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Color Management (OS X): Image is too dark #534

Closed UliZappe closed 10 years ago

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

I have compared the icc-profile= setting of mpv to Apple’s native QuickTime Player X on OS X 10.9.1 and found that the resulting colors are basically correct, but the image is too dark.

The following images are from a scene from Lars von Trier’s Melancholia. The first image is from QuickTime Player X:


This image is from a h.264 file (in an mp4 container) extracted from the BluRay version of the movie. I have compared it to the DVD version (played in Apple’s DVD Player) and to the version from the iTunes store, and the colors are exactly the same in these three versions and also match high quality still images I have from this movie.

So this image is arguably the reference and shows how the colors should look like.

The next image is from the same mp4 file, played in mpv without color management:


This image makes it very obvious why color management is a must; aesthetically, it’s basically another image (technically, it’s too red and too saturated).

The third image is again from the same mp4 file, played in mpv with color management (using the default rendering intent, which is absolute – choosing another intent does not fix the problem discussed here):


As you can see, compared to the QuickTime version, the colors seem to be more or less correct now, but the image is obviously too dark.

Now I wonder if this is a deficiency of the liblcms2.2.dylib library that mpv uses, or if it's just that mpv uses liblcms2.2.dylib with incorrect or suboptimal parameters?

Could somebody familiar with this part of the mpv code base comment?

haasn commented 10 years ago

Hey, thanks for reporting this. I'd like to ask what devices you're displaying each of these images on. Are you using the same monitor for everything, including the Apple DVD Player? The first thing that came to mind is the difference between television sets and computer monitors (which tend to be brighter), so it's possible that some program is making an incorrect assumption here.

It might also be possible that mpv is making an incorrect assumption about what the expected input gamma of the movie is. I wasn't quite sure about this when implementing it so any feedback is much appreciated.

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

Yes, these are all screenshots from the very same monitor (a 30" Apple Cinema Display in my case). I also used this monitor when cross-checking with Apple’s DVD Player and the iTunes version.

The first thing that came to mind is the difference between television sets and computer monitors (which tend to be brighter)

Hm, yes, but the very idea of color management is to abstract from any hardware. The task of the monitor profile is exactly to convert the colors such that they look exactly the same on any output device with a corresponding monitor profile.

That some devices are "brighter" than others is pre color management thinking, so to say; this shouldn't matter.

You have a point in that usually there are no factory monitor profiles for TV sets available, and it’s very hard to create them by yourself (almost no suitable measurement devices available). That’s why personally, I prefer either computer displays or projectors to watch movies. Both can be profiled very exactly.

It might also be possible that mpv is making an incorrect assumption about what the expected input gamma of the movie is.

Hm, unfortunately, I have little knowledge about the video side of things, but I would have guessed that the BT.709 and BT.601 profiles define the gamma of the video source (just as ICC profiles embedded in images document the gamma of the image’s color space). The gamma of the targeted display is included in its monitor profile, it will most probably (but not necessarily) be either 1.8 or 2.2. (My display is calibrated to gamma 2.2, which is the OS X default since Snow Leopard (and has always been the Windows default)).

So basically, Little CMS must gamma match the video source gamma as specified in the video profile to the display gamma as specified in the display profile.

From what it looks like, the issue might well be gamma related. (The other, more remote possibility that comes to my mind would be some incorrect blackpoint compensation setting.)

I use a prebuilt version of mpv as I didn't want to deal with all the dependencies of the code base, but if I can help by checking modified binary versions, I’d be glad to do so.

Pacoup commented 10 years ago

Actually, it's the opposite. This is well-known issue with QuickTime (all versions on OS X for as long as I can remember) where the gamma is set too high for H.264.

(Additional notes: This does not happen with mastering codecs such as ProRes because they are tagged with a colour profile which QuickTime understands, e.g. when coming out of Premiere Pro, but by default, QuickTime and any QuickTime-based playback on OS X will happen with a slightly lifted gamma.)

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

Actually, it's the opposite. This is well-known issue with QuickTime (all versions on OS X for as long as I can remember) where the gamma is set too high for H.264.

This contradicts my findings that the H.264 version, the DVD version (MPEG-2, no H.264 involved) and a still image (TIFF format in Adobe RGB (1998)) sport exactly the same colors.

Also, I’ve never heard of this issue in connection with QuickTime Player X, which is 64 bit and based on the new AV Foundation framework. (It kind of existed with QuickTime Player 7, which was not color managed, was 32 bit and built with the old QuickTime framework.) Do you have any (current, i.e. referring to OS X 10.8 or 10.9) link about this issue?

Pacoup commented 10 years ago

My apologies, saying it's related to H.264 may have been confusing matters. I believe it applies to any codec, as will be demonstrated below. (I was wrong in the previous post)

The fact of the matter is, you are observing the brighter so-called reference image in three Apple software using exactly the same video playback framework in OS X:

This is by no means reference matterial. You're just replicating the issue thrice.

The fact that QuickTime Player X is based on new APIs does not change the fact that Apple software does not handle gamma correctly. From OS X 10.6 and on, the underlying APIs have changed, but the issue has not.

Let me demonstrate (all samples produced under OS X 10.9 Mavericks).

In the following sample, the same H.264 video shows a slightly brighter yellow in QuickTime than the other players.


In the same breadth of ideas, this static colour video rendered in Adobe Premiere Pro shows wrong colours in QuickTime when encoded in both H.264 and ProRes, plus, to top it all off, both H.264 and ProRes render differently. (I could not get H.264 and ProRes in MPV simultaneously in the same screenshot, but H.264 renders the same in it, i.e. correctly)

screen-shot-2014-02-09-at-3 25 22

This is notable because, just as the same video will render the same colours on the same machine under Windows and OS X except in QuickTime, the issue is actually replicated in professional media production software.

My video producer friends have been complaining about this forever, mastering their video in Apple software and realizing it's all wrong everywhere else.

haasn commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for the additional input.

Hm, yes, but the very idea of color management is to abstract from any hardware. The task of the monitor profile is exactly to convert the colors such that they look exactly the same on any output device with a corresponding monitor profile.

You're absolutely right, in a perfect world monitor profiles would be an exact resolution of this - however in practice it may for example happen that a studio masters their content as too bright to overcompensate for average TV sets being darker than the BT.709 transfer curves, so an implementation aimed at computer monitors or profiled devices may wish to compensate. Regardless, I don't think either of these playback mechanisms are doing that - and the symptoms would be the opposite (video too dark, not too bright). I'm certain we don't do anything of the sort in mpv, as explained a bit below.

Hm, unfortunately, I have little knowledge about the video side of things, but I would have guessed that the BT.609 and BT.701 profiles define the gamma of the video source (just as ICC profiles embedded in images document the gamma of the image’s color space).

Rec BT.709 defines a segmented input gamma curve used for non-linear precorrection, which is approximately equal to gamma=0.45 (1/0.45 = 2.222..). We use 1/0.45 for our gamma precorrection (and linear light scaling). Looking at the code base again, it seems like a tiny accuracy gain could be gained here by using a segmented curve as input for LCMS (the computational complexity of which is abstracted away by the LUT one way or the other), but it should only affect the lowest two or three black levels and have no noticeable effect on the gamma issue you are experiencing whatsoever (since the exponent is the same). I might as well go and patch it in anyway. Edit: Merged in 257d9f1, I could not notice any difference though.

a still image (TIFF format in Adobe RGB (1998))

Ah, it sounded like you had an officially printed copy, that confuses matters.

I can't comment on the OS X issue but from what it sounds like @Pacoup is reporting, the Apple media frameworks could be bugged? It sounds odd, but could you test it using a DVD player from a different manufacturer perhaps? (I'm not sure how many are color managed or anything like that, though)

UliZappe commented 10 years ago


In the following sample, the same H.264 video shows a slightly brighter yellow in QuickTime than the other players. […] In the same breadth of ideas, this static colour video rendered in Adobe Premiere Pro shows wrong colours in QuickTime […] This is notable because, just as the same video will render the same colours on the same machine under Windows and OS X except in QuickTime

So basically, your argument goes like this:

QuickTime renders colors differently to a lot of other software.

So far, this is correct.

Now, either because you assume the majority must be right, or for purely pragmatic reasons, you conclude that QuickTime gets it wrong while all the other software gets it right.

This conclusion is not cogent and is, in fact, incorrect, as I will show below. QuickTime gets it right, the other software doesn’t.

My video producer friends have been complaining about this forever, mastering their video in Apple software and realizing it's all wrong everywhere else.

There has been a lot of confusion about color management among graphic artists (it’s getting better lately), and instead of getting the color management workflow right, many people tinker with some other settings, only making things worse.

I’ve spent this morning with reading some discussions among videographers and got the impression that the confusion about color management is even worse among this group of users.

So I prepared a test case to clear things up. I did all tests on OS X 10.9.1.

The following is a 1920 x 1080 pixel PNG image in sRGB color space with six colors, the RGB values of which are specified in the image:


(The image was created in Pixelmator, which uses the OS X system wide CMM, ColorSync.)

You can open this image in Preview and check the colors with the DigitalColor Meter application included with OS X:


The DigitalColor Meter will show you the sRGB color values of the color under the mouse cursor. If you have a decent monitor profile, you should find that the colors are correct (= as specified in the image). Note that this works independently of the monitor profile you use. Also note that the values might deviate +-3; this is because the DigitalColor Meter actually measures the screen pixel color, i.e. the color is converted from sRGB (the image color space) to the display color space and then (within DigitalColor Meter) is converted back to sRGB. Since ICC color conversion isn’t lossless, rounding errors are bound to occur.

My actual measurement results were:

201 51 51 52 201 51 51 51 201 202 101 101 101 201 100 101 101 201

This is as good as it gets in color management reality.

Now, I imported (Cmd-I) this image into Final Cut Pro X, which is the first color managed Final Cut Pro version (and possibly even the first (and only?) color managed video NLE in general, I’m not sure about that).

I created a corresponding new project. When dragging the image into the new project, I specified the following video properties:


Then, without any modification, I exported the project by choosing File > Share > Apple Devices 1080p and using the following settings:


This results in a QuickTime movie. Note that it has a video color profile embedded, as the Finder’s Info panel reveals:


Unfortunately, though the movie file is only 240kB (when trimmed to 1s duration), I cannot share it here since embedding movies is not supported in this forum. You can either reproduce the above steps by yourself, or else download it from

Anyway, I opened this movie in QuickTime Player X and again measured the colors, just as with the PNG image above. These are my results:

199 50 49 53 202 50 49 49 198 202 102 100 103 200 103 102 102 202

IMHO, for a video file, these are almost perfect colors. It’s video color management at its best.

In comparison, if I open the same movie in mpv, I get these values:

193 39 36 39 194 38 35 47 194 192 87 87 87 194 87 88 88 193

So, as you can easily see, the colors are not only darker in mpv, they are also technically incorrect. The same goes for VLC and the many other players with this flavor of color reproduction. The one software that gets it right is QuickTime.

