mpv-player / mpv

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'[ffmpeg] hls: keepalive request failed' error on YouTube videos (with youtube-dl) #8500

Open haebawari opened 3 years ago

haebawari commented 3 years ago

Important Information

Provide following Information:

Reproduction steps

Play YouTube link in mpv. Some behave better than another.
Sometimes errors start happening right away and don't stop, other times they occur in small stacks with pauses between them. The errors manifest in extreme buffering and can break the playback completely. Happens mostly on livestreams, can not consistently reproduce error with regular videos. Errors do not seem to be happening with links from other streaming services.

Expected behavior

No buffering issues, seamless playback

Actual behavior

Buffering, broken playback.

Additional observations:

Log file

[ffmpeg] https: Cannot reuse HTTP connection for different host: != [ffmpeg/demuxer] hls: keepalive request failed for ' with error: 'Invalid argument' when opening url, retrying with new connection

haebawari commented 3 years ago

Another error that frequently happens specifically on the following video:

[ffmpeg] tls: read failed: error:14FFF3E7:SSL routines:(UNKNOWN)SSL_internal:unknown failure occured [ffmpeg/demuxer] hls: keepalive request failed for ' with error: 'I/O error' when opening url, retrying with new connection

To reiterate, some links are completely unaffected, some show sporadic errors, and some like this one have errors consistently.

garoto commented 3 years ago

This looks more like an issue with your ISPs google content cache or your ISP is load-balancing the IPs for, which is the domain name used by google for YT live content (as returned by youtube-dl --get-url), and your OS DNS caching mechanics are getting in the way.

FWIW, I just let mpv play the link you posted for ~45mins and had zero errors/warnings:

> mpv                                                                                                     
[  7.540856]    cplayer:  (+) Video --vid=1 (h264 1920x1080)                                                                                          
[  7.541512]    cplayer:  (+) Audio --aid=1 (aac 2ch 44100Hz)                                                                                         
[  7.738633]    cplayer: AO: [wasapi] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float                                                                                        
[  7.739547]    cplayer: VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 yuv420p                                                                                                  
[  7.774554]   term-msg: mpv 0.33.0-69-g4fa11a27f5-garoto                                                                                             
[  7.775011]   term-msg: Title: πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ Japanese 70s 80s New Music Soul Funk Disco Fusion City Pop Kayou Reggae ε’Œγƒ’γƒŽ ニγƒ₯γƒΌγƒŸγƒ₯γƒΌγ‚Έγƒƒγ‚―πŸ—Ό                          
[ 12.748927] statusline: AV: 00:00:04 / 00:00:15 (32%) A-V:  0.000 Cache: 11s/1MB                                                                     
[ 12.758463] osd/libass: Glyph 0x1F1EF not found, broken font? Trying all charmaps                                                                    
[ 23.740538] statusline: AV: 00:00:16 / 00:00:34 (46%) A-V:  0.000 Cache: 18s/6MB                                                                     
[ 23.987124] osd/libass: Glyph 0x1F1EF not found, broken font? Trying all charmaps                                                                    
[ 25.076387] statusline: AV: 00:00:17 / 00:00:34 (50%) A-V:  0.000 Cache: 17s/5MB                                                                     
[ 25.320011] osd/libass: Glyph 0x1F1EF not found, broken font? Trying all charmaps                                                                    
[ 32.782094] statusline: AV: 00:00:25 / 00:00:39 (63%) A-V:  0.000 Cache: 14s/4MB                                                                     
[ 32.919537] osd/libass: Glyph 0x1F1EF not found, broken font? Trying all charmaps                                                                    
[ 35.764399] statusline: AV: 00:00:28 / 00:00:44 (62%) A-V:  0.000 Cache: 16s/3MB                                                                     
[ 35.886663] osd/libass: Glyph 0x1F1EF not found, broken font? Trying all charmaps                                                                    
[2725.742594] statusline: AV: 00:45:18 / 00:45:34 (99%) A-V:  0.000 Cache: 16s/1MB                                                                    
[2726.706255]    cplayer:                                                                                                                             
[2726.706942]    cplayer: Exiting... (Quit)
haebawari commented 3 years ago

Interesting, thanks for replying. I just tried the same thing on different Win7 machine (with wifi this time), and got the identical behaviour, even up to the part where launching a link on one machine while the same link is running on other stops the errors on both of them.

Sunda001 commented 3 years ago

same i got the same issues, i ran it on my vps and the os is ubuntu

haebawari commented 3 years ago

A bit of an update, the issue persists if not getting worse. The errors can start appearing after hours of seamless playback, even after doing the trick to fix the initial flood of errors.

