mquinodo / AutoMap

Tool to find regions of homozygosity (ROHs) from sequencing data.
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ERROR : file does not exists (while using v1.2) #6

Closed Jjuj66 closed 3 years ago

Jjuj66 commented 3 years ago


I'm using latest version (v1.2) and when running the file, with --multivcf option, I have an error because it's trying to seek the v1.0 bash file.

Command line : --vcf ../multiSample_annotated.vcf.gz --genome hg38 --out multiSample_AutoMap_HM --multivcf

Error :

## Launching analyis for sample: Sample_Name1
bash: /shared/home/user/AutoMap/ Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
 ## Launching analyis for sample: Sample_Name2
bash: /shared/home/user/AutoMap/ Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type -> means can't find the file.

Best, Julien

Jjuj66 commented 3 years ago

I manualy replace all the _AutoMapv1.0 by _AutoMapv1.2 in the file. Works fine.

mquinodo commented 3 years ago

Dear Julien,

Thank you very much for spotting this error. I corrected the main file in the repository.

Best, Mathieu