mpvd / vTuner-Emulator-YCast

YCast Docker for Rasberry Pi (Raspbian)
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Bind for failed: port is already allocated #2

Closed egeltuinhuis closed 3 years ago

egeltuinhuis commented 3 years ago


De container wil not run;

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ docker restart c3a3f6d0f743db57ddae32ed73807ddd0a5f681c7097c685e5c8aa53f82d37bb Error response from daemon: Cannot restart container c3a3f6d0f743db57ddae32ed73807ddd0a5f681c7097c685e5c8aa53f82d37bb: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint vtuner-ycast (b8c39a9cc53286092f8d445916e83f1f1072d9f2f94a6fe90839f5aab71a6c91): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

I have pihole running on port 80.

I am new to docker. I can't get a workaround because de docker wil not start(no ip to work around).

I don't no what iḿ doing wrong? can you help me?

much appreciated from beginning docker enthusiasts. Best regards from the Netherlands

egeltuinhuis commented 3 years ago

found part of the problem. The conainer will run if the pihole container is stopped.