Closed ehiggs closed 8 years ago
Looks like the broken tag update (that mainly affects ogg files, including .opus files). It was fixed in git master a few days ago.
Maybe a 0.19.1 is in order, CC @lachs0r.
Also the error message is unspecific and happens because the bug corrupted memory.
Thanks. I think 0.19.1 is ideal since this affects a huge chunk of functionality and there's no workaround afaict.
Sorry for bumping this old issue, but I am having the mpv: ../ta/ta.c:335: ta_dbg_check_header: Assertion h->canary == CANARY' failed.
error on Linux with every video I play in mpv. The video starts playing for a few seconds, then mpv hangs and eventually closes. This happens mainly when using SVP, but I must stress that it used to work flawlessly with the same version of SVP and the same mpv.conf.
I am using a standalone version of mpv built using the mpv-build github repository, but the exact same issue happens when using mpv-git installed from AUR. Any ideas?
This error just hints that there was a memory management bug. SVP and the vapoursynth wrapper are horrifically complex, so it's not inconceivable that there's a bug hidden there. Or it could be something mundane.
If you can get more debugging info or a reproduction (preferably without SVP, since that's closed source and a hassle), it could probably be analyzed and fixed.
Thanks for the swift answer. Unfortunately the issue is it has become 100% reproducible with SVP running, but I rarely get the issue without it. I understand SVP probably plays a key role in the issue, but what puzzles me is one week ago, I didn't have this issue at all despite using SVP all the time, with the same SVP version. The only change I can recall is installing mpv using mpv-build (because I needed sofalizer enabled in ffmpeg), but even then SVP worked for a while. And now the issue kicks in both for regular mpv-git and for the mpv standalone built with mpv-build. I suppose something else was installed and causes issues, but I am not sure how to troubleshoot.
Would a full mpv log help?
Here are the log files with mpv-git (from AUR) and mpv standalone (from mpv-build with --enable-libmysofa
as ffmpeg build option), respectively:
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] mpv 0.29.0-747-gc7d0a8f58e Copyright © 2000-2019 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] built on Sat Sep 28 00:10:37 CEST 2019
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavutil 56.31.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavcodec 58.54.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavformat 58.29.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libswscale 5.5.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavfilter 7.57.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libswresample 3.5.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] ffmpeg version: n4.2
[ 0.009][v][cplayer]
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] Configuration: ./waf configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mpv --enable-libmpv-shared
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: 52arch aligned_alloc alsa asm atomics build-date caca cplayer cplugins cuda-hwaccel debug-build drm drmprime egl-drm egl-helpers egl-x11 fchmod ffmpeg ffnvcodec gbm gbm.h gl gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gnuc gpl iconv jack javascript jpeg lcms2 libaf libarchive libass libass-osd libav-any libavcodec libavdevice libavutil libbluray libdl libm libmpv-shared libplacebo librt linux-fstatfs lua optimize oss-audio plain-gl posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn posix-spawn-native pthreads pulse rsound rubberband shaderc shaderc-shared spirv-cross spirv-cross-shared stdatomic uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-egl vaapi-vulkan vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vapoursynth vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vt.h vulkan wayland wayland-protocols x11 xv zimg zlib
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] Command line options: '/run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264 RB58.mp4' '--log-file' '/home/mathieu/Desktop/mpv.log'
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] mpv 0.29.0-747-gc7d0a8f58e Copyright © 2000-2019 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] built on Sat Sep 28 00:10:37 CEST 2019
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavutil 56.31.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavcodec 58.54.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavformat 58.29.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libswscale 5.5.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavfilter 7.57.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libswresample 3.5.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] ffmpeg version: n4.2
[ 0.009][v][cplayer]
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] Configuration: ./waf configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mpv --enable-libmpv-shared
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: 52arch aligned_alloc alsa asm atomics build-date caca cplayer cplugins cuda-hwaccel debug-build drm drmprime egl-drm egl-helpers egl-x11 fchmod ffmpeg ffnvcodec gbm gbm.h gl gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gnuc gpl iconv jack javascript jpeg lcms2 libaf libarchive libass libass-osd libav-any libavcodec libavdevice libavutil libbluray libdl libm libmpv-shared libplacebo librt linux-fstatfs lua optimize oss-audio plain-gl posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn posix-spawn-native pthreads pulse rsound rubberband shaderc shaderc-shared spirv-cross spirv-cross-shared stdatomic uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-egl vaapi-vulkan vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vapoursynth vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vt.h vulkan wayland wayland-protocols x11 xv zimg zlib
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] Reading config file /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[ 0.012][v][cplayer] Reading config file /home/mathieu/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'profile' = 'svp' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'input-ipc-server' = '/tmp/mpvsocket' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'hr-seek-framedrop' = 'no' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'resume-playback' = 'no' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'hwdec' = 'auto-copy' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'hwdec-codecs' = 'all' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'af' = 'lavfi=[sofalizer=sofa=/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/ClubFritz4.sofa:type=freq:radius=1]' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'af-add' = 'dynaudnorm=f=150:g=15' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'sub-font-size' = '34' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'sub-pos' = '90' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'autofit-larger' = '100%x100%' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'autofit' = '1500' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'geometry' = '50%:50%' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'log-file' = '/home/mathieu/Desktop/mpv.log' (flags = 8)
[ 0.014][d][global] user path: '/home/mathieu/Desktop/mpv.log' -> '/home/mathieu/Desktop/mpv.log'
[ 0.014][d][osc] Loading lua script @osc.lua...
[ 0.014][d][ytdl_hook] Loading lua script @ytdl_hook.lua...
[ 0.014][d][stats] Loading lua script @stats.lua...
[ 0.015][d][global] user path: '/tmp/mpvsocket' -> '/tmp/mpvsocket'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][osc] loading mp.defaults
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][ytdl_hook] loading mp.defaults
[ 0.015][v][ipc] Starting IPC master
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][stats] loading mp.defaults
[ 0.015][v][ipc] Listening to IPC socket.
[ 0.016][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.016][v][cplayer] Waiting for scripts...
[ 0.016][d][osc] loading @osc.lua
[ 0.016][d][ytdl_hook] loading @ytdl_hook.lua
[ 0.016][d][stats] loading @stats.lua
[ 0.018][d][ytdl_hook] reading options for ytdl_hook
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][v][ytdl_hook] script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf not found.
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][v][ytdl_hook] lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf not found.
[ 0.018][d][stats] reading options for stats
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/stats.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/script-opts/stats.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/stats.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/script-opts/stats.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/stats.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/script-opts/stats.conf'
[ 0.018][v][stats] script-opts/stats.conf not found.
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/stats.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/lua-settings/stats.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/stats.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/lua-settings/stats.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/stats.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/lua-settings/stats.conf'
[ 0.018][v][stats] lua-settings/stats.conf not found.
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.020][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.021][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.021][d][cplayer] I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
[ 0.021][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.021][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.021][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.021][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.021][d][osc] reading options for osc
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/script-opts/osc.conf'
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/script-opts/osc.conf'
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/osc.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/script-opts/osc.conf'
[ 0.021][v][osc] script-opts/osc.conf not found.
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[ 0.021][v][osc] lua-settings/osc.conf not found.
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[showhide, mouse_move script-binding osc/__keybinding1
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] mouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding2
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] , force]
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[showhide, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input, mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding3
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] shift+mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding4
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] mbtn_right script-binding osc/__keybinding5
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] mbtn_mid script-binding osc/__keybinding6
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] wheel_up script-binding osc/__keybinding7
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] wheel_down script-binding osc/__keybinding8
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] mbtn_left_dbl ignore
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] shift+mbtn_left_dbl ignore
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] mbtn_right_dbl ignore
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] , force]
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input, ]
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_osc, , default]
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_osc, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_osc, , force]
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_osc, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.022][v][cplayer] Done loading scripts.
[ 0.022][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[ 0.022][v][ytdl_hook] ytdl:// hook
[ 0.022][v][ytdl_hook] not a ytdl:// url
[ 0.022][d][osc] osc_init
[ 0.023][v][bdmv/bluray] Opening /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264 RB58.mp4
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=64, args=[input]
[ 0.023][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/fonts'
[ 0.023][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/fonts'
[ 0.023][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts'
[ 0.024][v][file] Opening /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264 RB58.mp4
[ 0.024][v][osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 0.19.7 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 2.6.1 (COMPLEX)
[ 0.024][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.024][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.024][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.024][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.024][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.024][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.024][v][osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[ 0.024][d][file] Stream opened successfully.
[ 0.024][v][demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal.
[ 0.024][d][demux] Trying demuxer: edl (force-level: normal)
[ 0.024][d][demux] Trying demuxer: cue (force-level: normal)
[ 0.024][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawaudio (force-level: normal)
[ 0.024][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawvideo (force-level: normal)
[ 0.024][d][demux] Trying demuxer: mkv (force-level: normal)
[ 0.024][d][demux] Trying demuxer: libarchive (force-level: normal)
[ 0.025][d][demux] Trying demuxer: lavf (force-level: normal)
[ 0.039][v][lavf] Found 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2' at score=100 size=2048.
[ 0.044][v][osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[ 0.044][v][osd/libass] Done.
[ 0.083][v][ipc_0] Client connected
[ 0.096][v][demux] Detected file format: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 (libavformat)
[ 0.096][v][cplayer] Opening done: /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264 RB58.mp4
[ 0.096][v][lavf] select track 0
[ 0.096][v][lavf] select track 1
[ 0.096][v][lavf] stream 1: resize index to 128
[ 0.099][v][find_files] Loading external files in /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/
[ 0.099][d][find_files] Potential external file: "Years and Years S01E03 1080P x264" Priority: 0
[ 0.099][d][find_files] Potential external file: "Years and Years S01E04 1080P x264" Priority: 0
[ 0.099][d][find_files] Potential external file: "Years and Years S01E05 1080P x264" Priority: 0
[ 0.099][d][find_files] Potential external file: "Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264" Priority: 3
[ 0.099][d][global] config path: 'sub' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/sub'
[ 0.099][d][global] config path: 'sub' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/sub'
[ 0.099][d][global] config path: 'sub' -/-> '/etc/mpv/sub'
[ 0.100][v][bdmv/bluray] Opening /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264
[ 0.100][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 128
[ 0.100][v][file] Opening /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264
[ 0.100][d][file] Stream opened successfully.
[ 0.100][v][demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal.
[ 0.100][d][demux] Trying demuxer: edl (force-level: normal)
[ 0.100][d][demux] Trying demuxer: cue (force-level: normal)
[ 0.100][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawaudio (force-level: normal)
[ 0.100][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawvideo (force-level: normal)
[ 0.100][d][demux] Trying demuxer: mkv (force-level: normal)
[ 0.100][d][demux] Trying demuxer: libarchive (force-level: normal)
[ 0.101][d][demux] Trying demuxer: lavf (force-level: normal)
[ 0.112][v][lavf] Found 'srt' at score=100 size=2048.
[ 0.113][v][lavf] Data looks like UTF-8, ignoring user-provided charset.
[ 0.117][v][lavf] avformat_find_stream_info() finished after 72440 bytes.
[ 0.117][v][lavf] demuxer read all data; closing stream
[ 0.117][v][demux] Detected file format: srt (libavformat)
[ 0.117][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded
[ 0.117][v][lavf] select track 0
[ 0.117][i][cplayer] (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1920x1080 25.000fps)
[ 0.117][i][cplayer] (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (aac 2ch 48000Hz)
[ 0.117][i][cplayer] (+) Subs --sid=1 'Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264' (subrip) (external)
[ 0.118][v][vo/gpu] Probing for best GPU context.
[ 0.118][v][vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing GPU context 'wayland'
[ 0.118][v][vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing GPU context 'x11egl'
[ 0.118][v][vo/gpu/x11] X11 opening display: :0.0
[ 0.122][v][vo/gpu/x11] X11 running at 1920x1080 (":0.0" => local display)
[ 0.122][v][vo/gpu/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[ 0.122][v][vo/gpu/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[ 0.122][v][vo/gpu/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[ 0.122][v][vo/gpu/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[ 0.123][v][vo/gpu/x11] Display 0 (HDMI2): [0, 0, 1920, 1080] @ 60.000000 FPS
[ 0.123][v][vo/gpu/x11] Current display FPS: 60.000000
[ 0.146][v][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VERSION=1.4
[ 0.146][v][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VENDOR=Mesa Project
[ 0.146][v][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CLIENT_APIS=OpenGL OpenGL_ES
[ 0.146][v][vo/gpu/opengl] Trying to create Desktop OpenGL context.
[ 0.147][d][vo/gpu/opengl] Chosen EGLConfig:
[ 0.147][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CONFIG_ID=3
[ 0.147][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_RED_SIZE=8
[ 0.147][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_GREEN_SIZE=8
[ 0.148][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_BLUE_SIZE=8
[ 0.148][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_ALPHA_SIZE=0
[ 0.148][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE=12430
[ 0.148][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT=12344
[ 0.148][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CONFORMANT=77
[ 0.150][v][vo/gpu/opengl] chose visual 0x20
[ 0.158][v][vo/gpu/opengl] GL_VERSION='4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 19.1.5'
[ 0.158][v][vo/gpu/opengl] Detected desktop OpenGL 4.5.
[ 0.158][v][vo/gpu/opengl] GL_VENDOR='Intel Open Source Technology Center'
[ 0.158][v][vo/gpu/opengl] GL_RENDERER='Mesa DRI Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600 (Geminilake 2x6) '
[ 0.158][v][vo/gpu/opengl] GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='4.50'
[ 0.159][d][vo/gpu/opengl] Combined OpenGL extensions string:
[ 0.159][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_CHROMIUM_sync_control EGL_EXT_buffer_age EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers EGL_IMG_context_priority EGL_KHR_config_attribs EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_MESA_configless_context EGL_MESA_drm_image EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export EGL_MESA_query_driver EGL_NOK_texture_from_pixmap EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_AMD_conservative_depth GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend GL_AMD_gpu_shader_int64 GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_query_buffer_object GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_AMD_texture_texture4 GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_indirect_parameters GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_ballot GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_clock GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_shader_group_vote GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shader_samples_identical GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_INTEL_shader_atomic_float_minmax GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_OES_EGL_image GL_S3_s3tc
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] Texture formats:
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] NAME COMP*TYPE SIZE DEPTH PER COMP.
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r8 1*unorm 1B LF CR {8}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg8 2*unorm 2B LF CR {8 8}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb8 3*unorm 3B LF CR {8 8 8}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba8 4*unorm 4B LF CR {8 8 8 8}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r16 1*unorm 2B LF CR {16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg16 2*unorm 4B LF CR {16 16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb16 3*unorm 6B LF CR {16 16 16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba16 4*unorm 8B LF CR {16 16 16 16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r8ui 1*uint 1B CR {8}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg8ui 2*uint 2B CR {8 8}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb8ui 3*uint 3B {8 8 8}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba8ui 4*uint 4B CR {8 8 8 8}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r16ui 1*uint 2B CR {16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg16ui 2*uint 4B CR {16 16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb16ui 3*uint 6B {16 16 16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba16ui 4*uint 8B CR {16 16 16 16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r16f 1*float 4B LF CR {32/16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg16f 2*float 8B LF CR {32/16 32/16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb16f 3*float 12B LF CR {32/16 32/16 32/16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba16f 4*float 16B LF CR {32/16 32/16 32/16 32/16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r32f 1*float 4B LF CR {32}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg32f 2*float 8B LF CR {32 32}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb32f 3*float 12B LF CR {32 32 32}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba32f 4*float 16B LF CR {32 32 32 32}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb10_a2 4*unorm 4B LF CR {0/10 0/10 0/10 0/2}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba12 4*unorm 8B LF CR {16 16 16 16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb10 3*unorm 6B LF CR {16 16 16}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb565 3*unorm 2B LF {0/8 0/8 0/8}
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] LA = LUMINANCE_ALPHA hack format
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] LF = linear filterable
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] CR = can be used for render targets
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] Image formats:
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p => 3 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p => 3 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.163][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8] (r)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray16 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16] (r)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] uyvy422
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv12 => 2 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] p010 => 2 planes 2x2 16/6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv24 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] argb => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (argb)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgra => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (bgra)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] abgr => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (abgr)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (rgba)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr24 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgb8] (bgr)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb24 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgb8] (rgb)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] 0rgb => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (_rgb)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr0 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (bgr)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] 0bgr => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (_bgr)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb0 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (rgb)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (rgba)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb565 => 1 planes 1x1 0/0 [rgb565] (rgb)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vdpau
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vdpau_output
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vaapi
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] dxva2_vld
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] mmal
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] videotoolbox
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] drm_prime
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] cuda
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuyv422
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p => 3 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv410p => 3 planes 4x4 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv411p => 3 planes 4x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] monow
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] monob
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] pal8
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuvj422p => 3 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] uyyvyy411
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr8
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr4
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr4_byte
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb8
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb4
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb4_byte
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv21 => 2 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/bg)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray16be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p => 3 planes 1x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuvj440p => 3 planes 1x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p => 4 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb48be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb48 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgb16] (rgb)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb565be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb555be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb555
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr565be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr565
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr555be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr555
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vaapi_moco
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vaapi_idct
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p16 => 3 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p16be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p16 => 3 planes 2x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p16be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p16 => 3 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p16be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb444
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb444be
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr444
[ 0.164][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr444be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ya8 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rg8] (ra)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr48be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr48 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgb16] (bgr)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p9be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p9 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p10be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p10 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p10be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p10 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p9be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p9 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p10be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p10 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p9be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p9 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp => 3 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp9be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp9 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp10be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp10 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp16be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp16 => 3 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p => 4 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p => 4 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p9be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p9 => 4 planes 2x2 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p9be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p9 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p9be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p9 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p10be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p10 => 4 planes 2x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p10be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p10 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p10be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p10 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p16be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p16 => 4 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p16be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p16 => 4 planes 2x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p16be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p16 => 4 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] xyz12 => 1 planes 1x1 16/4 [rgb16] (rgb)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] xyz12be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv16 => 2 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv20 => 2 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv20be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba64be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgra64be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgra64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (bgra)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yvyu422
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ya16be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ya16 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rg16] (ra)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap => 4 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap16be
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap16 => 4 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] qsv
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] d3d11va_vld
[ 0.165][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p12be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p12 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p14be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p14 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p12be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p12 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p14be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p14 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p12be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p12 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p14be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p14 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp12be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp12 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp14be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp14 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuvj411p => 3 planes 4x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_bggr8
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_rggb8
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_gbrg8
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_grbg8
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_bggr16
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_bggr16be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_rggb16
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_rggb16be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_gbrg16
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_gbrg16be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_grbg16
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_grbg16be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] xvmc
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p10 => 3 planes 1x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p10be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p12 => 3 planes 1x2 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p12be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ayuv64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (argb)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ayuv64be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] videotoolbox_vl
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] p010be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap12be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap12 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap10be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap10 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] mediacodec
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray12be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray12 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16] (r)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray10be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray10 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16] (r)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] p016 => 2 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/rg16] (r/gb)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] p016be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] d3d11
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray9be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray9 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16] (r)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrpf32be
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrpf32 => 3 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (g/b/r)
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrapf32be
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrapf32 => 4 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] opencl
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray14be
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray14 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16] (r)
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] grayf32be
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] grayf32 => 1 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f] (r)
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p12be
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p12 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p12be
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p12 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv42 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/bg)
[ 0.167][v][vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[ 0.167][d][vo/gpu] Resizing texture: 16x16
[ 0.167][v][vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[ 0.167][v][vo/gpu] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[ 0.167][v][vo/gpu] Assuming 60.000000 FPS for display sync.
[ 0.168][v][vd] Container reported FPS: 25.000000
[ 0.168][v][vd] Codec list:
[ 0.168][v][vd] h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
[ 0.168][v][vd] h264_v4l2m2m (h264) - V4L2 mem2mem H.264 decoder wrapper
[ 0.168][v][vd] h264_cuvid (h264) - Nvidia CUVID H264 decoder
[ 0.168][v][vd] Opening decoder h264
[ 0.169][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-nvdec...
[ 0.169][v][vd] Not using this for auto-copy.
[ 0.169][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-vaapi...
[ 0.169][v][vd] Not using this for auto-copy.
[ 0.169][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-vdpau...
[ 0.169][v][vd] Not using this for auto-copy.
[ 0.169][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-nvdec-copy...
[ 0.169][e][ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Cannot load
[ 0.169][e][ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Could not dynamically load CUDA
[ 0.169][v][vd] Could not create device.
[ 0.169][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-vaapi-copy...
[ 0.169][v][vaapi] libva: VA-API version 1.5.0
[ 0.169][v][vaapi] libva: va_getDriverName() returns 0
[ 0.169][v][vaapi] libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
[ 0.173][v][vaapi] libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_3
[ 0.174][v][vaapi] libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
[ 0.174][v][vaapi] Initialized VAAPI: version 1.5
[ 0.174][d][ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: VAAPI driver: Intel i965 driver for Intel(R) Gemini Lake - 2.3.0.
[ 0.174][d][ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Driver not found in known nonstandard list, using standard behaviour.
[ 0.174][v][vd] Trying hardware decoding via h264-vaapi-copy.
[ 0.175][v][vd] Selected codec: h264 (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10)
[ 0.175][v][vf] User filter list:
[ 0.175][v][vf] (empty)
[ 0.176][v][ad] Codec list:
[ 0.176][v][ad] aac - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ 0.176][v][ad] aac_fixed (aac) - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ 0.176][v][ad] Opening decoder aac
[ 0.176][v][ad] Requesting 1 threads for decoding.
[ 0.179][v][ad] Selected codec: aac (AAC (Advanced Audio Coding))
[ 0.179][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'graph' = 'sofalizer=sofa=/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/ClubFritz4.sofa:type=freq:radius=1' (flags = 0)
[ 0.180][e][ffmpeg] AVFilterGraph: No such filter: 'sofalizer'
[ 0.180][f][lavfi] parsing the filter graph failed
[ 0.180][e][user_filter_wrapper] Creating filter 'lavfi' failed.
[ 0.180][e][cplayer] Audio filter initialized failed!
[ 0.180][v][ad] Uninit decoder.
[ 0.180][v][lavf] deselect track 1
[ 0.181][i][cplayer] Audio: no audio
[ 0.181][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/fonts'
[ 0.181][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/fonts'
[ 0.181][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts'
[ 0.182][v][sub/ass] Shaper: FriBidi 0.19.7 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 2.6.1 (COMPLEX)
[ 0.182][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.182][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.182][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.182][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.182][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.183][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.183][v][sub/ass] Setting up fonts...
[ 0.198][v][sub/ass] Using font provider fontconfig
[ 0.198][v][sub/ass] Done.
[ 0.198][v][cplayer] Starting playback...
[ 0.198][v][vd] Pixel formats supported by decoder: vdpau cuda vaapi_vld yuv420p
[ 0.198][v][vd] Codec profile: High (0x64)
[ 0.198][v][vd] Requesting pixfmt 'vaapi_vld' from decoder.
[ 0.199][d][ffmpeg/video] h264: Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: vaapi_vld
[ 0.238][i][vd] Using hardware decoding (vaapi-copy).
[ 0.238][v][vd] Decoder format: 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264 (auto 0.000000/0.000000/0.000000)
[ 0.238][v][vf] [in] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 0.239][v][vf] [userdeint] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 0.239][v][vf] [userdeint] (disabled)
[ 0.239][v][vf] [autorotate] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 0.239][v][vf] [autorotate] (disabled)
[ 0.239][v][vf] [convert] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 0.239][v][vf] [convert] (disabled)
[ 0.239][v][vf] [out] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 0.239][i][cplayer] VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 nv12
[ 0.239][v][cplayer] VO: Description: Shader-based GPU Renderer
[ 0.239][v][vo/gpu] reconfig to 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 0.239][d][vo/gpu] screen size: 1920x1080
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Resize: 1498x843
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Window size: 1498x843 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Video source: 1920x1080 (1:1)
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (0, 0) 1498x843
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Video scale: 0.780208/0.780556
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Reported display depth: 8
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 0: 1920x1080
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 1: 960x540
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[ 0.291][d][vo/gpu] Resizing texture: 16x16
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[ 0.291][v][vo/gpu] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[ 0.291][v][lavf] queuing seek to 0.000000
[ 0.291][v][lavf] execute seek (to 0.000000 flags 0)
[ 0.291][v][lavf] seek done
[ 0.291][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 128
[ 0.293][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 256
[ 0.295][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 512
[ 0.299][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 1024
[ 0.307][v][lavf] EOF reached.
[ 0.317][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vertex shader source:
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] in vec2 vertex_position;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 vertex_texcoord0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] out vec2 texcoord0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] in vec2 vertex_texcoord1;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] out vec2 texcoord1;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] void main() {
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1.0, 1.0);
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] texcoord0 = vertex_texcoord0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] texcoord1 = vertex_texcoord1;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] }
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader source:
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] out vec4 out_color;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 texcoord0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] in vec2 texcoord1;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] layout(std140, binding=0) uniform UBO {
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] layout(offset=0) mat3 colormatrix;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] layout(offset=48) vec3 colormatrix_c;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] layout(offset=64) vec3 src_luma;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] layout(offset=80) vec3 dst_luma;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] layout(offset=96) vec2 texture_size0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] layout(offset=112) mat2 texture_rot0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] layout(offset=144) vec2 texture_off0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] layout(offset=152) vec2 pixel_size0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] layout(offset=160) vec2 texture_size1;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 18] layout(offset=176) mat2 texture_rot1;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 19] layout(offset=208) vec2 texture_off1;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 20] layout(offset=216) vec2 pixel_size1;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 21] };
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 22] uniform sampler2D texture0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 23] uniform sampler2D texture1;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 24] void main() {
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 25] vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 26] color.r = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture0, texcoord0)).r;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 27] = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture1, texcoord1)).rg;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 28] color = color.rgbr;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 29] color.rgb = mat3(colormatrix) * color.rgb + colormatrix_c;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 30] color.a = 1.0;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 31] // color mapping
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 32] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 33] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 34] out_color = color;
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 35] }
[ 0.318][d][vo/gpu/opengl] shader link log (status=1):
[ 0.326][v][osd/libass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf, 0, BitstreamVeraSans-Roman
[ 0.328][v][cplayer] first video frame after restart shown
[ 0.329][v][cplayer] playback restart complete @ 0.000000
[ 0.329][v][vo/gpu/x11] Disabling screensaver.
[ 0.366][d][osc] osc_init
[ 0.636][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 256
[ 1.026][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 512
[ 2.335][v][sub/ass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf, 0, BitstreamVeraSans-Roman
[ 2.336][v][vo/gpu] Reallocating OSD texture to 512x128.
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vertex shader source:
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] in vec2 vertex_position;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 vertex_texcoord;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] out vec2 texcoord;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] in vec4 vertex_ass_color;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] out vec4 ass_color;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] void main() {
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1.0, 1.0);
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] texcoord = vertex_texcoord;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] ass_color = vertex_ass_color;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] }
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader source:
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] out vec4 out_color;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 texcoord;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] in vec4 ass_color;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] layout(std140, binding=0) uniform UBO {
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] layout(offset=0) vec3 src_luma;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] layout(offset=16) vec3 dst_luma;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] };
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] uniform sampler2D osdtex;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] void main() {
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] color = vec4(ass_color.rgb, ass_color.a * texture(osdtex, texcoord).r);
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] // color mapping
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 18] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 19] out_color = color;
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 20] }
[ 2.337][d][vo/gpu/opengl] shader link log (status=1):
[ 3.863][d][cplayer] Run command: vf, flags=64, args=[add, lavfi=[yadif=send_field]]
[ 3.863][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'graph' = 'yadif=send_field' (flags = 0)
[ 3.864][v][vf] User filter list:
[ 3.864][v][vf] lavfi (lavfi.00)
[ 3.901][v][vf] [lavfi] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 3.901][d][ffmpeg] mpv_src_in0: w:1920 h:1080 pixfmt:nv12 tb:1/1000000 fr:25/1 sar:1/1 sws_param:
[ 3.902][d][ffmpeg] auto_scaler_0: w:iw h:ih flags:'bilinear' interl:0
[ 3.902][d][ffmpeg] Parsed_yadif_0: auto-inserting filter 'auto_scaler_0' between the filter 'mpv_src_in0' and the filter 'Parsed_yadif_0'
[ 3.903][d][ffmpeg] auto_scaler_0: w:1920 h:1080 fmt:nv12 sar:1/1 -> w:1920 h:1080 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 flags:0x2
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] Filter graph:
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] +----------------+
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] auto_scaler_0:default--[1920x1080 1:1 yuv420p]--default| Parsed_yadif_0 |default--[1920x1080 1:1 yuv420p]--mpv_sink_out0:default
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] | (yadif) |
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] +----------------+
[ 3.903][d][lavfi]
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] Parsed_yadif_0:default--[1920x1080 1:1 yuv420p]--default| mpv_sink_out0 |
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] | (buffersink) |
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 3.903][d][lavfi]
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] +-------------+
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] | mpv_src_in0 |default--[1920x1080 1:1 nv12]--auto_scaler_0:default
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] | (buffer) |
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] +-------------+
[ 3.903][d][lavfi]
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] mpv_src_in0:default--[1920x1080 1:1 nv12]--default| auto_scaler_0 |default--[1920x1080 1:1 yuv420p]--Parsed_yadif_0:default
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] | (scale) |
[ 3.903][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 3.903][d][lavfi]
[ 3.903][d][lavfi]
[ 3.929][v][vf] [autorotate] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 3.929][v][vf] [convert] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 3.929][v][vf] [out] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 4.009][i][cplayer] VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 yuv420p
[ 4.010][v][cplayer] VO: Description: Shader-based GPU Renderer
[ 4.010][v][vo/gpu] reconfig to 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 4.010][d][vo/gpu] screen size: 1920x1080
[ 4.010][v][vo/gpu] Resize: 1498x843
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Window size: 1498x843 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Video source: 1920x1080 (1:1)
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (0, 0) 1498x843
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Video scale: 0.780208/0.780556
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Reported display depth: 8
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 0: 1920x1080
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 1: 960x540
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 2: 960x540
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[ 4.011][d][vo/gpu] Resizing texture: 16x16
[ 4.011][v][vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[ 4.012][v][vo/gpu] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vertex shader source:
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] in vec2 vertex_position;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 vertex_texcoord0;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] out vec2 texcoord0;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] in vec2 vertex_texcoord1;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] out vec2 texcoord1;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] in vec2 vertex_texcoord2;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] out vec2 texcoord2;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] void main() {
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1.0, 1.0);
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] texcoord0 = vertex_texcoord0;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] texcoord1 = vertex_texcoord1;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] texcoord2 = vertex_texcoord2;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] }
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader source:
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] out vec4 out_color;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 texcoord0;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] in vec2 texcoord1;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] in vec2 texcoord2;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] layout(std140, binding=0) uniform UBO {
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] layout(offset=0) mat3 colormatrix;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] layout(offset=48) vec3 colormatrix_c;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] layout(offset=64) vec3 src_luma;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] layout(offset=80) vec3 dst_luma;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] layout(offset=96) vec2 texture_size0;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] layout(offset=112) mat2 texture_rot0;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] layout(offset=144) vec2 texture_off0;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] layout(offset=152) vec2 pixel_size0;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 18] layout(offset=160) vec2 texture_size1;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 19] layout(offset=176) mat2 texture_rot1;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 20] layout(offset=208) vec2 texture_off1;
[ 4.021][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 21] layout(offset=216) vec2 pixel_size1;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 22] layout(offset=224) vec2 texture_size2;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 23] layout(offset=240) mat2 texture_rot2;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 24] layout(offset=272) vec2 texture_off2;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 25] layout(offset=280) vec2 pixel_size2;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 26] };
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 27] uniform sampler2D texture0;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 28] uniform sampler2D texture1;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 29] uniform sampler2D texture2;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 30] void main() {
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 31] vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 32] color.r = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture0, texcoord0)).r;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 33] color.g = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture1, texcoord1)).r;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 34] color.b = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture2, texcoord2)).r;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 35] color = color.rgbr;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 36] color.rgb = mat3(colormatrix) * color.rgb + colormatrix_c;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 37] color.a = 1.0;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 38] // color mapping
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 39] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 40] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 41] out_color = color;
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 42] }
[ 4.022][d][vo/gpu/opengl] shader link log (status=1):
[ 4.997][d][cplayer] Run command: vf, flags=64, args=[add, vapoursynth=/home/mathieu/.local/share/SVP4/scripts/]
[ 4.998][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'file' = '/home/mathieu/.local/share/SVP4/scripts/' (flags = 0)
[ 4.998][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'buffered-frames' = '4' (flags = 0)
[ 4.998][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'concurrent-frames' = '5' (flags = 0)
[ 4.998][d][global] user path: '/home/mathieu/.local/share/SVP4/scripts/' -> '/home/mathieu/.local/share/SVP4/scripts/'
[ 4.998][v][vapoursynth] using 5 concurrent requests.
[ 5.078][v][vf] User filter list:
[ 5.078][v][vf] lavfi (lavfi.00)
[ 5.078][v][vf] vapoursynth (vapoursynth.00)
[ 5.093][v][vf] [vapoursynth] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 5.101][d][vapoursynth] initializing...
[ 5.185][d][vapoursynth] initialized.
[ 5.770][v][vo/gpu] Reallocating OSD texture to 1024x128.
[ 7.726][d][cplayer] Run command: vf, flags=64, args=[del, 1]
[ 7.727][d][vapoursynth] destroying VS filters
[ 7.729][d][vapoursynth] all requests terminated
[ 7.759][d][vapoursynth] uninitialized.
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] mpv 0.29.0-671-g70f8154b3d Copyright © 2000-2019 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] built on Sat Sep 21 13:59:29 CEST 2019
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavutil 56.35.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavcodec 58.58.101
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavformat 58.33.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libswscale 5.6.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavfilter 7.58.102
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libswresample 3.6.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] ffmpeg version: N-95006-g76f861bbb7
[ 0.009][v][cplayer]
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] Configuration: ./waf configure
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: 52arch aligned_alloc alsa asm atomics build-date caca cplayer cplugins cuda-hwaccel debug-build drm egl-drm egl-helpers egl-x11 fchmod ffmpeg ffnvcodec gbm gbm.h gl gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gnuc gpl iconv jack jpeg lcms2 libaf libarchive libass libass-osd libav-any libavcodec libavdevice libbluray libdl libm libplacebo librt linux-fstatfs lua optimize oss-audio posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn posix-spawn-native pthreads pulse rubberband shaderc shaderc-shared stdatomic uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-egl vaapi-vulkan vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vapoursynth vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vt.h vulkan wayland wayland-protocols x11 xv zimg zlib
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] Command line options: '/run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264 RB58.mp4' '--log-file' '/home/mathieu/Desktop/mpv.standalone.log'
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] mpv 0.29.0-671-g70f8154b3d Copyright © 2000-2019 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] built on Sat Sep 21 13:59:29 CEST 2019
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavutil 56.35.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavcodec 58.58.101
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavformat 58.33.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libswscale 5.6.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libavfilter 7.58.102
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] libswresample 3.6.100
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] ffmpeg version: N-95006-g76f861bbb7
[ 0.009][v][cplayer]
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] Configuration: ./waf configure
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] List of enabled features: 52arch aligned_alloc alsa asm atomics build-date caca cplayer cplugins cuda-hwaccel debug-build drm egl-drm egl-helpers egl-x11 fchmod ffmpeg ffnvcodec gbm gbm.h gl gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gnuc gpl iconv jack jpeg lcms2 libaf libarchive libass libass-osd libav-any libavcodec libavdevice libbluray libdl libm libplacebo librt linux-fstatfs lua optimize oss-audio posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn posix-spawn-native pthreads pulse rubberband shaderc shaderc-shared stdatomic uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-egl vaapi-vulkan vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vapoursynth vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vt.h vulkan wayland wayland-protocols x11 xv zimg zlib
[ 0.009][v][cplayer] Reading config file /usr/local/etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[ 0.011][v][cplayer] Reading config file /home/mathieu/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'profile' = 'svp' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'input-ipc-server' = '/tmp/mpvsocket' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'hr-seek-framedrop' = 'no' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'resume-playback' = 'no' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'hwdec' = 'auto-copy' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'hwdec-codecs' = 'all' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'af' = 'lavfi=[sofalizer=sofa=/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/ClubFritz4.sofa:type=freq:radius=1]' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'af-add' = 'dynaudnorm=f=150:g=15' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'sub-font-size' = '34' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'sub-pos' = '90' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'autofit-larger' = '100%x100%' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'autofit' = '1500' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'geometry' = '50%:50%' (flags = 4)
[ 0.012][d][cplayer] Setting option 'log-file' = '/home/mathieu/Desktop/mpv.standalone.log' (flags = 8)
[ 0.014][d][global] user path: '/home/mathieu/Desktop/mpv.standalone.log' -> '/home/mathieu/Desktop/mpv.standalone.log'
[ 0.014][d][osc] Loading lua script @osc.lua...
[ 0.014][d][ytdl_hook] Loading lua script @ytdl_hook.lua...
[ 0.014][d][stats] Loading lua script @stats.lua...
[ 0.015][d][global] user path: '/tmp/mpvsocket' -> '/tmp/mpvsocket'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][v][cplayer] Waiting for scripts...
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.015][d][ytdl_hook] loading mp.defaults
[ 0.015][d][stats] loading mp.defaults
[ 0.016][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/scripts'
[ 0.016][d][global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ 0.016][d][osc] loading mp.defaults
[ 0.017][d][ytdl_hook] loading @ytdl_hook.lua
[ 0.017][d][osc] loading @osc.lua
[ 0.018][v][ipc] Starting IPC master
[ 0.018][v][ipc] Listening to IPC socket.
[ 0.018][d][ytdl_hook] reading options for ytdl_hook
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][v][ytdl_hook] script-opts/ytdl_hook.conf not found.
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ 0.018][v][ytdl_hook] lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf not found.
[ 0.019][d][stats] loading @stats.lua
[ 0.021][d][stats] reading options for stats
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/stats.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/script-opts/stats.conf'
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/stats.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/script-opts/stats.conf'
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/stats.conf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/script-opts/stats.conf'
[ 0.021][v][stats] script-opts/stats.conf not found.
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/stats.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/lua-settings/stats.conf'
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/stats.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/lua-settings/stats.conf'
[ 0.021][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/stats.conf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/lua-settings/stats.conf'
[ 0.021][v][stats] lua-settings/stats.conf not found.