In the case of the original image from Melancholia, I know that the director intended it to look like the first instance, not like the third one, but obviously, you can believe me or not, or we could endlessly argue about aesthetics. I hope this purely technical demonstration makes it clear which of the color reproductions is the correct one.

pigoz commented 10 years ago

You can use or Dropbox to host the file

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

OK, you can download the movie file at

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

An additional note: The movie is only 1 s long, so you must pause it immediately after opening it in mpv to prevent that mpv quits again.

pigoz commented 10 years ago

I can get out the same results you described, I wonder if it's possible to extract that color profile from the video. Maybe using that as icc-profile with mpv would improve the situation.

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

I wonder if it's possible to extract that color profile from the video. Maybe using that as icc-profile with mpv would improve the situation.

Unfortunately, I don’t know that much about video color management so far, but my guess would be that what is embedded is not an actual profile but rather a tag that describes the color space used (just as many images don’t actually include the sRGB profile, but just indicate that their color space is the – standardized – sRGB. So HD (1–1–1) maybe simply means BT.709. But as I said, so far I’m not sure.

pigoz commented 10 years ago

I opened the png you attached in the discussion with mpv (mpv --paused color-test.png) and the "Display in sRGB" colors in DigitalColor Meter seem to be correct. I suspect the problem is indeed related to the color tagging applied by Final Cut Pro and the fact that only Apple frameworks recognizes it.

haasn commented 10 years ago

Out of curiosity, could you show a screenshot of what QuickTime renders when color management is disabled?

I noticed that the gamma of mpv's color managed version seems similar to its non-color-managed version, so I'm not sure if the difference between QuickTime and mpv here is strictly tied to color management at all or if there's an inherent brightness difference even with it disabled (which would also rule out LittleCMS).

I opened the png you attached in the discussion with mpv

I wouldn't rely on mpv rendering png files correctly (with respect to color management), I have no idea what it does but it probably just decodes the PNG naively and then color manages it as if it was BT.709 input material (regardless of the input profile tag), which for untagged PNG should be correct save for the gamma curve.

I suspect the problem is indeed related to the color tagging applied by Final Cut Pro and the fact that only Apple frameworks recognizes it.

This shouldn't affect the samples obtained from the Blu-ray though, since that's untagged BT.709, unless @UliZappe transcoded it into a different color space (+ tagging).

UliZappe commented 10 years ago


You're absolutely right, in a perfect world monitor profiles would be an exact resolution of this - however in practice it may for example happen that a studio masters their content as too bright to overcompensate for average TV sets being darker than the BT.709 transfer curves, so an implementation aimed at computer monitors or profiled devices may wish to compensate.

I know that in the "real world"® things like this happen, but this is what above I referred to as instead of getting the color management workflow right, many people tinker with some other settings, only making things worse. In the end, you’re just opening a can of worms. Therefore I would argue that in implementing color management in an application like mpv it is crucial to stick to the standards, no matter what the current practices are. Otherwise, the standards will never have a chance to become commonplace.

I'm certain we don't do anything of the sort in mpv, as explained a bit below.

OK; so we agree here. :-)

Rec BT.709 defines a segmented input gamma curve used for non-linear precorrection, which is approximately equal to gamma=0.45 (1/0.45 = 2.222..). We use 1/0.45 for our gamma precorrection (and linear light scaling). Looking at the code base again, it seems like a tiny accuracy gain could be gained here by using a segmented curve as input for LCMS (the computational complexity of which is abstracted away by the LUT one way or the other), but it should only affect the lowest two or three black levels and have no noticeable effect on the gamma issue you are experiencing whatsoever (since the exponent is the same). I might as well go and patch it in anyway. Edit: Merged in 257d9f1, I could not notice any difference though.

Yes, this is a very subtle difference and certainly not the deviation we’re confronted with here.

a still image (TIFF format in Adobe RGB (1998))

Ah, it sounded like you had an officially printed copy, that confuses matters.

Now I’m confused – not sure where we misunderstood each other. The TIFF is "official" in that’s it’s extracted from an "official" PDF of the production. It was embedded in the PDF and its color space was Adobe RGB (1998).

Not sure how this confuses matters.

I can't comment on the OS X issue but from what it sounds like @Pacoup is reporting, the Apple media frameworks could be bugged?

Hopefully, meanwhile it has become clear that the bugs are on the "other side" and the Apple media frameworks are correct.

It sounds odd, but could you test it using a DVD player from a different manufacturer perhaps? (I'm not sure how many are color managed or anything like that, though)

I can’t because there aren’t any (to the best of my knowledge). QuickTime vs. the rest of the world probably means consistent color management vs. inconsistent color management or no color management at all.

UliZappe commented 10 years ago


I opened the png you attached in the discussion with mpv (mpv --paused color-test.png) and the "Display in sRGB" colors in DigitalColor Meter seem to be correct.

Very interesting! I wasn’t aware mpv can open images.

And you’re right, the colors are rendered 100% correctly.

I suspect the problem is indeed related to the color tagging applied by Final Cut Pro

It’s indeed just tagging:

I found an Automator action that can attach profiles to video files:


If you attach another profile to a copy of a video and make a diff between the two versions, it’s only a few bytes in the file header that have changed.

There are only 3 profile options: SD (Rec. 601) | HD (Rec. 709) | RGB

Additionally, there is an Exported on: setting with the values Mac | PC. I have no real idea what this setting refers to, and it seems to make no difference at all in color reproduction for the SD and HD settings. In the case of RGB, however, the difference is huge (and the colors of the PC version are far off on a Mac).

