mqAncientHistory / Lat-Epig

The Lat-Epig interface allows you to query the EDCS and save the search result in a TSV file and plot the results on a map of the Roman Empire without any prior knowledge of programming.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can't access Docker desktop link #53

Closed maxguen closed 1 year ago

maxguen commented 1 year ago

When trying to access Lat-Epig with Docker, I can't seem access Lat-Epig interface. I ran docker run -p 8888:8888 denubis/lat-epig-scraper:main as indicated with success. Then, as instructed, when I try to paste http://localhost:8888/notebooks/EpigraphyScraper.ipynb in my browser, i get an error message

Capture d’écran, le 2022-10-25 à 15 39 23

I also tried to follow to links provided by Docker, but neither of those links works for me

Capture d’écran, le 2022-10-25 à 15 40 47

Thank you for your help. I apologize for any inconvenience, I am pretty new to Digital Classics.

Best, Maxime

Denubis commented 1 year ago

Try using mybinder:

Denubis commented 1 year ago

(I'll try to debug why local docker isn't working in the meantime)

Denubis commented 1 year ago

Ok, I've fixed it. Give it another pull, please, @maxguen.

petrifiedvoices commented 1 year ago

Hi @maxguen, it should be working now - either the myBinder or the local Docker. I have tested it on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) and it worked for me. May we ask how you have learnt about the tool? Cheers, Petra

maxguen commented 1 year ago

@Denubis Thank you it is now working. I don't know why it didn't seems to work on my Mac, but it is working on my Windows computer!

@petrifiedvoices I came across this tool by looking for EDH dataset as I will start soon my Ph.D. at the University of Montreal. I plan to establish a corpus on Liber Pater's cult across the Roman Empire with Epidoc and EFES. Your article Inscriptions as data: digital epigraphy in macro-historical perspective really inspired me to look more closely on the possibilities of Digital Epigraphy for my thesis.

I have some questions about this tool: In my opinion, one of the main features is the interactive map. It is a pity that we cannot use it outside of this tool because it would be very useful to be able to implement it to a web page (for example). Would this be possible?

Also, the use of tsv files is very convenient. However, would it be possible to import our own tsv documents into the tool? Let me explain: in my case, to find the inscriptions relevant to the Liber Pater cult, several precise terms must be used (Libero, Liberi, Liberum. Patri, etc.) so as not to be confused with the inscriptions of the freedmen (liberti, liberorum, etc.). The advantage would be to be able to do the necessary research (for example a tsv file with Libero and a tsv file with Liberi), to combine them on my personal computer and then to clean them up by deleting the faulty inscriptions which have no connection with the cult of Liber. Then I could upload my new tsv file to your tool and have a new map with the inscriptions of my choice. Is this clear?

Thank you for your time and patience

petrifiedvoices commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback and great it's working! I am glad my article has reached you, that was exactly the reason why we published it. As for the export of the interactive map, I ping to @Denubis as he is the best person to respond.

As for the full circle, going back to the tool with preselected inscriptions, there might be a way > if you can get their EDCS-IDs in a CSV file, then it may work, but again I need Brian to reply how technically challenging this would be.

But map making is a very useful skill to have as a PhD as you will likely produce many of them. Especially since you are interested in learning more about digital humanities, I can recommend you Carpentries workshops ( with some of them focusing on spatial analysis and map-making. You can either follow them online or see if there are any in-person events near you. I had taken R and Python workshops and then I actually became an instructor, Brian even designed some of the workshops. My colleague from Aarhus University teaches Spatial Analytics, based on Carpentries philosophy but slightly more advanced (you need to know some R), her GitHub

Denubis commented 1 year ago

@maxguen try again on your Mac, please. I updated the code. I will close this ticket, but you're welcome to email Petra, Ray and myself to continue this conversation privately.

Denubis commented 1 year ago

Oh, and regarding interactive map-embeds, I urge you to learn Leaflet ( If you want something more WYSIWYG, check out Carto. We're using OpenLayers in a different project and looks like it does what you want (see also: