mquinson / po4a

Maintain the translations of your documentation with ease (PO for anything)
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.adoc - [underline] not recognized as keyword #388

Closed smoe closed 1 year ago

smoe commented 1 year ago

The line


should appear only as




but it is requested to translate the whole thing.

I am a bit uncertain about what the exact syntax of underline is. To me it looks like an operator expected to work on the whole line. Have seen it on or on only with "#...#" but here it is "..." that I take the freedom to interpret as an instruction to have the text in bold - and underlined.

smoe commented 1 year ago

Maybe I was writing this in a way that was too complicated - I thought I should not be asked to translate the "[underlined].

smoe commented 1 year ago

Thinking again about it, this is not a bug.