The Finder reports files generated with these settings as follows:

SD (Rec. 601) – SD (6-1-6) SD (Rec. 601) [PC] – SD (6-1-6) HD (Rec. 709) – HD (1-1-1) HD (Rec. 709) [PC] – HD (1-1-1) RGB – RGB (2-2-6) RGB [PC] – RGB (1-2-6)

Again, no difference for SD and HD with regard to the Mac/PC setting.

So our assumption was correct that these profiles basically flag BT./Rec. 601 / BT./Rec. 709 for video files (not sure when RGB is needed).

BTW, does anyone know what the (1-1-1) etc. values refer to? I had found some info earlier on, but cannot remember it or find it now.

and the fact that only Apple frameworks recognizes it.

Here, I’m not so sure. Since it’s basically HD vs. SD, absent a recognizable color profile/flag, a software has to take an educated guess from the video parameters, anyway, has it not?

UliZappe commented 10 years ago


Out of curiosity, could you show a screenshot of what QuickTime renders when color management is disabled?

Unfortunately, no. There is no way to disable color management in QuickTime Player X. The only thing I can think of would be to remove the color profile from the movie file, but 1.) the Automator action described above only allows to change the color profile, not to delete it, and 2.), even if it did, QuickTime Player X would probably take an educated guess.

I noticed that the gamma of mpv's color managed version seems similar to its non-color-managed version, so I'm not sure if the difference between QuickTime and mpv here is strictly tied to color management at all or if there's an inherent brightness difference even with it disabled (which would also rule out LittleCMS).

I can hardly imagine another culprit than video color management, because otherwise, why would mpv handle the PNG image correctly?

I wouldn't rely on mpv rendering png files correctly (with respect to color management), I have no idea what it does but it probably just decodes the PNG naively and then color manages it as if it was BT.709 input material (regardless of the input profile tag), which for untagged PNG should be correct save for the gamma curve.

But the colors are completely correct. I would be amazed if this happened by chance. You are right. I just tried a variant of the image converted to ProPhoto RGB, and the colors are completely off in mpv in this case.

I suspect the problem is indeed related to the color tagging applied by Final Cut Pro and the fact that only Apple frameworks recognizes it.

This shouldn't affect the samples obtained from the Blu-ray though, since that's untagged BT.709, unless @UliZappe transcoded it into a different color space (+ tagging).

No, I did not transcode it, I just had to exchange the container (mkv > mp4) to be able to open it in QuickTime Player X; I did this using Subler. However, I just cross-checked in the Finder, and apparently, this was already enough to tag the mp4 file as HD (1-1-1). But transcoded it wasn’t.

Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with video programming at all, but in case this helps, there is an Xcode example called From a view to a movie. It seems to do the same thing as mpv in that it builds a color matrix from the color management parameters and then applies this matrix to the OpenGL output. Maybe this code is helpful in understanding what’s going on?

Pacoup commented 10 years ago
Now, either because you assume the majority must be right, or for purely pragmatic reasons, you conclude that QuickTime gets it wrong while all the other software gets it right.

Not really. I was just going on an assumption based on my own experience, albeit limited, with video production on OS X vs video production on Windows, where that problem has not occurred to me.

There has been a lot of confusion about color management among graphic artists (it’s getting better lately), and instead of getting the color management workflow right, many people tinker with some other settings, only making things worse.

That, I agree. I myself do not fully understand the underlying reasons and technicalities behind the issue and really can't bring any further solid data on the subject.

Now, I imported (Cmd-I) this image into Final Cut Pro X, which is the first color managed Final Cut Pro version (and possibly even the first (and only?) color managed video NLE in general, I’m not sure about that).

Well, only in the sense that FCPX has a complete end-to-end color workflow via ColorSync.

When using my Mac with a calibrated display profile, the color is the same end-to-end from Premiere to the export preview to MPV, etc. Except it's different in QuickTime. But the opposite is true if using a workflow starting with FCPX. So it looks likes it's more something along the lines of incompatible color profile data.

Or, well, everybody else could be not fully color managed.

Just a thought.

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

When using my Mac with a calibrated display profile, the color is the same end-to-end from Premiere to the export preview to MPV, etc. Except it's different in QuickTime.

So that means that if you recreate my test from above, but with Premiere (i.e. if you import the PNG image from above into Premiere instead of FCPX to create the corresponding movie), the colors are correct (as reported by DigitalColor Meter) when playing the resulting movie in mpv? Could you check this? (I don’t have Premiere, so I can’t.)

So it looks likes it's more something along the lines of incompatible color profile data.

That would be strange. I mean, you would think that Rec. 709 is well defined, and we found above that the "profile" the Finder reports is probably not much more than the movie file being tagged as Rec. 709.

Or, well, everybody else could be not fully color managed.

This could be checked when you recreate my test with Premiere.