Also now I'm noticing this bit popping out frequently among the errors:

[decode_wrapper/ad] Invalid audio PTS: 20.015601 -> 21.014067
[cplayer] Audio/Video desynchronisation detected! Possible reasons include too slow
[cplayer] hardware, temporary CPU spikes, broken drivers, and broken files. Audio
[cplayer] position will not match to the video (see A-V status field).

There were also cases where there were no [ffmpeg/demuxer] errors, and aforementioned desynchronisation errors occured every second, resulting is similarly chopped playback.

Flashwalker commented 1 year ago

i have the same with mpv via yt-dlp:

[ffmpeg] https: Cannot reuse HTTP connection for different host: !=

[ffmpeg/demuxer] hls: keepalive request failed for ',ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,sgoap,sgovp,playlist_duration,manifest_duration,spc,vprv,playlist_type/sig/AOq0QJ8wRAIgCbL-d5MPHIrNF31SedFfyQi9UmkcJnVeGbt5H105VBwCIDCBZptYU3GNpNYiN3Vqu_ZCJbPKOfMLoSKZaKhJvlgf/lsparams/hls_chunk_host,initcwndbps,mh,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl/lsig/AG3C_xAwRQIgDkiGoiP1c86skI1MFVfaRt4m32vewWeSX8gJl5WNi5cCIQC9BEkNZqU2y2vrkrFi4KwjtV3KtEeAERRVElt7fIBFzA%3D%3D/playlist/index.m3u8/sq/9711/goap/clen%3D81875%3Blmt%3D1676784730989197/govp/clen%3D2834368%3Blmt%3D1676784730989195/dur/5.000/file/seg.ts' with error: 'Invalid argument' when opening url, retrying with new connection

The command line:

mpv --quiet --msg-level=all=fatal --stop-screensaver --ytdl --script-opts=ytdl_hook-use_manifests=yes --script-opts=ytdl_hook-ytdl_path="yt-dlp" --ytdl-raw-options=cookies="/tmp/myoutube-cookies.8n3XDt", --cookies --cookies-file="/tmp/myoutube-cookies.8n3XDt" --alang=ru,uk,en,us --slang=ru,uk,en,us --ytdl-format=141/251/140/171/18/43/35/5/36/http-360p/url360/cache360/progressive_sd_src_no_ratelimit/http-380/mpd-3/mpd-2/mp4/best --vd-lavc-threads=4 --vd-lavc-skiploopfilter=all --no-video --sub-codepage=enca:ru:UTF-8 --msg-level=all=status

Playback works, but with spamming of the mentioned errors

brian6932 commented 1 year ago

This is an issue with m3u8 HLS playlists from as well

stereomato commented 12 months ago

i have the same output as @Flashwalker but buffering is slow, at best it buffers 2.5 seconds of video taking... 5 seconds or so to do so

arbitrary-dev commented 11 months ago

Same here. Linux + yt-dlp 2023.07.06 + mpv 0.35.1

24fpsDaVinci commented 10 months ago

same, yt-dlp 2023.07.06 mpv master

paindespik commented 9 months ago

i have the same output as @Flashwalker

WolfVector commented 7 months ago

I have the same error

nerozero commented 7 months ago

Yep, experiencing same issue with mpv:

[ffmpeg] https: Cannot reuse HTTP connection for different host: !=
[ffmpeg/demuxer] hls: keepalive request failed for '
dominiciun commented 6 months ago

This is an ffmpeg issue with m3u8/hls that is not yet fixed. It refuses to work with crossdomain cdns because it requires that the servers are the same.

A way of mitigating this problem is by forcing all ffmpeg requests with a proxy that mandates that all requests have a constant prefix, something like corsproxy should do the trick.

24fpsDaVinci commented 6 months ago

This is an ffmpeg issue with m3u8/hls that is not yet fixed. It refuses to work with crossdomain cdns because it requires that the servers are the same.

A way of mitigating this problem is by forcing all ffmpeg requests with a proxy that mandates that all requests have a constant prefix, something like corsproxy should do the trick.

do you have any examples how this might work?

dominiciun commented 6 months ago


Ffmpeg would be comnected to a proxy that enforces all m3u8s have the same domain using a reverse prozy like cors anywhere. I've tested an m3u8/hls file and it seems that ffmpeg has gotten rid of the error once all items in the m3u are from the same domain.

The prerequisites are...

You can find cors anywhere here.

I cannot delve too much into the specifics at the moment but a fix should be possible with the proxy hack. Or by filing an issue through ffmpeg tracker (

admin-else commented 2 weeks ago

Same with arch based linux + mpv + yt-dlp.