mpv-player / mpv

🎥 Command line video player
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Do we really need on Windows? #14441

Closed CrendKing closed 3 days ago

CrendKing commented 3 days ago

mpv Information

mpv v0.38.0-525-g265056fa Copyright © 2000-2024 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
 built on Jun 23 2024 00:06:39
libplacebo version: v7.349.0 (v7.349.0-rc1-3-g1fd3c7b-dirty)
FFmpeg version: N-115975-g0c0e7ec81
FFmpeg library versions:
   libavcodec      61.8.100
   libavdevice     61.2.100
   libavfilter     10.2.102
   libavformat     61.3.104
   libavutil       59.25.100
   libswresample   5.2.100
   libswscale      8.2.100

Other Information

Reproduction Steps

In the FAQ, section On Windows, why does mpv.exe not attach to the console and what does do? it explains the existence of is a limitation of Windows due to an application having to choose one subsystem. It sounds as once an application is a GUI program, it can no longer interact with console.

Which is not true. Before, 9 years ago, mpv uses AttachConsole to attach to the parent process' console. This allows the one mpv.exe to both be able to write to the console if it's launched in a terminal, or console-less if launched outside a terminal, without needing the

That was also the behavior of current mpv in Linux. I tried mpv in a Debian. It installs one /usr/bin/mpv, which interacts with terminal if launched in terminal, and seeming does nothing if double-clicked in a GUI file explorer. The installed shortcut for launching it in GUI mode is simply adding the --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui argument.

The commit message of considers the change an improvement, because it is more deterministic. It also refers to, which complains that if a GUI mpv is launched from terminal, closing that terminal also closes mpv. However, the Linux version has exactly the same behavior, yet no one complained, I guess.

I want to discuss the possibility of retiring on Windows, and endow mpv.exe the ability to interact with console again. This simplifies the mpv installation on Windows (e.g. no need for a FAQ) and brings consistency with other platforms. I also have a bit of selfish reason. Current when I debug mpv in VSCode, I have dilemma to choose between launching mpv.exe and the former hits the breakpoints, but can't print any log message to the terminal, while the latter does the opposite.

Minimally, I can obtain the desired behavior by removing But I'm sure there are other codes requiring tweaking. To address 's complain, I can add a FreeConsole() call at

Expected Behavior


Actual Behavior


Log File


Sample Files

No response

I carefully read all instruction and confirm that I did the following:

kasper93 commented 3 days ago

No, we cannot retire It is age old topic. There are workarounds, and we are using the best one. It is not supported use-case by Windows kernel.

It is explained here why it is bad idea to use GUI mode always.

Alternatively it is bad idea to use Console mode always, as best we can do is to hide console window in this case and this produces annoying flicker.

I have dilemma to choose between launching mpv.exe and the former hits the breakpoints, but can't print any log message to the terminal, while the latter does the opposite.

Change subsystem to console and always use mpv.exe

diff --git a/ b/
index 1a89094df0..fd4efb1f20 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@ if get_option('cplayer')
     install_data('etc/mpv-symbolic.svg', install_dir: join_paths(hicolor_dir, 'symbolic', 'apps'))

     mpv = executable('mpv', main_fn_source, objects: libmpv.extract_all_objects(recursive: true), dependencies: dependencies,
-                     win_subsystem: 'windows', install: true)
+                     win_subsystem: 'console', install: true)

     # Older meson versions generate this in the player subdirectory.
     if win32 and meson.version().version_compare('>= 1.3.0')
CrendKing commented 3 days ago

Thanks for the links. If I understand correctly, the main limitation of Windows over Linux is the lack of API to not only attach but take full control of parent process' console. And the console wrapper solution is good because it can use its own console to override the parent console, and wait out the wrapped sub-process.

If that's really the only reason, I'm a bit surprised why Windows can't offer such an API, provided that they have a otherwise fairly complete plethora of console manipulation utilities. But if Visual Studio itself has to use a .com trick, I guess the reason must be deep.

Thanks again. Closing.