  1. Recreate my test with Premiere. As described above, the colors should be correct (as reported by DigitalColor Meter) when playing the resulting movie in mpv.
  2. If this test is passed, change your monitor profile to something very different (ProPhoto RGB would be a good choice), for your Mac in System Preferences and at the same time for mpv in its config file. As a result, your screen colors everywhere (including mpv playing the test movie) should look completely off (pale in the case of ProPhoto RGB), but DigitalColor Meter should still report the same, correct sRGB data for the test movie played in mpv.
  3. If this test is passed, recreate the test movie a second time in Premiere, while still using ProPhoto RGB as your monitor profile. (I don’t know whether Premiere will automatically use the monitor profile chosen in System Preferences, or whether you’ll have to switch this setting manually – but of course, the monitor profile used in Premiere should be in sync with the rest of your Mac.) Since you’re using an incorrect monitor profile, the colors should look consistently off everywhere (in Preview displaying the PNG test file, in Premiere and in mpv), but DigitalColor Meter should again report the same, correct sRGB data for the second test movie played in mpv.
  4. If this test is passed, switch your Mac and mpv back to your original monitor profile and play the second test movie again in mpv. DigitalColor Meter should again report the same, correct sRGB data for the second test movie, and additionally, the colors of the test movie played in mpv should now look correct on the screen (as you’re using a correct monitor profile).

(Tests 3 and 4 are required to prevent a seemingly "correct" test result "by chance", as was the case above with the PNG image seemingly displayed correctly in mpv.)

If all 4 tests are passed successfully (no deviations > 3 in DigitalColor Meter), the workflow from Premiere to mpv is indeed correctly color managed (but incompatible with QuickTime for whatever reason). If not, the workflow is not successfully color managed.

haasn commented 10 years ago

Since I don't have OS X, nor do I have sufficient amounts of information and judgment to discern which of mpv, QTX, etc. are incorrect here, nor can I notice anything obviously wrong with the mpv code base w.r.t color management, I'm going to go ahead and try to construct an exact test file and calculate the correct values by hand.

pigoz commented 10 years ago

I looked for some details about QTX color management and it looks like QTX uses the colr atom of the mov and mp4 containers when present. This has a nclc tag which defines the colorspace of the video.


UliZappe commented 10 years ago


Wouldn’t it be easiest if somebody who has Premiere first replicated my test as described in my last post?

If the test fails, then we’ll know which toolchain is correct wrt/ color management, and which isn’t.

If it doesn’t fail, then things would become much trickier, of course, and your suggested procedure would certainly be useful.

Pacoup commented 10 years ago

@UliZappe Okay, I'll replicate the test when I have time tonight, screenshots and all =D

UliZappe commented 10 years ago


Great! :-)

If all 4 tests succeed, just to be completely sure, you could try a 5th and last one: Just like test 1, but use a copy of the test PNG image which you converted to ProPhoto RGB color space before. (Which means the colors should remain the same on the screen (when the image is displayed in Preview), and DigitalColor Meter should still report the same sRGB values, it’s only that internally the image will be in ProPhoto RGB. If color management is correct, of course this should still work when imported into Premiere – it does with FCPX.)

haasn commented 10 years ago

I've generated the following test clip:

100x100 containing 200/50/50 as YV12 (file consists of 10000 \200 bytes followed by 5000 \50 bytes), interpreted as BT.709.

You can find this test clip here:

I'm playing it back as follows:

mpv video.yuv --demuxer=rawvideo --demuxer-rawvideo=w=100:h=100:mp-format=yv12 -pause --colormatrix=BT.709 -vo opengl-hq:icc-profile=/mem/AdobeRGB1998.icc:dither-depth=16

Using AdobeRGB1998.icc obtained from this link:

I've then captured the raw output of mpv's window (as sent to the GPU, which further applies three LUTs for color correction and sends it as-is to the monitor - the GPU LUTs don't affect the output of xwd, though, they're functionally part of the monitor) as follows:

xwd -nobdrs | xwdtopnm > screen.ppm

Analyzing the screen.ppm using hexdump gives me the raw RGB values (a1,ff,57) or (161,255,87) which represent the definitive, final AdobeRGB values assuming everything is correct.

Running this computation manually:

Rec BT.709 specifies the derived signals are as follows:

DY'  = 219 EY'  + 16
DCb' = 224 ECb' + 128
DCr' = 224 ECr' + 128

So, reversing this, we get:

EY'  = (200-16)/219 ≈ 0.84
ECb' = ECr' = (50-128)/224 ≈ -0.348

For conversion from RGB, the rec specifies:

EY'         =  0.2126 ER' + 0.7152 EG' + 0.0722 EB'
ECb'*1.8556 = -0.2126 ER' - 0.7152 EG' + 0.9278 EB'
ECr'*1.5748 =  0.7874 ER' - 0.7152 EG' - 0.0722 EB'

Solving this for ER'/EG'/EB' in matrix form gives us:

ER' = 0.292
EG' = 1.068 (clipped to 1)
EB' = 0.194

As obtained using the following WolframAlpha query:*1.8556%7D%2C%7B0.7874%2C-0.7152%2C-0.0722%2C-0.348*1.5748%7D%7D

To obtain the actual luminance (R, G and B) we need to calculate according to the opto-electronic transfer characteristics, defined by the Rec as:

V = 1.099 L^0.45 - 0.099 for L ≥ 0.018
V = 4.500 L              for L < 0.018

Reversing this gives us:

L = (V+0.099)/1.099 ^ (1/0.45) for V ≥ 0.0812
V = L/4.5                      for V < 0.0812

Plugging this into the values for ER'/EG'/EB' gives us:

R = 0.1
G = 1
B = 0.053

Since these are RGB values with respect to BT.709, we need to conver these to space-independent XYZ values. This is done using the conversion matrix derived from the specified primaries. I will be using the matrix obtained from as listed for sRGB (which has the same primaries as BT.709) which I've confirmed previously are correct.