[ 0.022][d][osc] reading options for osc
[ 0.022][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/script-opts/osc.conf'
[ 0.022][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/script-opts/osc.conf'
[ 0.022][d][global] config path: 'script-opts/osc.conf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/script-opts/osc.conf'
[ 0.022][v][osc] script-opts/osc.conf not found.
[ 0.022][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[ 0.022][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[ 0.022][d][global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[ 0.022][v][osc] lua-settings/osc.conf not found.
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.022][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[showhide, mouse_move script-binding osc/__keybinding1
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] mouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding2
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] , force]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[showhide, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input, mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding3
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] shift+mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding4
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] mbtn_right script-binding osc/__keybinding5
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] wheel_up script-binding osc/__keybinding6
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] wheel_down script-binding osc/__keybinding7
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] mbtn_left_dbl ignore
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] shift+mbtn_left_dbl ignore
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] mbtn_right_dbl ignore
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] , force]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input, ]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_osc, , default]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_osc, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.023][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_osc, , force]
[ 0.024][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.024][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_osc, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.024][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.024][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, I script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
[ 0.024][d][cplayer] i script-binding stats/display-stats
[ 0.024][d][cplayer] , default]
[ 0.024][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.024][d][osc] osc_init
[ 0.024][d][cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, , force]
[ 0.024][d][cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=64, args=[input_forced_stats, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[ 0.024][v][cplayer] Done loading scripts.
[ 0.024][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[ 0.025][v][ytdl_hook] ytdl:// hook
[ 0.025][v][ytdl_hook] not a ytdl:// url
[ 0.025][d][cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=64, args=[input]
[ 0.025][v][bdmv/bluray] Opening /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264 RB58.mp4
[ 0.025][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/fonts'
[ 0.025][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/fonts'
[ 0.025][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/fonts'
[ 0.025][v][osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.5 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 2.6.1 (COMPLEX)
[ 0.025][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.025][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.025][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 0.025][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.025][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.025][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 0.025][v][osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[ 0.026][v][file] Opening /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264 RB58.mp4
[ 0.026][d][file] Stream opened successfully.
[ 0.026][v][demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal.
[ 0.026][d][demux] Trying demuxer: edl (force-level: normal)
[ 0.026][d][demux] Trying demuxer: cue (force-level: normal)
[ 0.026][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawaudio (force-level: normal)
[ 0.026][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawvideo (force-level: normal)
[ 0.026][d][demux] Trying demuxer: mkv (force-level: normal)
[ 0.026][d][demux] Trying demuxer: libarchive (force-level: normal)
[ 0.027][d][demux] Trying demuxer: lavf (force-level: normal)
[ 0.040][v][lavf] Found 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2' at score=100 size=2048.
[ 0.045][v][osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[ 0.045][v][osd/libass] Done.
[ 0.098][v][demux] Detected file format: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 (libavformat)
[ 0.098][v][cplayer] Opening done: /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264 RB58.mp4
[ 0.098][v][lavf] select track 0
[ 0.098][v][lavf] select track 1
[ 0.098][v][lavf] stream 1: resize index to 128
[ 0.103][v][find_files] Loading external files in /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/
[ 0.103][d][find_files] Potential external file: "Years and Years S01E03 1080P x264" Priority: 0
[ 0.103][d][find_files] Potential external file: "Years and Years S01E04 1080P x264" Priority: 0
[ 0.103][d][find_files] Potential external file: "Years and Years S01E05 1080P x264" Priority: 0
[ 0.103][d][find_files] Potential external file: "Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264" Priority: 3
[ 0.103][d][global] config path: 'sub' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/sub'
[ 0.103][d][global] config path: 'sub' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/sub'
[ 0.103][d][global] config path: 'sub' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/sub'
[ 0.104][v][bdmv/bluray] Opening /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264
[ 0.104][v][file] Opening /run/media/mathieu/INT4TB/DOWNLOADS/Séries/Years and years/S1/Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264
[ 0.105][d][file] Stream opened successfully.
[ 0.105][v][demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal.
[ 0.105][d][demux] Trying demuxer: edl (force-level: normal)
[ 0.105][d][demux] Trying demuxer: cue (force-level: normal)
[ 0.105][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawaudio (force-level: normal)
[ 0.105][d][demux] Trying demuxer: rawvideo (force-level: normal)
[ 0.105][d][demux] Trying demuxer: mkv (force-level: normal)
[ 0.105][d][demux] Trying demuxer: libarchive (force-level: normal)
[ 0.105][d][demux] Trying demuxer: lavf (force-level: normal)
[ 0.106][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 128
[ 0.117][v][lavf] Found 'srt' at score=100 size=2048.
[ 0.118][v][lavf] Data looks like UTF-8, ignoring user-provided charset.
[ 0.122][v][lavf] avformat_find_stream_info() finished after 72440 bytes.
[ 0.122][v][lavf] demuxer read all data; closing stream
[ 0.122][v][demux] Detected file format: srt (libavformat)
[ 0.122][v][cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded
[ 0.122][v][lavf] select track 0
[ 0.122][i][cplayer] (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1920x1080 25.000fps)
[ 0.122][i][cplayer] (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (aac 2ch 48000Hz)
[ 0.122][i][cplayer] (+) Subs --sid=1 'Years and Years S01E06 1080P x264' (subrip) (external)
[ 0.123][v][vo/gpu] Probing for best GPU context.
[ 0.123][v][vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing GPU context 'wayland'
[ 0.123][v][vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing GPU context 'x11egl'
[ 0.123][v][vo/gpu/x11] X11 opening display: :0.0
[ 0.127][v][vo/gpu/x11] X11 running at 1920x1080 (":0.0" => local display)
[ 0.127][v][vo/gpu/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[ 0.128][v][vo/gpu/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[ 0.128][v][vo/gpu/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[ 0.128][v][vo/gpu/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[ 0.128][v][vo/gpu/x11] Display 0 (HDMI2): [0, 0, 1920, 1080] @ 60.000000 FPS
[ 0.128][v][vo/gpu/x11] Current display FPS: 60.000000
[ 0.152][v][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VERSION=1.4
[ 0.152][v][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VENDOR=Mesa Project
[ 0.152][v][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CLIENT_APIS=OpenGL OpenGL_ES
[ 0.152][v][vo/gpu/opengl] Trying to create Desktop OpenGL context.
[ 0.153][d][vo/gpu/opengl] Chosen EGLConfig:
[ 0.153][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CONFIG_ID=3
[ 0.153][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_RED_SIZE=8
[ 0.153][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_GREEN_SIZE=8
[ 0.153][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_BLUE_SIZE=8
[ 0.153][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_ALPHA_SIZE=0
[ 0.153][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE=12430
[ 0.153][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT=12344
[ 0.153][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CONFORMANT=77
[ 0.155][v][vo/gpu/opengl] chose visual 0x20
[ 0.165][v][vo/gpu/opengl] GL_VERSION='4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 19.1.5'
[ 0.165][v][vo/gpu/opengl] Detected desktop OpenGL 4.5.
[ 0.165][v][vo/gpu/opengl] GL_VENDOR='Intel Open Source Technology Center'
[ 0.165][v][vo/gpu/opengl] GL_RENDERER='Mesa DRI Intel(R) UHD Graphics 600 (Geminilake 2x6) '
[ 0.165][v][vo/gpu/opengl] GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='4.50'
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] Combined OpenGL extensions string:
[ 0.166][d][vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_CHROMIUM_sync_control EGL_EXT_buffer_age EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers EGL_IMG_context_priority EGL_KHR_config_attribs EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_MESA_configless_context EGL_MESA_drm_image EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export EGL_MESA_query_driver EGL_NOK_texture_from_pixmap EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_AMD_conservative_depth GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend GL_AMD_gpu_shader_int64 GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_query_buffer_object GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_AMD_texture_texture4 GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_indirect_parameters GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_ballot GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_clock GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_shader_group_vote GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shader_samples_identical GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_INTEL_shader_atomic_float_minmax GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_OES_EGL_image GL_S3_s3tc
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] Texture formats:
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] NAME COMP*TYPE SIZE DEPTH PER COMP.
