mpv-player / mpv

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add built-in OSD message for command `frame-step` and `frame-back-step` to show frame number #14341

Open verygoodlee opened 2 weeks ago

verygoodlee commented 2 weeks ago

Expected behavior of the wanted feature

I think frame number is an important message, it's useful for compare scaling filters/shaders, open same file in two window and ensure that they are exactly in the same frame.

Try to add OSD message by myself, but the show-text shows the frame number before frame-step and frame-back-step. e.g.
frame-step from 0 to 1, show-text shows 0 / 12345 not 1 / 12345. frame-back-step from 1 back to 0, show-text shows 1 / 12345 not 0 / 12345.

KEY1   frame-step; show-text "${estimated-frame-number} / ${estimated-frame-count}"
KEy2   frame-back-step; show-text "${estimated-frame-number} / ${estimated-frame-count}"

So a built-in OSD message is needed, if some people don't like it, add no-osd prefix to disable it.

Alternative behavior of the wanted feature


Log File


Sample Files


hooke007 commented 2 weeks ago

may be related

GalaxySnail commented 1 week ago

FWIW, clicking the "time elapsed" button on the OSC can display timecodes with milliseconds. It may be good enough for most 60fps videos.