Plugging it into the R/G/B values gives us:

X = 0.408
Y = 0.740
Z = 0.172*%7B0.1%2C1%2C0.053%7D

Doing the same in reverse for AdobeRGB 1998 gives us:

R = 0.356
G = 1
B = 0.093

Converting these back to the component R'/G'/B' coordinates using the inverse of the power factor defined as 2+51/256=563/256, or 256/563:

R' = 0.625
G' = 1
B' = 0.34

And finally, scaling these back to AdobeRGB's 0-255 range:

DR' = 160
DG' = 255
DB' = 87

Which matches mpv's actual output of (161,255,87) to within rounding error.

For additional verification, I've encoded the video.yuv file using x264 as follows:

x264 video.yuv --input-res 100x100 --input-csp yv12 --input-range tv -o video.mkv --colorprim bt709

You can find the resulting video.mkv file here:

I then played back the mkv as followed:

mpv --colormatrix=BT.709 video.mkv --pause -vo opengl-hq:icc-profile=/mem/AdobeRGB1998.icc:dither-depth=16

And repeated the screenshot procedure from above, which resulted in the identical values (161,255,87), confirming that either both x264 and mpv handle this correctly or that x264 and mpv's H.264 decoder have identical errors, which I rule out as implausible for now.

What does this tell us? That, at any rate, mpv seems to handle BT.709 Y'CbCr data and ICC profiles correctly, using the raw input or H.264 - which is the most pressing type of source that we care about getting correctly. It also rules out obvious bugs in LittleCMS.

Of course, all of this is running on Linux. It's possible that OS X does something else to the mpv's output window instead of simply passing the raw values to the device as profiled by the ICC profile. If this is the case, it would certainly explain any color mismatches.

Also, since these tests are based on the standard scenario of simple BT.709 Y'CbCr data with no abnormal tagging or color spaces, it simply confirms that mpv handles the base case correctly. This doesn't rule out mpv doing something completely wrong when encountering nonstandard color matrices or tagging. Theoretically what should be happening for other color matrices like BT.601 is that the color matrix mpv uses internally converts this to BT. 709, which is handled normally from there. I'm not sure how correct these matrices actually are, since I haven't written or verified those myself. Maybe something about the color primaries or white points is not correctly adapted.

Can you confirm that you get the same values out of QTX when playing the .mkv I uploaded above, for starters?

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

Can you confirm that you get the same values out of QTX when playing the .mkv I uploaded above, for starters?

Unfortunately, I cannot even open this movie in QTX. It won’t accept movie files with 0 s duration. Can you provide a version with a duration of >= 1s?

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

Oh, and ideally in an mp4 container, not mkv. QuickTime cannot handle mkv, so I’d have to convert the container first, which would be an additional step for possible errors.

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

In the meantime, I tried what happens if I play video.yuv in mpv with the identical command you described above (the only difference was that I used the AdobeRGB1998.icc profile included with OS X).

The resulting raw RGB values on my screen (again measured with DigitalColor Meter) are:

154 255 74

In contrast, your values were: 160 255 87.

This means that again, mpv displays too dark an image on OS X.

haasn commented 10 years ago

This means that again, mpv displays too dark an image on OS X.

This is actually quite interesting. It might be the case that OS X is indeed messing with mpv's output. Unless the ICC profile is different for some reason (highly doubtful), I can't imagine there being a platform-dependent different in the actual rendering logic used by mpv.

This is where my knowledge of OS X and how it handles colors ends, unfortunately. I'm not going to touch any of the logic that will affect Linux or Windows, where the current behavior seems correct - not to mention not knowing what I'd change even if I were to fix something - but if you can pinpoint the issue and figure out why mpv's output is too dark on OS X specifically (maybe related to some Window flags?), that would be worth looking into.

Here's a longer, 1 second clip in an mp4 container:

mpv also outputs (161,255,87) for this test clip.

Edit: Oops, this clip and the .mkv file earlier were both encoded in Hi10P profile, which QuickTime seems unable to render - which makes it even more interesting that mpv rendered x264's output with the right values, since it means the 10-bit source -> renderer workflow works correctly, too.

I'll update the clips with 8-bit versions as soon as I can.

Edit 2: The video.mp4 link above is now 8 bit, and for comparison I've also uploaded an 8-bit .mkv file at

Pacoup commented 10 years ago

Hmm, I'm trying to be very thorough this time, I really want to understand this issue, so it's taking much longer than expected to compile the results (e.g. I had to split the first test in two parts, go figure).

Anyway, I can't complete this tonight, so maybe tomorrow!

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

Here's a longer, 1 second clip in an mp4 container:

Thanks! As it turns out, the length wasn’t the issue; QuickTime Player X still refused to open the movie file. However, I could open the file in QuickTime Player Pro 7 and then export it with identical settings (no transcoding) as a .mov file. The .mov file could then be opened in QuickTime Player X. I also opened it in mpv and verfied that mpv would still display exactly the same colors, which it did. So we can reasonably assume that the .mov file which I could test is unchanged from your original file with regard to the color values.

I also downloaded the AdobeRGB (1998) profile from the source you linked and verified that mpv's output remains unchanged when I use this profile instead of the one OS X provides; so this is also no problem.

Unsurprisingly, your mp4 movie file was not tagged with an OS X color profile. Interestingly, exporting the mp4 in QuickTime Player Pro 7 to mov automatically tagged the file with the SD (6-1-6) profile, as revealed by the Finder. (I would assume that SD was chosen because of the pixel size of the movie.) In any case, this means that I could not test the output of QuickTime Player X with a movie file without a color profile.

I tested QuickTime Player Pro 7 in parallel to QuickTime Player X. Contrary to what I seemed to remember, QuickTime Player Pro 7 is color managed, too, albeit a bit less exact as QuickTime Player X (I have not listed the slightly different results for QuickTime Player Pro 7 below). OTOH, QuickTime Player Pro 7 allowed me to measure the colors of your original mp4 file without an OS X color profile. It turns out that this does affect the color reproduction. The colors of a movie file without any OS X color profile differ from all other versions (with SD, HD, RGB(Mac) and RGB(PC) – which, of course, also all differ from each other). This means the colors of your mp4 file would not be reproduced correctly in QuickTime as long as the movie file has no color profile (of course, QuickTime Player X seems to simply refuse to open it). Also, the color and screen RGB values of a movie file without any OS X color profile do not change when I change the monitor profile of OS X to something as grossly incorrect as AdobeRGB (1998) – which suggests that QuickTime applies no color management at all to a movie file without an OS X color profile. Therefore, using a movie file without a color profile is the closest thing in OS X to switching off color management (as I assumed). Unfortunately, Automator offers no action to remove color profiles from a movie file (and I know of no other method), so you can only try files that have no profile from the beginning (which, in turn, might not open in QuickTime Player X).


With all this said, here are my test results. To perform a test comparable to yours in QuickTime, I chose AdobeRGB (1998) as my monitor profile in the OS X System Preferences. I again measured the colors with DigitalColor Meter, this time using native monitor RGB values instead of sRGB, of course.

No software icc-profile= color matrix= profile in movie_file screen_RGB values Remarks
1 calculated value - - - 160 255 087 taken from nandykins’ post
2 QuickTime Player X - - HD (1-1-1) 161 255 086 this should be correct and indeed is
3 mpv specified specified does not matter 154 255 074 this should be correct but is too dark
4 QuickTime Player Pro 7 - - no profile 109 255 075 no color management
5 mpv no specified does not matter 074 255 049 no color management
6 QuickTime Player X - - SD (6-1-6) 171 252 090 wrong settings
7 QuickTime Player X - - RGB (2-2-6) 156 250 083 wrong settings
8 QuickTime Player X - - RGB(PC) (1-2-6) 201 255 153 wrong settings
9 mpv no no does not matter 090 255 057 wrong settings
10 mpv specified no does not matter 159 255 078 wrong settings

As you can see, I included various setting variants which are supposed to be incorrect but possibly of interest in analyzing what’s going on.

One observation: The color values of mpv used without the color matrix= parameter (line 10) are at least closer to the correct values as mpv used with this parameter (line 3).

pigoz commented 10 years ago

EDIT: using master with mpv I get '161 255 086', while before the fixes nand added, I got '154 255 074'.

haasn commented 10 years ago

@UliZappe: It came to my attention that the change I made in a previous post w.r.t gamma curves was actually not that trivial after all, in fact the 1.099 scale factor that was previously neglected precisely explains the difference between 160-154 and 86-74. I accidentally implemented this slightly incorrectly at first, and the error pretty much exactly canceled out the change - which is why I thought there was no difference at first. I've fixed this now.

If you could update to the latest version of mpv and test again with your very first sample and confirm that displays correctly, this issue would actually have been resolved (indeed being a bug in mpv, that only occurred when using an ICC profile).

Apart from that, I don't know what implications pigoz's latest comment has.

Edit: None, he thought it did something but that was actually the fix I pushed to master which had the effect.

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

If you could update to the latest version of mpv and test again with your very first sample and confirm that displays correctly, this issue would actually have been resolved

I guess there’s no prebuilt OS X binary for the latest version, is this correct? Because in this case, it will take me some time, as the mpv code has several dependencies on other code, IIRC, and since I do not like the package managers available for OS X, I first would have to install and compile all this "manually".

Or maybe someone who is already able to compile mpv on OS X easily can put the newest version on a download server?

haasn commented 10 years ago

I wasn't aware there are OS X binaries at all. I'm not sure if I can cross-build a binary for you but if I can find the relevant instructions that might certainly be a possibility.

At any rate, mpv shouldn't have that many dependencies you can't disable, the most notable being ffmpeg HEAD I think, and for that the mpv-build repository (or whatever the name was) should provide you with a self-contained version that won't clutter up your system. You also won't have to install anything, a simple build should be completely self-contained in the build directory, from which you can just run the binary directly for testing purposes.

Apart from that, I'm guessing pigoz will be able to provide a binary you can use to test this with.

pigoz commented 10 years ago

Apart from that, I'm guessing pigoz will be able to provide a binary you can use to test this with.

Nope, @ChrisK2 does the builds.

kax4 commented 10 years ago

@UliZappe You may try my build it based on mpv 0.3.4 with cherry-pick from master branch 9dc9254da25b784fe32ec6bedfc258efe2254ba5 & 7d9fff9c6beab897cc47218c74afb48b1d45ed11.

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

@kax4: Thanks, I downloaded it and will try as soon as I find time.

Pacoup commented 10 years ago
UliZappe commented 10 years ago

Yep, I know …

From the compilation instructions:

Install Homebrew

That’s exactly what I wanted to avoid …

ChrisK2 commented 10 years ago

new binary up

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

So here are the test results with @kax4's built:

Line 3 from my table of test results above now gives:

161 255 87

In other words, this test works now. :-)

Unfortunately, it still does not work correctly with my "real world generated" test movie from above, with the six sRGB color patches.

Ironically, now these patches are too bright:

202 057 056 058 201 056 057 056 201 200 105 106 105 202 105 106 106 201

Right now, I have no idea what’s going on now.

