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] 0rgb => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (_rgb) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgr0 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (bgr) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] 0bgr => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (_bgr) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb0 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (rgb) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgba64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (rgba) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb565 => 1 planes 1x1 0/0 [rgb565] (rgb) [unknown] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] pal8 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] vdpau [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] d3d11 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] dxva2_vld [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] mmal [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] mediacodec [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] cuda [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yap8 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8] (r/a) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yap16 => 2 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16] (r/a) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] grayaf32 => 2 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f] (r/a) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv444pf => 3 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuva444pf => 4 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv420pf => 3 planes 2x2 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuva420pf => 4 planes 2x2 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv422pf => 3 planes 2x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuva422pf => 4 planes 2x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv440pf => 3 planes 1x2 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuva440pf => 4 planes 1x2 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv410pf => 3 planes 4x4 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuva410pf => 4 planes 4x4 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv411pf => 3 planes 4x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuva411pf => 4 planes 4x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (r/g/b/a) [float] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb30 => 1 planes 1x1 10/0 [rgb10_a2] (bgr) [unknown] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] y1 => 1 planes 1x1 8/-7 [r8] (r) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] gbrp1 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-7 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] gbrp2 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-6 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] gbrp3 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-5 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] gbrp4 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-4 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] gbrp5 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-3 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] gbrp6 => 3 planes 1x1 8/-2 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] vdpau_output [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] vaapi [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] videotoolbox [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] drm_prime [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuyv422 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p => 3 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv410p => 3 planes 4x4 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv411p => 3 planes 4x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] monow [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] monob [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuvj422p => 3 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] uyyvyy411 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgr8 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgr4 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgr4_byte [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb8 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb4 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb4_byte [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] nv21 => 2 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/bg) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] gray16be [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p => 3 planes 1x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuvj440p => 3 planes 1x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p => 4 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb48be [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb48 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgb16] (rgb) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb565be [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb555be [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] rgb555 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgr565be [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgr565 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgr555be [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] bgr555 [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p16 => 3 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p16be [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p16 => 3 planes 2x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.034][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p16 => 3 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] rgb444 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] rgb444be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bgr444 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bgr444be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] ya8 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rg8] (ra) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bgr48be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bgr48 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgb16] (bgr) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p9be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p9 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p10 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p10 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p9be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p9 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p10 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p9be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p9 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp => 3 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp9be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp9 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp10 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp16 => 3 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p => 4 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p => 4 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p9be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p9 => 4 planes 2x2 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p9be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p9 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p9be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p9 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p10 => 4 planes 2x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p10 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p10 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva420p16 => 4 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p16 => 4 planes 2x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p16 => 4 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] xyz12 => 1 planes 1x1 16/4 [rgb16] (rgb) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] xyz12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] nv16 => 2 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] nv20 => 2 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] nv20be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] rgba64be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bgra64be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bgra64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (bgra) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yvyu422 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] ya16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] ya16 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rg16] (ra) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrap => 4 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrap16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrap16 => 4 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] qsv [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] d3d11va_vld [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p12 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p14be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv420p14 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p12 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p14be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv422p14 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p12 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p14be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv444p14 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp12 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp14be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrp14 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuvj411p => 3 planes 4x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_bggr8 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_rggb8 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_gbrg8 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_grbg8 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_bggr16 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_bggr16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_rggb16 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_rggb16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_gbrg16 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_gbrg16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_grbg16 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] bayer_grbg16be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] xvmc [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p10 => 3 planes 1x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p12 => 3 planes 1x2 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuv440p12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] ayuv64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (argb) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] ayuv64be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p010be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrap12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrap12 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrap10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrap10 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gray12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gray12 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gray10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gray10 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p016 => 2 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p016be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gray9be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gray9 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrpf32be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrpf32 => 3 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (g/b/r) [float] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrapf32be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gbrapf32 => 4 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (g/b/r/a) [float] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] opencl [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gray14be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] gray14 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16] (r) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] grayf32be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] grayf32 => 1 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f] (r) [float] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva422p12 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p12be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] yuva444p12 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] nv24 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] nv42 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/bg) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] vulkan [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] y210be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] y210 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] x2rgb10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] x2bgr10 [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] x2bgr10be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p210be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p210 => 2 planes 2x1 16/6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p410be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p410 => 2 planes 1x1 16/6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p216be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p216 => 2 planes 2x1 16/0 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p416be [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] p416 => 2 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/rg16] (r/gb) [unorm] [ 0.035][v][libmpv_render] Testing FBO format rgba16f [ 0.035][d][libmpv_render] Resizing texture: 16x16 [ 0.036][v][libmpv_render] Using FBO format rgba16f. [ 0.036][v][libmpv_render] Disabling HDR peak computation (one or more of the following is not supported: compute shaders=0, SSBO=0). [ 0.036][v][libmpv_render] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode. [ 0.036][v][libmpv_render] Loading hwdec driver 'videotoolbox' [ 0.036][v][cplayer] Waiting for scripts... [ 0.036][d][console] reading options for console [ 0.036][d][console] script-opts/console.conf not found. [ 0.036][d][console] lua-settings/console.conf not found. [ 0.037][d][auto_profiles] Exiting... [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_console", contents="", flags="default"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_console", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_stats", contents="", flags="default"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_stats", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_stats", contents="", flags="force"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_stats", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="showhide", contents="mouse_move