mquinodo / AutoMap

Tool to find regions of homozygosity (ROHs) from sequencing data.
24 stars 9 forks source link

--vcflist option not available in v1.2 #16

Closed skose82 closed 1 year ago

skose82 commented 1 year ago

bash -h
bcftools higher or equal to v1.9 bedtools higher or equal to v2.24.0 perl higher or equal to v5.22.0 R higher or equal to v3.2.0 ERROR: Usage: [--vcf ] [--genome <hg19|hg38>] [--out ] [--common] [--id ] [--panel ] [--panelname ] [--DP <0-99>] [--binomial <0-1.0>] [--percaltlow <0-1.0>] [--percalthigh <0-1.0>] [--window <3-999>] [--windowthres <1-999>] [--minsize <0-99>] [--minvar <1-999>] [--minperc <0-100>] [--maxgap <0-1000Mb>] [--chrX] [--extend <0-100Mb>]. Exit. (base)

mquinodo commented 1 year ago

It was just missing in the help. The message has now been corrected.