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

Ooops, the results differ slightly with @ChrisK2's built:

159 255 085

200 060 058 060 199 058 059 059 199 198 103 102 103 199 103 104 103 199

(Launched from the command line with exactly the same parameters)


kax4 commented 10 years ago

My bad, missed commit 7d9fff9c6beab897cc47218c74afb48b1d45ed11 when cherry-pick the one in the binary actually 257d9f161027a6b9fa972aee3826029f9fbfac87.

Pacoup commented 10 years ago

@ChrisK2 Thanks, this will be useful in my test.

UliZappe commented 10 years ago


My bad, missed commit 7d9fff9 when cherry-pick the one in the binary actually 257d9f1.

Well, your results were partly better than those I got with @ChrisK2’s built …

haasn commented 10 years ago

I've decided to do some testing with difference ICC profiles since I noticed something odd going on.

I've obtained three sRGB profiles from One at v4, and both at v2. The one named sRGBbpc.icc has black-point-compensation built-in.

My first test is with video.mp4 only. (If you want to reproduce this, don't forget to set --colormatrix=BT.709 because the mp4 file seems incorrectly tagged)

no CMS       = (74,255,49) matches the full range BT.709 values precisely
:srgb        = (89,255,65) matches the calculated sRGB values precisely

Intent = absolute colorimetric

sRGBv4.icc   = (84,255,56) too dark?
sRGBv2.icc   = (84,255,56) too dark?
sRGBbpc.icc  = (89,255,64) matches the sRGB values
AdobeRGB.icc = (159,255,85) matches the calculated AdobeRGB values

Intent = relative colorimetric

sRGBv4.icc   = (84,255,56) too dark?
sRGBv2.icc   = (84,255,56) too dark?
sRGBbpc.icc  = (89,255,64) matches the sRGB values
AdobeRGB.icc = (159,255,85) matches the calculated AdobeRGB values

I then rebuilt with black point compensation enabled in LittleCMS:

Intent = absolute colorimetric

sRGBv4.icc   = (84,255,56) too dark?
sRGBv2.icc   = (84,255,56) too dark?
sRGBbpc.icc  = (89,255,64) matches the sRGB values
AdobeRGB.icc = (159,255,85) matches the AdobeRGB values

Intent = relative colorimetric

sRGBv2.icc   = (89,255,64) matches
sRGBv4.icc   = (89,255,64) matches
sRGBbpc.icc  = (89,255,64) matches
AdobeRGB.icc = (159,255,85) matches

So it looks like the combination of BPC enabled, relative colorimetric is the only one that matches the black point “correctly”, where correctly here means according to the calculated values. Of course, absolute colorimetric mode is still there for those who actually want the blacks to have the correct brightness too (which, as a result, makes the entire image darker and crushes the blacks).

With this combination, I've tested your and compared the reds:

no CMS       = (192,44,44)  these must be the raw BT.709 values
:srgb        = (199,60,60)  too bright?
sRGBv4.icc   = (199,60,58)  too bright?
sRGBv2.icc   = (199,60,58)  too bright?
sRGBbpc.icc  = (199,60,58)  too bright?
AdobeRGB.icc = (172,62,61)  unchecked

It looks like all rendering options are rendering your movie clip too brightly.

It looks like your program did indeed store the values (199,60,60), which according to the above tests would compensate for a renderer that doesn't do black compensation.

To prove this, I disabled black compensation again by setting the icc-intent to absolute colorimetric and got out (198,50,49) from both sRGBv4.icc and sRGBv2.icc.

From what it looks like: Your software's workflow is applying BPC in the creator and no BPC in the player (which cancels out), whereas mpv also applies BPC to profiles with BPC enabled (making everything brighter than you expect), and to all profiles when BPC is enabled manually in relative colorimetric mode.

Could you look into whether or not you can figure something out with regards to black point compensation on your end? How does QTX handle this? How does FCPX handle this? And most importantly, how does your original Blu-ray test clip handle this?

Ps. I'm going to merge in the :srgb fixes (the current HEAD's :srgb suffers from the same deficiency as :icc-profile did before my earlier patches) but I'm not sure how to handle the default rendering intent. It seems like the ideal solution would be to set the source gamut black point correctly, but I'm not sure how to extract this from the tags - or even if it's tagged at all. Alternatively, we could just provide :icc-bpc as a user-exposed option and rely on the end user to configure things correctly. Neither really seem pleasing.

What does your Melancholia sample render like with ChrisK2's mpv build, by the way?

UliZappe commented 10 years ago

@nandykins: Very interesting! I’ll do some testing as soon as I find time for this (could mean not before tonight).

haasn commented 10 years ago

I've pushed the changes mention to

If @ChrisK2 or somebody else could make you a build of that you can use that to test all of your available samples. In relative colorimetric mode, BPC should be enabled, and in absolute colorimetric mode, there should be no extra BPC on top of what the profile already does.

If you notice a difference in brightness between relative and absolute colorimetric modes using this build, then you know that your ICC profile does not have inherent BPC like the AdobeRGB1998.icc and sRGBbpc.icc profiles do.

However, since you already reported that your sample clip renders too brightly, it sounds like your ICC profile does have built-in black scaling, and hence, you should not notice a difference between absolute and relative colorimetric modes using this build.

If that is indeed the case, it leaves further questions open as to how exactly QTX is deriving its colors - since it seems to not only not do BPC, but to make things darker than the scaled ICC profile would have.

ChrisK2 commented 10 years ago

I hope you are on 10.9