script-binding osc/__keybinding1\nmouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding2\n", flags="force"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="showhide_wc", contents="mouse_move script-binding osc/__keybinding3\nmouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding4\n", flags="force"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="showhide", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="showhide_wc", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_console", contents="", flags="force"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_console", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.037][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input", contents="mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding5\nshift+mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding6\nmbtn_right script-binding osc/__keybinding7\nmbtn_mid script-binding osc/__keybinding8\nwheel_up script-binding osc/__keybinding9\nwheel_down script-binding osc/__keybinding10\nmbtn_left_dbl ignore\nshift+mbtn_left_dbl ignore\nmbtn_right_dbl ignore\n", flags="force"] [ 0.038][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input", flags=""] [ 0.038][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="window-controls", contents="mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding11\n", flags="force"] [ 0.038][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="window-controls", flags=""] [ 0.038][d][cplayer] Run command: change-list, flags=64, args=[name="shared-script-properties", operation="append", value="osc-visibility=auto"] [ 0.038][v][cplayer] Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1 [ 0.038][d][cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input"] [ 0.038][d][cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=64, args=[name="window-controls"] [ 0.038][d][cplayer] Run command: change-list, flags=64, args=[name="shared-script-properties", operation="append", value="osc-margins=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000"] [ 0.038][v][cplayer] Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1 [ 0.038][v][cplayer] Done loading scripts. [ 0.038][d][global] config path: 'watch_later' -> '-' [ 0.038][d][global] config path: 'watch_later' -> '-' [ 0.038][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load [ 0.038][v][ytdl_hook] ytdl:// hook [ 0.038][d][osd/libass] ASS library version: 0x1600000 (runtime 0x1600000) [ 0.038][v][osd/libass] libass API version: 0x1600000 [ 0.038][v][osd/libass] libass source: tarball: 0.16.0 [ 0.039][v][osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.12 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 5.3.1 (COMPLEX) [ 0.039][v][osd/libass] Setting up fonts... [ 0.039][v][osd/libass] Using font provider coretext [ 0.039][v][osd/libass] Done. [ 0.040][v][ytdl_hook] not a ytdl:// url [ 0.040][d][cplayer] Run command: change-list, flags=64, args=[name="shared-script-properties", operation="append", value="osc-margins=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000"] [ 0.040][v][cplayer] Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1 [ 0.040][v][file] Opening Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u [ 0.040][d][osc] osc_init [ 0.040][d][file] resize stream to 131072 bytes, drop 0 bytes [ 0.040][d][file] Stream opened successfully. [ 0.040][v][demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal. [ 0.040][d][demux] Trying demuxer: disc (force-level: normal) [ 0.040][d][demux] Trying demuxer: edl (force-level: normal) [ 0.040][d][demux] Trying demuxer: cue (force-level: normal) [ 0.040][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawaudio (force-level: normal) [ 0.040][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawvideo (force-level: normal) [ 0.040][d][demux] Trying demuxer: mkv (force-level: normal) [ 0.040][d][demux] Trying demuxer: libarchive (force-level: normal) [ 0.040][d][cplayer] Run command: change-list, flags=64, args=[name="shared-script-properties", operation="append", value="osc-margins=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000"] [ 0.040][v][cplayer] Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1 [ 0.040][d][osd/libass] ASS library version: 0x1600000 (runtime 0x1600000) [ 0.040][v][osd/libass] libass API version: 0x1600000 [ 0.040][v][osd/libass] libass source: tarball: 0.16.0 [ 0.040][d][demux] Trying demuxer: lavf (force-level: normal) [ 0.041][v][osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.12 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 5.3.1 (COMPLEX) [ 0.041][v][osd/libass] Setting up fonts... [ 0.041][v][osd/libass] Using font provider coretext [ 0.041][v][osd/libass] Done. [ 0.042][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_osc", contents="", flags="default"] [ 0.042][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_osc", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.042][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_osc", contents="", flags="force"] [ 0.042][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[name="input_forced_osc", flags="allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging"] [ 0.044][v][lavf] No format found, try lowering probescore or forcing the format. [ 0.044][d][demux] Trying demuxer: mf (force-level: normal) [ 0.044][d][demux] Trying demuxer: playlist (force-level: normal) [ 0.044][v][playlist] demuxer read all data; closing stream [ 0.044][v][demux] Detected file format: m3u (Playlist file) [ 0.044][v][cplayer] Opening done: Music/IINA-issue-4091/album.m3u [ 0.044][d][global] config path: 'watch_later' -> '-' [ 0.044][v][cplayer] finished playback, success (reason 5) [ 0.044][i][cplayer] [ 0.044][d][global] config path: 'watch_later' -> '-' [ 0.045][i][cplayer] Playing: Music/IINA-issue-4091/MolvÊr.mp3 [ 0.045][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load [ 0.045][v][ytdl_hook] ytdl:// hook [ 0.045][v][ytdl_hook] not a ytdl:// url [ 0.045][v][file] Opening Music/IINA-issue-4091/MolvÊr.mp3 [ 0.045][e][file] Cannot open file 'Music/IINA-issue-4091/MolvÊr.mp3': No such file or directory [ 0.045][e][stream] Failed to open Music/IINA-issue-4091/MolvÊr.mp3. [ 0.045][v][cplayer] Opening failed or was aborted: Music/IINA-issue-4091/MolvÊr.mp3 [ 0.045][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load_fail [ 0.045][v][ytdl_hook] full hook [ 0.045][v][cplayer] finished playback, loading failed (reason 4) [ 0.045][i][cplayer] [ 0.045][i][cplayer] Exiting... (Some errors happened) [ 0.045][d][libmpv_render] flushing shader cache [ 0.045][d][osx] Exiting... [ 0.045][d][cplayer] Run command: change-list, flags=64, args=[name="shared-script-properties", operation="remove", value="osc-margins"] [ 0.045][v][cplayer] Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1 [ 0.045][d][console] Exiting... [ 0.045][d][ytdl_hook] Exiting... [ 0.045][d][stats] Exiting... [ 0.045][d][osc] Exiting... ```

Sample files

sfan5 commented 2 years ago

Adding something like --playlist-codepage (including autodetection needed to make your case work) shouldn't be a lot of work but IMO people should just be using UTF-8 in 2022.

tueksta commented 2 years ago

people should just be using UTF-8 in 2022.

totally agree, but the old playlists won't autoconvert themselves.