mpyw / axios-case-converter

Axios transformer/interceptor that converts snake_case/camelCase
MIT License
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fix: Mark axios as external dependency in rollup config #61

Closed joaolrpm closed 10 months ago

joaolrpm commented 10 months ago

Fixes #60 UMD bundling issues.

I have updated the Rollup configuration to mark axios as an external dependency. This change was necessary to address unresolved dependencies and export errors related to axios when bundling the library.

By identifying axios as an external dependency, we prevent it from being bundled with this library. This not only reduces the overall bundle size but also mitigates potential conflicts that may arise when different versions of axios are utilized in the same application.

Please be aware that consumers of this library will need to have axios installed in their project.

joaolrpm commented 10 months ago

Hi @mpyw 👋!

I apologize once again for the inconvenience 🙏 Could you please commit the version bump in the package.json to master? The last release couldn't be published because it attempted to publish the changes as version 1.1.0.

mpyw commented 10 months ago

Deleted old incomlete tags to release as 1.1.1 :ok_hand: