mquan / lavish

a rails app that generates Bootstrap color scheme from an image
694 stars 92 forks source link

Website is no longer working #34

Open Binnette opened 6 years ago

Binnette commented 6 years ago

Website is no longer working.

JayGreentree commented 6 years ago

It seems the project has been abandoned. No github updates in 3 years.

Binnette commented 6 years ago

This is a bad news 😢. This tools was very useful especially for lazy developers like me who simply want to customize a Bootstrap template easily 😉

mousio commented 4 years ago

On my Windows 10 system I finally got it working thanks to RailsInstaller, since it did not work out for me with WSL/Ubuntu 😞

I got it down to a few simple steps:

  1. Install RailsInstaller and ImageMagick (version 6), order doesn't matter. Versions at the time of writing:

    • RailsInstaller-3.4.0 (Ruby 2.3)

      • Git installation is not required and can be unchecked
      • You can then extract (or git clone) to end up with e.g. C:\Sites\lavish\
    • ImageMagick-6.9.10-73-Q16-x86-dll (x86 version because of 32-bit RailsInstaller)

      • Tick the box to install the development headers and libraries
      • FFmpeg installation is not required and can be unchecked
      • (Other defaults should be OK, i.e. for this setup no need to have a space-less installation path)
  2. Start Command Prompt with Ruby and Rails, but AFTER ImageMagick installation because of required environment variable changes.

    • You can check the path environment variable to verify the ImageMagick installation path is included:

      • echo %path%
    • You can also easily check the ruby and rails versions, like this:

      • ruby -v
      • rails -v
  3. Perform some preparatory file manipulations:

    • Navigate to your site's folder:

      • cd lavish
    • Remove the lock file:

      • del Gemfile.lock
    • Edit the Gemfile:

      • notepad Gemfile
      • change the ruby version to your ruby version
      • remove rails version
      • remove rmagick version
      • add lines for tzinfo-data and tzinfo gems
      • add line for coffee-script-source, but the 1.8.0 version
      • modify line of sqlite3 gem to use the 1.3.13 version
      • resulting Gemfile
  4. Get your website fired up:

    • one-time gem installation:

      • bundle install
    • every time you want to start the website:

      • rails s

Done! Now browse to localhost:3000 → It works! (on my machine) 😃