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r8 1*unorm 1B LF CR {8}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg8 2*unorm 2B LF CR {8 8}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb8 3*unorm 3B LF CR {8 8 8}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba8 4*unorm 4B LF CR {8 8 8 8}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r16 1*unorm 2B LF CR {16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg16 2*unorm 4B LF CR {16 16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb16 3*unorm 6B LF CR {16 16 16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba16 4*unorm 8B LF CR {16 16 16 16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r8ui 1*uint 1B CR {8}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg8ui 2*uint 2B CR {8 8}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb8ui 3*uint 3B {8 8 8}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba8ui 4*uint 4B CR {8 8 8 8}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r16ui 1*uint 2B CR {16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg16ui 2*uint 4B CR {16 16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb16ui 3*uint 6B {16 16 16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba16ui 4*uint 8B CR {16 16 16 16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r16f 1*float 4B LF CR {32/16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg16f 2*float 8B LF CR {32/16 32/16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb16f 3*float 12B LF CR {32/16 32/16 32/16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba16f 4*float 16B LF CR {32/16 32/16 32/16 32/16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] r32f 1*float 4B LF CR {32}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rg32f 2*float 8B LF CR {32 32}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb32f 3*float 12B LF CR {32 32 32}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba32f 4*float 16B LF CR {32 32 32 32}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb10_a2 4*unorm 4B LF CR {0/10 0/10 0/10 0/2}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba12 4*unorm 8B LF CR {16 16 16 16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb10 3*unorm 6B LF CR {16 16 16}
[ 0.170][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb565 3*unorm 2B LF {0/8 0/8 0/8}
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] LA = LUMINANCE_ALPHA hack format
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] LF = linear filterable
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] CR = can be used for render targets
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] Image formats:
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p => 3 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p => 3 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8] (r)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray16 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16] (r)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] uyvy422
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv12 => 2 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] p010 => 2 planes 2x2 16/6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv24 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] argb => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (argb)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgra => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (bgra)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] abgr => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (abgr)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (rgba)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr24 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgb8] (bgr)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb24 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgb8] (rgb)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] 0rgb => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (_rgb)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr0 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (bgr)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] 0bgr => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (_bgr)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb0 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rgba8] (rgb)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (rgba)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb565 => 1 planes 1x1 0/0 [rgb565] (rgb)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vdpau
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vdpau_output
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vaapi
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] dxva2_vld
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] mmal
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] videotoolbox
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] cuda
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuyv422
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p => 3 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv410p => 3 planes 4x4 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv411p => 3 planes 4x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] monow
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] monob
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] pal8
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuvj422p => 3 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] uyyvyy411
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr8
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr4
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr4_byte
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb8
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb4
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb4_byte
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv21 => 2 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/bg)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray16be
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p => 3 planes 1x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuvj440p => 3 planes 1x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p => 4 planes 2x2 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb48be
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb48 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgb16] (rgb)
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb565be
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb555be
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb555
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr565be
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr565
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr555be
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr555
[ 0.171][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vaapi_moco
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vaapi_idct
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p16 => 3 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p16be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p16 => 3 planes 2x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p16be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p16 => 3 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p16be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb444
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgb444be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr444
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr444be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ya8 => 1 planes 1x1 8/0 [rg8] (ra)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr48be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgr48 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgb16] (bgr)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p9be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p9 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p10be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p10 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p10be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p10 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p9be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p9 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p10be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p10 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p9be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p9 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp => 3 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp9be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp9 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp10be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp10 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp16be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp16 => 3 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p => 4 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p => 4 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p9be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p9 => 4 planes 2x2 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p9be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p9 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p9be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p9 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p10be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p10 => 4 planes 2x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p10be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p10 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p10be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p10 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p16be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva420p16 => 4 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p16be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p16 => 4 planes 2x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p16be
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p16 => 4 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.172][d][vo/gpu/opengl] xyz12 => 1 planes 1x1 16/4 [rgb16] (rgb)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] xyz12be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv16 => 2 planes 2x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/gb)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv20 => 2 planes 2x1 16/-6 [r16/rg16] (r/gb)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv20be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] rgba64be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgra64be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bgra64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (bgra)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yvyu422
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ya16be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ya16 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rg16] (ra)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap => 4 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8/r8] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap16be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap16 => 4 planes 1x1 16/0 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] qsv
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] d3d11va_vld
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p12be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p12 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p14be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv420p14 => 3 planes 2x2 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p12be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p12 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p14be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv422p14 => 3 planes 2x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p12be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p12 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p14be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv444p14 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp12be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp12 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp14be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrp14 => 3 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuvj411p => 3 planes 4x1 8/0 [r8/r8/r8] (r/g/b)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_bggr8
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_rggb8
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_gbrg8
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_grbg8
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_bggr16
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_bggr16be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_rggb16
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_rggb16be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_gbrg16
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_gbrg16be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_grbg16
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] bayer_grbg16be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] xvmc
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p10 => 3 planes 1x2 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p10be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p12 => 3 planes 1x2 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuv440p12be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ayuv64 => 1 planes 1x1 16/0 [rgba16] (argb)
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] ayuv64be
[ 0.173][d][vo/gpu/opengl] videotoolbox_vl
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] p010be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap12be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap12 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap10be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrap10 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] mediacodec
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray12be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray12 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16] (r)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray10be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray10 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-6 [r16] (r)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] p016 => 2 planes 2x2 16/0 [r16/rg16] (r/gb)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] p016be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] d3d11
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray9be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray9 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-7 [r16] (r)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrpf32be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrpf32 => 3 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f] (g/b/r)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrapf32be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gbrapf32 => 4 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f/r16f/r16f/r16f] (g/b/r/a)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] drm_prime
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] opencl
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray14be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] gray14 => 1 planes 1x1 16/-2 [r16] (r)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] grayf32be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] grayf32 => 1 planes 1x1 32/0 [r16f] (r)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p12be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva422p12 => 4 planes 2x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p12be
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] yuva444p12 => 4 planes 1x1 16/-4 [r16/r16/r16/r16] (r/g/b/a)
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu/opengl] nv42 => 2 planes 1x1 8/0 [r8/rg8] (r/bg)
[ 0.174][v][vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[ 0.174][d][vo/gpu] Resizing texture: 16x16
[ 0.174][v][vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[ 0.174][v][vo/gpu] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[ 0.174][v][vo/gpu] Assuming 60.000000 FPS for display sync.
[ 0.175][v][vd] Container reported FPS: 25.000000
[ 0.176][v][vd] Codec list:
[ 0.176][v][vd] h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
[ 0.176][v][vd] h264_v4l2m2m (h264) - V4L2 mem2mem H.264 decoder wrapper
[ 0.176][v][vd] h264_cuvid (h264) - Nvidia CUVID H264 decoder
[ 0.176][v][vd] Opening decoder h264
[ 0.176][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-nvdec...
[ 0.176][v][vd] Not using this for auto-copy.
[ 0.176][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-vaapi...
[ 0.176][v][vd] Not using this for auto-copy.
[ 0.176][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-vdpau...
[ 0.176][v][vd] Not using this for auto-copy.
[ 0.176][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-nvdec-copy...
[ 0.177][e][ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Cannot load
[ 0.177][e][ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Could not dynamically load CUDA
[ 0.177][v][vd] Could not create device.
[ 0.177][v][vd] Looking at hwdec h264-vaapi-copy...
[ 0.177][v][vaapi] libva: VA-API version 1.5.0
[ 0.177][v][vaapi] libva: va_getDriverName() returns 0
[ 0.177][v][vaapi] libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
[ 0.180][v][vaapi] libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_3
[ 0.181][v][vaapi] libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
[ 0.181][v][vaapi] Initialized VAAPI: version 1.5
[ 0.181][d][ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: VAAPI driver: Intel i965 driver for Intel(R) Gemini Lake - 2.3.0.
[ 0.181][d][ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Driver not found in known nonstandard list, using standard behaviour.
[ 0.181][v][vd] Trying hardware decoding via h264-vaapi-copy.
[ 0.182][v][vd] Selected codec: h264 (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10)
[ 0.182][v][vf] User filter list:
[ 0.182][v][vf] (empty)
[ 0.183][v][ad] Codec list:
[ 0.183][v][ad] aac - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ 0.183][v][ad] aac_fixed (aac) - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ 0.183][v][ad] Opening decoder aac
[ 0.183][v][ad] Requesting 1 threads for decoding.
[ 0.186][v][ad] Selected codec: aac (AAC (Advanced Audio Coding))
[ 0.186][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'graph' = 'sofalizer=sofa=/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/ClubFritz4.sofa:type=freq:radius=1' (flags = 0)
[ 0.204][v][ipc_0] Client connected
[ 0.687][v][lavf] stream 1: resize index to 256
[ 0.884][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 256
[ 1.232][v][lavf] stream 1: resize index to 512
[ 1.555][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 512
[ 1.598][v][ffmpeg] Parsed_sofalizer_0: SOFA license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
[ 1.598][v][af] User filter list:
[ 1.599][v][af] lavfi (lavfi.00)
[ 1.599][v][af] dynaudnorm (dynaudnorm.00)
[ 1.599][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/fonts'
[ 1.599][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/fonts'
[ 1.599][d][global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/fonts'
[ 1.600][v][sub/ass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.5 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 2.6.1 (COMPLEX)
[ 1.600][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 1.600][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 1.600][d][global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[ 1.600][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.config/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 1.600][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/mathieu/.mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 1.600][d][global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/usr/local/etc/mpv/fonts.conf'
[ 1.600][v][sub/ass] Setting up fonts...
[ 1.611][v][sub/ass] Using font provider fontconfig
[ 1.611][v][sub/ass] Done.
[ 1.611][v][cplayer] Starting playback...
[ 1.611][v][af] [in] 48000Hz stereo 2ch floatp
[ 1.611][v][af] [lavfi] 48000Hz stereo 2ch floatp
[ 1.612][d][ffmpeg] mpv_src_in0: tb:1/48000 samplefmt:fltp samplerate:48000 chlayout:(null)
[ 1.612][d][ffmpeg] Parsed_sofalizer_0: auto-inserting filter 'auto_resampler_0' between the filter 'mpv_src_in0' and the filter 'Parsed_sofalizer_0'
[ 1.612][d][ffmpeg] auto_resampler_0: ch:2 chl:stereo fmt:fltp r:48000Hz -> ch:2 chl:stereo fmt:fltp r:44100Hz
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] Filter graph:
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] +--------------------+
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] auto_resampler_0:default--[44100Hz fltp:stereo]--default| Parsed_sofalizer_0 |default--[44100Hz fltp:stereo]--mpv_sink_out0:default
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] | (sofalizer) |
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] +--------------------+
[ 1.614][d][lavfi]
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] Parsed_sofalizer_0:default--[44100Hz fltp:stereo]--default| mpv_sink_out0 |
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] | (abuffersink) |
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 1.614][d][lavfi]
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] +-------------+
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] | mpv_src_in0 |default--[48000Hz fltp:stereo]--auto_resampler_0:default
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] | (abuffer) |
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] +-------------+
[ 1.614][d][lavfi]
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] +------------------+
[ 1.614][d][lavfi] mpv_src_in0:default--[48000Hz fltp:stereo]--default| auto_resampler_0 |default--[44100Hz fltp:stereo]--Parsed_sofalizer_0:default
[ 1.615][d][lavfi] | (aresample) |
[ 1.615][d][lavfi] +------------------+
[ 1.615][d][lavfi]
[ 1.615][d][lavfi]
[ 1.615][v][af] [dynaudnorm] 44100Hz stereo 2ch floatp
[ 1.615][d][ffmpeg] mpv_src_default_in: tb:1/44100 samplefmt:fltp samplerate:44100 chlayout:(null)
[ 1.615][d][ffmpeg] filter: auto-inserting filter 'auto_resampler_0' between the filter 'mpv_src_default_in' and the filter 'filter'
[ 1.615][d][ffmpeg] auto_resampler_0: ch:2 chl:stereo fmt:fltp r:44100Hz -> ch:2 chl:stereo fmt:dblp r:44100Hz
[ 1.657][v][af] [userspeed] 44100Hz stereo 2ch doublep
[ 1.657][v][af] [userspeed] (disabled)
[ 1.657][v][af] [convert] 44100Hz stereo 2ch doublep
[ 1.657][v][ao] Trying audio driver 'pulse'
[ 1.657][v][ao/pulse] requested format: 44100 Hz, stereo channels, doublep
[ 1.659][v][ao/pulse] Library version: 12.2.0
[ 1.659][v][ao/pulse] Proto: 32
[ 1.659][v][ao/pulse] Server proto: 4294967295
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] Unsupported format, using default
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] Channel layouts:
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] - #fl
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] - #fr
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] - #fc
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] - #lfe
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] - #bl
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] - #br
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] - #flc
[ 1.660][v][ao/pulse] - #frc
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #bc
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #sl
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #sr
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #tc
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #tfl
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #tfc
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #tfr
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #tbl
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #tbc
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] - #tbr
[ 1.661][v][ao/pulse] result: stereo
[ 1.664][v][ao/pulse] device buffer: 4410 samples.
[ 1.664][v][ao/pulse] using soft-buffer of 8820 samples.
[ 1.665][i][cplayer] AO: [pulse] 44100Hz stereo 2ch float
[ 1.665][v][cplayer] AO: Description: PulseAudio audio output
[ 1.666][v][autoconvert] inserting resampler
[ 1.666][v][swresample] format change, reinitializing resampler
[ 1.666][v][swresample] 44100Hz stereo doublep -> 44100Hz stereo float
[ 1.667][v][af] [out] 44100Hz stereo 2ch float
[ 1.667][v][vd] Pixel formats supported by decoder: vdpau cuda vaapi_vld yuv420p
[ 1.667][v][vd] Codec profile: High (0x64)
[ 1.667][v][vd] Requesting pixfmt 'vaapi_vld' from decoder.
[ 1.667][d][ffmpeg/video] h264: Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: vaapi_vld
[ 1.703][i][vd] Using hardware decoding (vaapi-copy).
[ 1.703][v][vd] Decoder format: 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264 (auto 0.000000/0.000000/0.000000)
[ 1.703][v][vf] [in] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 1.703][v][vf] [userdeint] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 1.703][v][vf] [userdeint] (disabled)
[ 1.703][v][vf] [autorotate] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 1.703][v][vf] [autorotate] (disabled)
[ 1.703][v][vf] [convert] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 1.703][v][vf] [convert] (disabled)
[ 1.703][v][vf] [out] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 1.703][i][cplayer] VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 nv12
[ 1.703][v][cplayer] VO: Description: Shader-based GPU Renderer
[ 1.703][v][vo/gpu] reconfig to 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 1.704][d][vo/gpu] screen size: 1920x1080
[ 1.717][v][vo/gpu] Resize: 1498x843
[ 1.717][v][vo/gpu] Window size: 1498x843 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[ 1.717][v][vo/gpu] Video source: 1920x1080 (1:1)
[ 1.717][v][vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (0, 0) 1498x843
[ 1.717][v][vo/gpu] Video scale: 0.780208/0.780556
[ 1.717][v][vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 1.717][v][vo/gpu] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 1.717][v][vo/gpu] Reported display depth: 8
[ 1.717][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 0: 1920x1080
[ 1.718][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 1: 960x540
[ 1.718][v][vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[ 1.718][d][vo/gpu] Resizing texture: 16x16
[ 1.718][v][vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[ 1.718][v][vo/gpu] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[ 1.719][v][lavf] queuing seek to 0.000000
[ 1.719][v][lavf] execute seek (to 0.000000 flags 0)
[ 1.719][v][lavf] seek done
[ 1.719][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 128
[ 1.721][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 256
[ 1.722][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 512
[ 1.726][v][lavf] stream 0: resize index to 1024
[ 1.733][v][lavf] EOF reached.
[ 1.742][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vertex shader source:
[ 1.742][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 1.742][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 1.742][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 1.742][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 1.742][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] in vec2 vertex_position;
[ 1.742][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 vertex_texcoord0;
[ 1.742][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] out vec2 texcoord0;
[ 1.742][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] in vec2 vertex_texcoord1;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] out vec2 texcoord1;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] void main() {
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1.0, 1.0);
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] texcoord0 = vertex_texcoord0;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] texcoord1 = vertex_texcoord1;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] }
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader source:
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] out vec4 out_color;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 texcoord0;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] in vec2 texcoord1;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] layout(std140, binding=0) uniform UBO {
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] layout(offset=0) mat3 colormatrix;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] layout(offset=48) vec3 colormatrix_c;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] layout(offset=64) vec3 src_luma;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] layout(offset=80) vec3 dst_luma;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] layout(offset=96) vec2 texture_size0;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] layout(offset=112) mat2 texture_rot0;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] layout(offset=144) vec2 texture_off0;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] layout(offset=152) vec2 pixel_size0;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] layout(offset=160) vec2 texture_size1;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 18] layout(offset=176) mat2 texture_rot1;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 19] layout(offset=208) vec2 texture_off1;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 20] layout(offset=216) vec2 pixel_size1;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 21] };
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 22] uniform sampler2D texture0;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 23] uniform sampler2D texture1;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 24] void main() {
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 25] vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 26] color.r = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture0, texcoord0)).r;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 27] = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture1, texcoord1)).rg;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 28] color = color.rgbr;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 29] color.rgb = mat3(colormatrix) * color.rgb + colormatrix_c;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 30] color.a = 1.0;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 31] // color mapping
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 32] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 33] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 34] out_color = color;
[ 1.743][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 35] }
[ 1.744][d][vo/gpu/opengl] shader link log (status=1):
[ 1.751][v][osd/libass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf, 0, BitstreamVeraSans-Roman
[ 1.755][v][cplayer] first video frame after restart shown
[ 1.766][v][cplayer] starting audio playback
[ 1.767][v][cplayer] playback restart complete @ 0.000000
[ 1.767][v][vo/gpu/x11] Disabling screensaver.
[ 1.802][d][osc] osc_init
[ 3.780][v][sub/ass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf, 0, BitstreamVeraSans-Roman
[ 3.782][v][vo/gpu] Reallocating OSD texture to 512x128.
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vertex shader source:
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] in vec2 vertex_position;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 vertex_texcoord;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] out vec2 texcoord;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] in vec4 vertex_ass_color;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] out vec4 ass_color;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] void main() {
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1.0, 1.0);
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] texcoord = vertex_texcoord;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] ass_color = vertex_ass_color;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] }
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader source:
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] out vec4 out_color;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 texcoord;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] in vec4 ass_color;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] layout(std140, binding=0) uniform UBO {
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] layout(offset=0) vec3 src_luma;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] layout(offset=16) vec3 dst_luma;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] };
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] uniform sampler2D osdtex;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] void main() {
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] color = vec4(ass_color.rgb, ass_color.a * texture(osdtex, texcoord).r);
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] // color mapping
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 18] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 19] out_color = color;
[ 3.783][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 20] }
[ 3.784][d][vo/gpu/opengl] shader link log (status=1):
[ 4.010][d][cplayer] Run command: vf, flags=64, args=[add, lavfi=[yadif=send_field]]
[ 4.010][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'graph' = 'yadif=send_field' (flags = 0)
[ 4.011][v][vf] User filter list:
[ 4.011][v][vf] lavfi (lavfi.00)
[ 4.019][v][vf] [lavfi] 1920x1080 nv12 bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 4.019][d][ffmpeg] mpv_src_in0: w:1920 h:1080 pixfmt:nv12 tb:1/1000000 fr:25/1 sar:1/1 sws_param:
[ 4.020][d][ffmpeg] auto_scaler_0: w:iw h:ih flags:'bilinear' interl:0
[ 4.020][d][ffmpeg] Parsed_yadif_0: auto-inserting filter 'auto_scaler_0' between the filter 'mpv_src_in0' and the filter 'Parsed_yadif_0'
[ 4.021][d][ffmpeg] auto_scaler_0: w:1920 h:1080 fmt:nv12 sar:1/1 -> w:1920 h:1080 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 flags:0x2
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] Filter graph:
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] +----------------+
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] auto_scaler_0:default--[1920x1080 1:1 yuv420p]--default| Parsed_yadif_0 |default--[1920x1080 1:1 yuv420p]--mpv_sink_out0:default
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] | (yadif) |
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] +----------------+
[ 4.021][d][lavfi]
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] Parsed_yadif_0:default--[1920x1080 1:1 yuv420p]--default| mpv_sink_out0 |
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] | (buffersink) |
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 4.021][d][lavfi]
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] +-------------+
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] | mpv_src_in0 |default--[1920x1080 1:1 nv12]--auto_scaler_0:default
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] | (buffer) |
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] +-------------+
[ 4.021][d][lavfi]
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] mpv_src_in0:default--[1920x1080 1:1 nv12]--default| auto_scaler_0 |default--[1920x1080 1:1 yuv420p]--Parsed_yadif_0:default
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] | (scale) |
[ 4.021][d][lavfi] +---------------+
[ 4.021][d][lavfi]
[ 4.021][d][lavfi]
[ 4.052][v][vf] [autorotate] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 4.052][v][vf] [convert] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 4.052][v][vf] [out] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 4.131][i][cplayer] VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 yuv420p
[ 4.131][v][cplayer] VO: Description: Shader-based GPU Renderer
[ 4.131][v][vo/gpu] reconfig to 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 4.132][d][vo/gpu] screen size: 1920x1080
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Resize: 1498x843
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Window size: 1498x843 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Video source: 1920x1080 (1:1)
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (0, 0) 1498x843
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Video scale: 0.780208/0.780556
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Reported display depth: 8
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 0: 1920x1080
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 1: 960x540
[ 4.132][v][vo/gpu] Texture for plane 2: 960x540
[ 4.133][v][vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[ 4.133][d][vo/gpu] Resizing texture: 16x16
[ 4.133][v][vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[ 4.133][v][vo/gpu] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] vertex shader source:
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] in vec2 vertex_position;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 vertex_texcoord0;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] out vec2 texcoord0;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] in vec2 vertex_texcoord1;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] out vec2 texcoord1;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] in vec2 vertex_texcoord2;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] out vec2 texcoord2;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] void main() {
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] gl_Position = vec4(vertex_position, 1.0, 1.0);
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] texcoord0 = vertex_texcoord0;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] texcoord1 = vertex_texcoord1;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] texcoord2 = vertex_texcoord2;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] }
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader source:
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x))
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] out vec4 out_color;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 texcoord0;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] in vec2 texcoord1;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] in vec2 texcoord2;
[ 4.140][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] layout(std140, binding=0) uniform UBO {
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] layout(offset=0) mat3 colormatrix;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] layout(offset=48) vec3 colormatrix_c;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] layout(offset=64) vec3 src_luma;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] layout(offset=80) vec3 dst_luma;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] layout(offset=96) vec2 texture_size0;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] layout(offset=112) mat2 texture_rot0;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] layout(offset=144) vec2 texture_off0;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] layout(offset=152) vec2 pixel_size0;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 18] layout(offset=160) vec2 texture_size1;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 19] layout(offset=176) mat2 texture_rot1;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 20] layout(offset=208) vec2 texture_off1;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 21] layout(offset=216) vec2 pixel_size1;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 22] layout(offset=224) vec2 texture_size2;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 23] layout(offset=240) mat2 texture_rot2;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 24] layout(offset=272) vec2 texture_off2;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 25] layout(offset=280) vec2 pixel_size2;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 26] };
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 27] uniform sampler2D texture0;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 28] uniform sampler2D texture1;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 29] uniform sampler2D texture2;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 30] void main() {
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 31] vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 32] color.r = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture0, texcoord0)).r;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 33] color.g = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture1, texcoord1)).r;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 34] color.b = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture2, texcoord2)).r;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 35] color = color.rgbr;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 36] color.rgb = mat3(colormatrix) * color.rgb + colormatrix_c;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 37] color.a = 1.0;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 38] // color mapping
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 39] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 40] color.rgb *= vec3(1.000000);
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 41] out_color = color;
[ 4.141][d][vo/gpu/opengl] [ 42] }
[ 4.142][d][vo/gpu/opengl] shader link log (status=1):
[ 5.237][d][cplayer] Run command: vf, flags=64, args=[add, vapoursynth=/home/mathieu/.local/share/SVP4/scripts/]
[ 5.237][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'file' = '/home/mathieu/.local/share/SVP4/scripts/' (flags = 0)
[ 5.237][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'buffered-frames' = '4' (flags = 0)
[ 5.237][d][user_filter_wrapper] Setting option 'concurrent-frames' = '5' (flags = 0)
[ 5.237][d][global] user path: '/home/mathieu/.local/share/SVP4/scripts/' -> '/home/mathieu/.local/share/SVP4/scripts/'
[ 5.237][v][vapoursynth] using 5 concurrent requests.
[ 5.316][v][vf] User filter list:
[ 5.316][v][vf] lavfi (lavfi.00)
[ 5.316][v][vf] vapoursynth (vapoursynth.00)
[ 5.329][v][vf] [vapoursynth] 1920x1080 yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display SP=1.000000 CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[ 5.338][d][vapoursynth] initializing...
[ 5.430][d][vapoursynth] initialized.
[ 7.066][v][vo/gpu] Reallocating OSD texture to 1024x128.
[ 9.010][d][cplayer] Run command: vf, flags=64, args=[del, 1]
[ 9.011][d][vapoursynth] destroying VS filters
[ 9.013][d][vapoursynth] all requests terminated
[ 9.058][d][vapoursynth] uninitialized.
Sound works only in the second case but that is to be expected given that my sofalizer option in mpv.conf
works only if ffmpeg was built with --enable-libmysofa
, which is the case when using mpv standalone. The issue is that the video hangs and then mpv closes after a few seconds, while it did not before (and I am not sure what changed on my system).
There was a recent change to improve vf_vapoursynth which might have had consequences (I didn't review that change properly). You can try to bisect git master, start with a version from 3 weeks ago.
I haven't tried yet with an older version of vapoursynth because I never had a version older than three weeks (this is a new machine), and also because I found today some other videos which do work correctly with mpv and SVP. It seems I didn't notice the issue before not because of a change on my system, but maybe simply because I was playing files that happened to work better.
I posted the logs below because I really don't understand what makes the difference between a working session and a crashing one. This is fully reproducible: a video that crashes will always crash, always at the same time (usually a couple seconds after SVP kicks in), and a working video will always work. None of the files I tried are corrupted.
The two logs below are for mpv standalone and for a 720p (roughly 500 MB) and a 1080p (roughly 1.8 GB) videos, both played correctly with SVP.
Not sure what you mean by that. Both logs are in the working case?
Other than bisecting, I guess your best bet would be running mpv within gdb and then posting a full backtrace (with debug infos) on crash.
You should maybe also contact the SVP devs.
Yes, both logs are in the working case. They still show the "canary" message, but that is after I close the mpv window intentionally, as opposed to when it crashes with some other files (logs in the earlier message).
I can try bisecting, but since the issue may in the end relate to the files I play rather than change on my system (and since this is a 2-week old machine that never was updated since my first encouraging tests with mpv and svp), I wouldn't know where exactly to look (mpv, svp, vapoursynth, ffmpeg?).
Can you elaborate on your suggestion to run mpv within gdp and getting a full backtrace? I'm not sure how to achieve that.
I'll definitely try to contact SVP devs as well.
There's a small bit of instructions under the "Crashes..." heading: (Drop the --no-config though.)
I thought you said earlier that it used to work always, maybe I misinterpreted that. If you have no known to work previous state, there's no point in bisecting of course. In this case I'd suspect the cause of the bug either in the mpv vapoursynth wrapper (I especially suspect some recent commits to it), or svp, or some configuration change.
I thought it worked all the time at first, yes. Then I couldn't make it work with SVP anymore, so I suspected a change of my system when I looked for solutions to enable sofalizer (I ended up installing mpv using mpv-build and a ffmpeg option, but I tried other things before and thought maybe I didn't revert them correctly).
However, since tonight I managed to play movies with mpv and SVP again, I am thinking that maybe it was just a question of which movies I played. Since the machine is new, I didn't get to play many movies, and maybe I was just being lucky with the first ten movies/shows I watched, and then unlucky with all the other I tried afterwards. Until tonight. I have not kept all the files that used to work a couple weeks ago, but I tried some that I still have and they indeed played correctly tonight again, which suggests the issue really is with certain files.
The mpv.conf did not change except for the sofalizer part, but I tried commenting out the line and this did not change anything (movies crashing still crash, movies playing still play).
Maybe I can try building mpv with an older commit to have an older vapoursynth wrapper (say one month? But maybe the issue I am facing is a long standing one that I just never noticed before because I never tried vapoursynth before) during the week-end (hopefully). I'll also ask on the SVP side if that does not change anything.
Thanks again for your help @wm4.
openSUSE recently started building mpv snapshots in lieu of proper update and, indeed, recent update from a week or few resulted in the same issue for me. I use vapoursynth filter with mvtools via motion-interpolation script, so without any closed stuff. It always crashes on shutdown of mpv which by itself is not that bad EXCEPT that it hangs entire JACK audio pipeline for 20 seconds after closing mpv, so even other apps can't use it during the hang.
@wm4 Reverting (but NOT seem to have helped. Maybe it's just hidden a more subtle problem but at least it doesn't hang on exit for now.
I see, that's pretty interesting. It's a good question whether it's the direct cause of the bug (maybe subverting assumptions the vf_vapoursynth code made), or whether it just exposes another problem.
Also can someone report this as proper bug? The original issue (audio playback on OSX) is definitely separate.
I have to add that the jack audio issue @v-fox experienced does not happen on my machine. I can see that mpv freezes for one or two seconds before actually closing, but that's all.
Additionally, while the issue still happens on some files, I can confirm having played other 1080p files in 60 FPS with no issue too. I haven't taken the time to ask to SVP devs yet because I lack time to troubleshoot at the moment (often away for work), and as far as I know they have no bug tracker so I would need to ask on their forum.
I'm also getting this issue, but I didn't really have anything else to add, so I only subscribed to the issue after noticing @Kabouik already sorta brought it back to life. When it comes to reporting at SVP forum, I actually found a possibly relevant post a few hours ago here:
mpv version and platform
mpv 0.19 installed through brew. OS X 10.11.
Reproduction steps
mpv My\ Audio\ File.opus
Expected behavior
Lovely music.
Actual behavior
In 14 runs:
10 times:
once: the file plays.
The varying behaviour suggests to me that this is a race condition.
Log files
Sample files
This has been a problem on every file I tried.
Some debugger output:
Here's the back trace: